Why Is DBG Not Getting My Money!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lividicus!, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Lividicus!

    I need to get something off my chest, I apologize in advance if this seems like a "Whine Thread"

    I have been playing Planetside 2 since Beta. The combat, map size, and vehicles are truly unique to planetside and have kept me paying a subscription for over 2 years! BUT, I am now purchasing and playing Battlefield 4 because I have absolutely NO desire to log on.

    Here's Why:

    *Absolutely NO meta content. I realized I am logging onto this game for no other reason than just to shoot at people. Name ONE single game that doesn't give you a reason to log on! Whether it's leveling to gain abilities, weapons, or access endgame content, EVERY MMO gives players a clear objective and player path!

    *VS Faction Balance. I do not believe that everything VS has is OP (unlike Higby, who at one point stated "VS won't use anything that's not OP"). However, if we don't evaluate their faction and come to an understanding of why everyone has this bias, we cannot fix it. If you're VS, PLEASE try to view from TR or NC's perspective! I honestly don't even fight the VS anymore, haven't since the PPA spamfest months ago. So if you're VS, evaluate what you have versus your enemies, you should reach the conclusion that the VS have a slight advantage nearly across the board! Slight advantage means more players will use the broken ability or weapon, resulting in mass abuse of the advantage and RAGE from those without the advantage, so let's try to MAN UP and fix this faction!

    *TR Faction Uniqueness. I was under the impression TR was supposed to be the HIGH MOBILITY, HIGH ROF faction. We have 0 infantry mobility advantages, our talks/esf get a pathetic 4 kilometer speed increase, which is useless entirely! The TR is the ******** red headed stepchild of Planetside and it is turning into an absolute joke!
    Which brings me to my next point.

    *Faction Population. Because of the above 2 points, the VS now have an obvious and clear population advantage! I play on Connery, and no joke, I have seen the VS completely LEAVE their territory to battle the NC and TR because the NC and TR simply don't WANT to fight the VS!!!!! Once again, if you play VS, PLEASE admit there's a problem and let's freaking get together and FIX IT!!!!!!!! I'm not saying the VS have a .357 and the TR and NC have squirt guns, but the slight advantages VS have across the board have created a massive snowball that is essentially destroying the core component of this game, the combat!

    I'm done with my small rant.... My main issue is the meta content. If I log on and battle for a few hours, I will likely accomplish NOTHING! I'll either find myself in a zerg that destroys all in it's path, or I'll be on the other side, getting spawn camped by the massive zerg! Either way, typically in a one hour session, NOBODY captures and facilities, and we just end up farming each other until everyone gets bored and logs off....

    I'm a long term customer, and the problem is that I don't feel like an appreciated customer! DBG picked up right were SOE left off, building weapons we don't need to turn a small profit.... Instead of adding some objectives, finishing the resource "Revamp", and giving players a reason to go to war! This game has become nothing more than "PRESS 'i' for INSTANT ACTION". You drop pod in, then shoot someone, get shot, and repeat.... You'll earn some certs, but honestly, after level 50 you don't even need those!

    Thanks for reading, hopefully DBG can pull their head out of the VS' spandex and get some air and fix this game! The reason we are all still here is because of the potential this game has!!! And EVERY time we get new stuff like "NS rocket launcher, NS pistol, NS shotgun, etc" it feels like a slap in the face! They haven't even bothered telling us a direction they plan on taking this game! And the only news we got about a September update was "We're going to do ANT vehicles! BUT, first we're gonna make some weapons you don't need, hand tight!!!"

    COME ON DBG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. To those of you who say "Leave then, we don't need you, BYE"... I hope you understand that for every 1 person that makes a thread like this, there's dozens that don't... If we can't convince DBG to do some MAJOR content updates, all you guys are gonna have nobody to shoot at! Just food for thought......
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  2. Asageh

    Game just plain sucks.
  3. ConradHorse

    Well, the problem is that when we write that VS need be nerfed, then a zerg of VS walks around crying that ... their weapons are weak, their vehicles are weak. I bet that when DBG nerfed VS, then some VS would write a post in your tone. You cannot satisfy everyone. And the overpop... how would you fix it? You can fix overpop. You can't say that they don't do a thing about it.

    One of the ways to balance overpop is that you get an XP bonus for being outnumbered. I hope you knew that before writing here.

    But IMO there is another way, a better , even and encouraging - new faction weapons that really differ. Not only with damage, COF, that stuff but in the whole effect and the way they work and they should be usful in niche situations.

    Another thing for overpop was HE DAMAGE. The fact that they had to nerf it because of whinners is to this day giving negative effects. It's obvious that if enemies are scattered = low pop then splash makes less damage and if there zerg comes then the splash weapons are way of balancing this by hitting all those zerglings standing in one place. Easy as 2+2=4. Removing Indirect damage was THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO PS2.

    If DBG won't bring back splash and invent some weapon platforms with big and really counting SPLASH damage then the zerg will always and forever ruin this game.
  4. JudgeNu

    I agree with several points you make, but the problem was "snowballing" along time ago I believe.

