WHY is C4 being detonated on me in 1/2 a seconds time??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iller, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. iller

    ...please please please.. I hope someone from DBG reads this, understands it, and passes it along.
    I thought that by now, C4 fairies would finally have gotten a Proper delay to their Abusive Hitbox-Glitching Antics?

    Listen, this is what happen 9 out of 10 times:
    • I SEE them flying over head. I'm completely prepared for fight or flight mode.
    • I learned that it doesn't MATTER how many times I already shot them directly in the head because the game never registers it in time..
    • ...OR the their hit box is glictched out b/c of bad "Z-Axis" mechanics still.
    • ...OR they're popping a lagswitch which is also way too common and completely un-punished by GMs
    • I see the C4 come out, and I turn to run away....in less than 1 second b/c my reaction time is still pretty good
    • I LAG / CPU-HITCH INSTEAD for almost exactly 300 milliseconds every single time...
    • ..then the explosion happens and there was literally nothing I could have done to prevent any of this.
    This tells me one very specific Technical issue: It tells me that the "Distribution" of the C4, as in when it leaves the LA's hands and the plunger timer counts down to when it can be detonated --- is NOT Server side and fully negotiated to my Client fairly. Rather it may *still* be mostly Client side for the player who is throwing the C4.

    Now granted, I don't have an equitable situation for my Latency... I'm in Western Colorado where the ONLY brodband ISP is the BAD Comcast network, who's main Fiber first goes out EAST to Denver where it then routes to/ftom(???) "COGENT" in effing CHICAGO and then back to the West coast for some asanine reason. There's literally nothing I can do about this situation other than moving to the west coast myself which frankly I'd rathertake a Cheesegrater to my Scrotum and then choke myself than live on that already overpopulated strip of coastline thank you very much.

    But I find this Technical issue to be too much to overcome and I think if the Coder(s?) of this games mechanic had ANY sympathy what so ever for those of us in the "Fly over States"... they would either make this C4 distribution timer require Parity with the Client that it's being thrown AT.... or they would just raise the Detonation timer to a reasonable window that gives ALL OF US time to turn and run away. I dont want to have to file a Complaint ticket to support just to get this Technical issue the attention it's never gotten for the past 5 years since this game's launch
  2. DarkStarAnubis

    (1) The moment your PC renders the C-4 is not the moment your enemy throws the C-4 at you. That happened already in the past.
    (2) Damage is computed client-side (the attacker side), so the C-4 damage is computed on your enemy's PC
    (3) You know you can throw C-4 and press the trigger while the C-4 is still flying?
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  3. Demigan

    If you only notice a slower enemy who has only a limited amount of options to approach you a second before he flies over you and nukes you, faults on you.

    There's plenty of tools you can use against C4, to name a few:
    • Place Spitfires nearby, preferably in the direction you won't be looking and LA's might have an approach from.
    • Use proxy radars.
    • Use situational awareness, knowledge of the nearest spawn, friendly troops and enemy troop positions give you a clue about the remaining approaches left to LA's, check in that direction with regularity instead of focusing on a single piece of the base in the hopes of scoring a kill and you'll be killing C4 fairies a lot, assuming any are even around. As a bonus, just spotting one can prevent a kill as you can move faster and kill at longer ranges.
    • Use your allies. Vehicle players have a more limited situational awareness, both because they have less elevation angle and because they don't need to (they don't die quickly in 90% of the cases). Infantry is squishy and needs to look around constantly to survive. Park near allied infantry who will do your looking and want to shoot hovering pinata's. If one starts to fire nearby you, look around.
    • Approaching a tank as C4 fairy takes time, you can't go straight for it as it'll shoot you. Keep moving and the C4 fairy needs to redo it's approach. As a bonus, C4 fairies tend to try and maximise their chances of a kill, when presented with a moving target and a stationary one, you'll be in the clear.
    • Situational awareness again. Don't park next to cover such as a building that enemy LA's can reach without being shot at and be surprised one of them drops C4.
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  4. NXR1

    Im just going to give the most simple answer. Clientside everything combined with lag is a horrible combination.
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  5. Pelojian

    sorry but this is a L2P issue, only recently did they re-add trigger delay on C4, you'd think you'd be happy about that fact. as demigan has said there are ways to avoid c4 attacks, spitfires being a good solution, they detect and shoot at infantry, if the terrain has features that will funnel the enemy through a tight space, you can place AI mines to act as additional warning.

