Why is it impossible to defend a sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pumpkim, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. m44v

    The motion sensor disappears if you switch classes, need to stay as infiltrator.
  2. MaxDamage

    Because they're all paedophiles, and only someone mentally ill would even try to defend one.
  3. DHT#

    Which is stupid, given that mines don't and have a far bigger impact.
  4. m44v

    I disagree, but this isn't relevant to the thread, I was just stating how it is.
  5. lawn gnome

    mines destroy ONE vehicle, where motion sensors provide a constant info feed for all movements made by the enemy in a local area. plant an AV mine in a biolab and then fire a dart and see which one does more damage.

    also if you are paying attention as a driver most of the time mines are easy to spot and blow up. i can probably count on one hand the number of times my skyguard has been taken out by mines since i started in closed beta.
  6. Jawarisin

    Argument is irrelevant, why would anybody play anything else but infiltrator?

  7. Tuco

    Player behavior in first person shooter games:


    The "N" is your spawn
    The "S" is the enemies spawn point

    The players follow the lines. Of course the sunderer is indefensible, you're the center of the universe and a deployed sunderer is the only immobile target in the game.

    Too bad we don't have the PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors....then it's not so obvious where "N" or "S" is.
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  8. Peebuddy

    You think it's bad now, you should have played Planetside 1 where there were orbit strikes. After a couple years so many people were capable of completely obliterating one square acre (and the lesser pinpoint orbitstrike) that you literally had to have 12+ AMSs when sieging a base.

    Now it's not nearly as bad, run with composite armor and you'll only need to worry about suicide pilots who bail with mines. Which is the rarest of ways to blow up a sunderer.

    Also have two sunderers placed. That way should one be blown up your team can still spawn, hold ground, while you replace it.
  9. Captain Kid

    Worked fine in Planetside 1. Where an AMS had an invisibility bubble and there was no C4. And more people pulled AMS because no timer and no resources and it didn't get blown up in five minutes.
    Yesterday we finally pushed the enemy towards their base after defending ours against several attack waves. one lonely Light assault attacked the AMS and as usual I was the only one who saw him but couldn't hit him with the crappy COF weapons while he was flying.
    He blew up the AMS then killed me in one shot with a shotgun.
    Logged off in frustration. as usual.
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  10. Captain Kid

    I wanted to quote this because I totally agree with this.

    I'm playing my alt character; BR 25. And it sucks having so few options. I barely have one class decked out the way I want it. My Light Assault, Engineer and Medic are still totally vanilla. Which in my opinion makes them not fun to play. I don't even mention vehicles.

    My main BR 45 has three classes reasonably decked out but still only certs for two vehicles and only some essentials.

    Progression in this game is sloooow. I always find it frustrating to read counters on this forum, like on this topic, which require cert investment.
    I have invested some certs on my Sunderer because I liked AMS duty on Planetside 1. But it's to expensive to upgrade it. and to frustrating to use it.
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  11. Torok

    • Sunderer Shield: Allows the sunderer to take more damage while deployed to add some spawn resiliency. This will be equipped in the Defense slot.
  12. Axehilt

    Destroying sunderers between locations already is fairly easy. So the PS1 AMS would be a step backwards from the Sunderer.

    PS1 AMSes were lighter-armored and had no defensive weaponry, so they are really just a worse version of what we have no except for a narrow set of situations which aren't even possible in PS2 since any random player can spawn at your Sunderer (meaning that if we had AMSes with cloaks, some random player would just spawn and reveal the direction of the sunderer, at which point it's super easy for a defending player to locate and destroy it.)

    But (historically) logic and facts have failed to turn you away from this false opinion, so I see no reason they should start working against you now.
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  13. Kriegson

    The primary way to defend the sundy is to have the driver stay with it.

    You can't rely on the zerg to shoot LA's out of the sky, hell you can hardly expect them to shoot an infil in their midst stabbing everyone. The best thing to do is have the driver lock vehicle to squad (So he can access whichever turret he needs without people AFKing in the turret) and keep his head on a swivel, ready to bugger off if/when necessary.