    I believe end-game is different for all players.
    I have been end-game on a few games.
    Which is, I have all I could want or need as far as gear and weapons, but there is no reason to use them anymore.
    I am not sure if more meta would help at this point, the imbalance would just create a larger rift to the "winning" side, imo.
    Maybe if the rewards were not able to be monopolized or more incentives other than rewards from cont-lock.

    I also have spent dollars on BF4 and will play it till it is no fun anymore.
    I spent $5+ to unlock all carbines and 5$+ on the pistol unlocks.
    I bought all the map packs on top of the core game itself.
    I have spent hundreds on PS2.
    I am an addict though, I will go balls to the wall on a game then fizzle out when the thrill is gone and returning is hit or miss.

    Devs make great games but how they respond to the way the players use in game tools can be game-breaking.
    Like in BF4 when a player finds himself having to work for his kills and may not win the round, they typically try to switch teams.
    It is this lack of integrity I despise, sure, its no fun to lose, but winning easily everytime is no fun either, making others lose more due to OPness.
    (There should be no trophy for participation and you should strive for the winning trophy, not cheat for it.)

    PS2 has what other games don't, especially the large seamless maps and persistent battlefield.
    But typically the players are the same.
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Literally name one thing besides the Betelgeuse that's over-performing right now.
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  6. CrushingThunder

    Finally someone with a bit of clarity.

    Problem is that VS things aint going to get balanced, and if so, the crying fest it's gonna be so big that DBG eventually is gonna give them their pacifiers back, just like babies.

    Get to the forums to see if someone with 1 inch of forehead was feeling the same as i do, finally did, so i can't be that wrong about stuff.

    Haters gonna hate on you pretty soon, but don't worry, they are just biased mo**** f***** who seems scared enough to come and throw feces at people so they don't lose their fake MLG status.

    Shame on you VS, Shame on you
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  7. CrushingThunder


    That's it, i said one.
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  8. ATRA_Wampa-One

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  9. UberNoob1337101

    Had respect for and will to read the content until I've got after the faction population part, then I realized the entire rant is basically a "**** VS" rant.

    Like I totally haven't seen this before *yawn*.

    While I do agree that TR ES weapons are mostly trash and need to be fixed, everything else ia either subjective or bashing VS for no reason and with zero evidence. Still better thqn most other threads, but at least show us except for alerts and KPH why is VS OP.
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  10. breeje

    Why Is DBG Not Getting My Money!

    cause your a cheap freeloader?:D
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  11. CrushingThunder

    You're right, back on track, SVA-GG(Out performs anchor, godsaw and butcher), gotten from your link :D
    And by those stats you can see that SVA might be broken as hell, does almost the same KPH than the bettle, but with one fraction of the AVG Playtime (bettle got 411.9 hours and SVA-GG 23.9).
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  12. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Sample size.
  13. CrushingThunder

    Why do you want evidence? no even VS listen to evidence.
    You present them with evidence and they disregard the crap out of it for (insert random heavily emotional stupid reason here).

    Lest go even deeper, that fact A has no evidence, doesn't mean fact B is valid.
    So that someone doesn't come with evidence here, doesn't inmediately means he is wrong.
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  14. CrushingThunder

    Wide as ****, all BR's.

    EDIT: if you choose only Q4 BR's, is the same.

    If you look, even further, while starting LMG's for TR and NC are at the bottom of the list on KPH, Orion is way ahead for being a starter weapon.
  15. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Actually the opposite is true.

    There is a ton of evidence that suggests that 0.75 ADS isn't OP (server smash, farmers league, live play statistics) while there is virtually zero evidence that 0.75 is what makes the Betelgeuse i.e. the only 0.75 ADS weapon that is OP OP.

    No, the sample size for the SVA-88GG is too small to actually mean anything, especially since the SVA-88 and SVA-88GG are the exact same weapon with a different skin on it.
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  16. CrushingThunder

    First off all, i didn't even mention ADS, so don't need to go paranoid on me.
    I have already made my point on the overperforming of bettle and not going to write all again, let say, bettle = butcher+vs traits and inf ammo.

    Maybe the sample is small, but result are coherent with the reality of the current gameplay.

    EDIT: just check SVA-88 vs Bettle stats, almost a carbon copy, SVA trades RoF for Bulletspeed and Recoil for First Shot Multiplier.
  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Literally no one is saying, including me, that Betelgeuse isn't over performing right now.

    And no, not it's not "coherent with the reality of the current gameplay" since the only people using the SVA-88GG are MLG spergs which completely skews the numbers. It's what it's the only LMG with less than 24 hours of average play time during the day.
  18. CorporationUSA

    Stopped reading here. This isn't WoW or Destiny. PS2 is a large scale battle FPS. Do people need a reason to log into Battlefield?

    The game is only an MMO in the most strict usage of the term. Don't try to apply the same principle other MMOs have adopted to something that is nothing like them.
  19. CrushingThunder

    Well, as we say in my country, we've landed on right soil.
    Issue is, DBG is not going to change things as they are, so i think i'll drop my AllAccess membership too.

    Great game, big potential.
    Just lazy game planning.
  20. CrushingThunder

    Think you're kind of right, and wrong.
    PS2 its all about teamwork, doesn't mean they can't take element from other game experiencies to make the game better.
    Doesn't also means that if you play in one way, everyone should.