Why is it impossible to defend a sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pumpkim, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    Ammo Resupply is the best defense for a Sundy.

    "How's that?" You ask?

    Simple, the best defense is to have tanks parked right on top that SOB who will gladly kill any enemy. Inifinite ammo is a good enticement for someone to park there (if you parked in a good spot)

    In any case, suicide runs don't work on me that much.

    #1: Do NOT just sit in the turret. You can always jump into the turret if you need to but I find it easier to stay appraised of the surroundings by running around outside the Sundy. Also, picking off a C4 fairy with a carbine is the easiest way to stop air drop C4.

    I just run around, plant a couple land mines down. Maybe a few ATM's from the most likely avenue of tank assault, keep it repaired, keep an ammo pack down so teammates don't tunnel vision themselves into the resupply screen for ammo, maybe get a turret set up (but don't sit on it, again, only hop on it when it's time to use it) and generally just keep up an active patrol.

    there are some simply devilish sneaky, nearly downright unfair and almost "cheating" ways to take out a sunderer, but I never ever see those particular methods used (nor am I about to go into detail on how to be an utter cheese ball)
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  2. Axehilt

    I see you've finally come to the same conclusion as everyone else: that your campaign for the PS1 AMS is just one big joke.
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  3. Tuco

    I've been campaigning for the PS1 AMS/CE (by asking for the CUD to be removed)) since 2005.

    PS1 is a ghost town, and PS2 is headed the same direction.
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  4. OldCuban

    Funny topic....

    I love defending Sunderers.

    Seriously, I whip out my max with whatever suits the situation: Mercies for those C4 fairies, Pounders for those pesky tanks, and of course the trusty old Bursters for aircraft.

    Some of my longest kill streaks were done this way.

    Not to mention the importance of keeping your faction's spawn point alive.
  5. OldCuban

    PS2 headed for a ghost town?

    Yeah, ok, that's why people are complaining that they can't get into X continent because it's pop locked.

    /sarcasm on......Cause, as you know, pop locked continents means we're losing players...... /sarcasm off

    PS1 died from lack of in game support and the rampant hackers that were introduced during the " Reserves ".

    Another person who thinks the sky is falling. Yes, they've lost some of the player base, ( some of which came back recently btw ) but this game is nowhere near dead.
  6. Axehilt

    The implication that the AMS has anything to do with PS1 being a ghost town is hilarious.
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  7. Tuco

    The ole "hackers did it in" theory.

    I have a better theory.

    Most complaints, biggest reason players leave, is because 90% of the time you're either clubbing baby seals or getting spawn camped by zergs. And the #1 put forth idea by players is, "redesign bases." While "redesign bases" won't work, the PS1 AMS/CE will work in fighting population imbalances. The secondary complaint is "infantry too weak against vehicles"

    #1 complaint in PS1, by the time 2006 rolled around, was "infantry too weak against vehicles", and the #1 solution was "Buff AV BUFF AV BUFF AV BUFF AV." Again another one of those infantry vs vehicles dynamic. Of course infantry are weak against vehicles when an Orbital Strike blows up your only spawn point for miles around, and the EMP blast destroys every mine within half a base SOI. Duh.
  8. OldCuban

    Well, you may consider the hacker thing a theory, but I witnessed and lived it first hand.

    My entire outfit quit outright out of sheer rage.

    As for redesigning a sundy to be more like an ams, I don't really know how effective that'll be. PS1's ams cloaking ability wasn't really all that. It was still pretty easy to find the enemy amses. All you had to do was follow the stream of enemy soldiers to their origination point.

    Implementing CE would be interesting. I'd love to use my engy to plant miniature auto targeting turrets, motion sensors, and additional mines. But I don't think the devs have that on their minds for the foreseeable future. Think about the turret issue for one, there's no auto targeting system in game atm, they'd have to invent one from scratch. They WERE working on making auto targeting bots to complement low pop factions, but since we haven't heard about it for over a year now, I'd assume they either moved on or failed at it.
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  9. Atis

    Exploiters used aim-bots year ago but suddenly devs cant make same for turrets? Rrrriiight...
    I think they just want to avoid autofighting stuff, cause it will create hugest sh*tstorm among CoD monkeys, same reason why we cant place too much mines.

    Also, redesigning bases is necessary for adding ACE, since current bases can be shelled from nearest hill or entered from 5+ directions.
  10. Kerempooh

    Lol, of course you can't defend a sunderer... alone.

    It's a vehicle specifically designed with group play in mind. That's its primary, if not sole, purpose. To provide a mobile spawn point. So, it would be pretty pointless, not to mention imbalancing to make it able to fully provide for itself.

    Personally, when I'm in the mood to take a bit of a rest from frontline fighting, I enjoy taking a sunderer-guard duty for my squad. I pull a viper or skyguard lightning (depends on terrain) and park myself close to the sundi. Anyone even breathes close to my beloved sunderer gets blown to bits.

    Think of it this way: A sunderer is like king in chess. It's almost the weakest figure in the game but it determines whether you win or loose. All the other figures are there either to protect your own or kill the opponent's.
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  11. CactusLynx

    Maybe because sundy drivers put them in the most idiotic places (directly under a tower, near enemy spawn, etc) so that C4 fairies or engineers can come along and get some certs.

    For the love of god sundy drivers,

  12. DHT#

    And when did those continents become population locked? After they merged servers.

    You have any idea how many servers we're down from when the game first came out? This game is dieing fast. The merges are a band aid trying to cure cancer.
  13. AssaultPig

    it's not hard to defend an AMS; here's what you do:

    1) Deploy AMS.

    2) Swap to infiltrator.

    3) Deploy motion sensor between AMS and enemy spawn.

    Congrats, you have turned every person you spawn into an impromptu defender. Of course, this won't save you if the enemy has more people coming to kill the AMS than you have defending it, but if that's the case you've probably lost the battle anyway
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  14. reydelchicken

    I think that sunderers being unable to get instagibbed by one person would be good, since he whole "not being able to defend" thing only really applies to smaller fights, where you're having a nice uninterrupted infantry fight, and some random engie runs into the sundy with tankmines, instagibs it, and then redeploys after happily getting his cert or two.
  15. MasterCheef

    because its a high value target. simple really
  16. Crator

    Auto-turrets (known as Spitfires in PS1) and large mine fields were not implemented in PS2 because the DEVS said they would cause too much frames per second loss.

    What I really would like to see is option to add a cloak to the Sundy but requires you remove the guns and most of the seats.
  17. TheFamilyGhost

    Good teams can keep a sundy well fed and happy. A good team can also kill a sundy.

    No need to change anything...except players' willingness to be responsible for their sundy. If folks spent more time owning their experiences instead of expecting their experiences to be created for them, then the talk would not be of how to make situations fool-proof but instead the talk would be about tactics.
  18. lawn gnome

    because it is just as true in this thread i will quote something i said in another thread:
  19. Corezer

    I hear Jane Goodall can get monkeys to understand English. Whichever faction recruits her will be invincible!
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  20. m44v

    Motion spotter doesn't help against engineers that rush the sunderer in a vehicle.