    That's what it comes down to. As a sundy you can drive away from almost anything, or at least have a better chance of getting away with it than most other vehicles.
    That said, one of the most important bits is knowing when to move your sundy. It's not when two prowlers are locking down behind you and a liberator is nosediving on it, it's usually after you notice several people have attacked (And failed, because you were defending it, right?) your sundy and will likely come back with bigger guns.

    Move before they can come back with more firepower and you will survive much longer.
  14. FieldMarshall

    Because where the AMS originated from, PS1, AMSs had cloaking bubbles and people had deployables like sensor disruptors, 20 mines each, a bunch of spitfire turrets etc.
    making it harder for (especially) air to find and take it out.

    You also had the Router, that when paired with an AMS could teleport you from the AMS to anywhere within ~ half a hex away.
    Say, on the roof of a base or the basement etc. Meaning there is no antline of people going from the AMS.
    Just people "spawning" deep inside your base getting JeffBeefJaw'd.

    All this made it hard to find and destroy,
    seems like when they made PS2, they just slapped the Sunderer and AMS together and said "That should just about do it",
    without really thinking.
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  15. Champagon

    "Why is it impossible to defend a sunderer"


  16. Tuco

    That's the idea, the PS1 AMS was easier to destroy as it was driving, but harder to find/destroy after deployed (unless you drove in full view of the enemy and deployed right in front of them). Yeah that's pretty much the entire idea, yeah, a step backwards from the Sunderer, yup, and that's a good thing.

    No actually it was super hard for an enemy to locate and destroy one. Even a cloaker with I-win button Orbital Strike, on their I-win button CUD, had to spend several minutes watching where players were coming from in a raging battle where pops were even. And the less players spawning off of one, the harder it was to locate (ergo it benefits the underpopped side more than the overpopped side).

    But what do you know
  17. Makora

    Sunderer's are infinite. Sure there are timers and resource costs. But ultimately you CAN'T run out of sunderers. Not to mention they provide infinite spawning capability, They also tend to be able to take more damage then a tank.
  18. SevenTwo

    Except that it takes at least 1½ C4 Fairy to take down a Sunderer, provided that you even let them near it?

    I haven't lost a Sunderer to a single C4 fairy in a long time. It's usually someone dropping in on it with a C4 carrying HA (usually at a point where we are outnumbered and have lost anyway), an Engineer with mines or a 2/2 AV MBT just casually passing by that does it in.

    In any event, increasing Sunderer resistance towards certain attacks when deployed would go a long way to ensure Sunderer survival, but only when it's deployed.

    If a deployed AMS came stock with a something like a ~50% damage resistance to mines and C4, it'd allow for sufficient time to take out any kamikaze soldiers before they manage to do catastrophic damage to the vehicle.

    If anyone has enough time to deploy 4+ sticks of C4 or 4-5+ anti-tank mines before you can take them out, your side is probably not defending the Sunderer properly.

    A deployed Sunderer could potentially also benefit from a slight resistance increase against vehicle AV weapons to prevent those ridiculously quick takedowns from AV MBTs and Tankbusters, but you could argue that this is the entire purpose of those vehicle setups.

    When undeployed these resistances would of course not be in effect as the point of the resistances is reducing the frustrating instant-takedowns of the Sunderers. If you let an enemy vehicle or a number of soldiers slam your Sunderer for any length of time without doing anything about it, it should on all accounts go down as a flaming wreckage.
  19. Axehilt

    It wasn't "super hard" to notice that obviously players are coming from that direction, and when you look that direction you see the spot where they magically appear out of nowhere, and that's where their AMS is, and since it's weakly armored and lacks weaponry, and infantry have weak AV/AA options without outnumbering their foes, it was much easier to destroy than Sunderers are.

    I can't speak to your skill or awareness as a gamer, but I assure you I had absolutely no trouble finding and eliminating cloaked AMSes in PS1. It was easier than it is in PS2.
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  20. Tuco

    it wasn't just super hard to find a PS1 AMS it was th'uper hard. It was th'uper duper hard to find a PS1 AMS. The th'uperist duperist hard thing to do in PS1.