    if you don't want to take radar in your defense slot, you can try NAR and play as a infiltrator with a motion spotter, if you aren't using an MBT you can use fire suppression when your vehicle is in burning state to save it, while still being able to place down AI mines.

    i both tank and C4 enemy vehicles, i suggest you play both aspects, watch how your allies and enemies play those roles and learn their tricks and use them so you can better understand, how and why they work and how they can be countered.

    when you understand how C4 fairies operate you can know what angles they are most likely to attack from and which terrain features provide the best way to attack a vehicle in any given area.

    the biggest advantage to tanks in PS2 vs real ones is the camera and turret, real tanks sight is limited and their turret traverse speed is slow compared to how fast you can turn the turrets in PS2, you can look all the way around you in seconds, with your gun traversing just as quickly to check for enemy infantry, even if a real tank sees a threat to their side or rear they can't magically turn their main turret to engage the threat instantly(hence why they have a crew served top mounted MG).

    it's also one of the best habits to learn to look around every few shots when you are picking off enemy infantry in a base.
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  6. Demigan

    Considering I only get C4red when I know I'm specifically doing something other than my list, this is definitely a L2P issue.

    Enemies have to approach the solid geometry. More often than not with just a little driving within a small space around your position you can check routes towards that solid geometry and see if enemies are approaching it. Whenever you cannot do that, you should avoid it or take the risk. Just like you can take the risk to go deep into enemy territory to rear-end enemy vehicles, with the risk that enemy vehicles spawn behind you and accidentally outflank you.

    Your vehicle has superior attack range, superior speed and even the simple act of moving is a mighty safeguard against C4 fairies. If you still get caught... Accept it or L2P differently.
  7. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Are we seriously having to explain why adding artificial latency to compensate the lowest common denominator of internet connections is a bad idea?
  8. iller

    In the Shooting game? No.... that would be pure insanity with the number of bullets fired in this game.
    I'm only saying this is a terrible Technical design and worse: A Security exploit ... in the sole realm of C4 detonation.
    And I know for a fact they could make this a lot more server-sided without breaking anyone else's Physics or causing never before seen Desynch. They've already moved plenty of other things in this game more Server side so why not this?
  9. Demigan

    Let's put this to rest.

    C4 is server side. This can be found out by for example sticking C4 to an ESF, flying it at max speed and then detonating. The C4 will keep jinking towards the ESF as the server, not the client, keeps having to replace the C4 on top of the ESF. Once detonated, the ESF can actually get away scot free without damage.

    More proof? When the servers are having problems your hits will still register (most of the time), but C4 immediately goes haywire. Throw it and similar to other server-side objects the C4 could just take off into the skies, stick to the air, or while you are falling and see the C4 on the target and detonate the server still thinks it's only just thrown causing it to go off right next to you. C4 isn't clientside, it's serverside like all other deployable/thrown explosives.

    So, what were those problems you were talking about again?
  10. LodeTria

    It's location come from the throwers client actually. Go stick C4 on your own ESF's glass cabin in VR and it will stay there just fine.
    Putting it on someone else's craft or vehicle will causes the "follow behind" thing you see. It's also why c4 flashes work just fine due to being from owners client.

    Same thing happens with ammo packs in harasser rumble seats. If the owner & driver of the vehicle does it should stay in there just fine. If the gunner or rumble does it it can cause traction issues and the follow behind thing.
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  11. Bansheedragon75

    The problem here is not the technical one you describe, its a design one.
    It's because C4 in this game is designed to be used as if it was a grenade that it's being used as an anti-everything grenade rather than as the demolitions charge it really is that we have this problem.

    I said it before and I'll say it again, C4 is not a grenade and should not be used as one.
    Ask any military officer and they will tell you that C4 is not a grenade and you cant just toss it around as if it was.
    The only way to fix this problem is to completely redesign C4 to be the placed demolitions charge it's supposed to be, rather than as the anti-everything grenade it currently is.
  12. CplRDaWiggy

    Since the change, I really have to say I personally have no clue how so much c4 is killing you.
  13. Demigan

    It's representation comes from the throwing client, the actual position comes from the server. This is why C4 can be thrown, look like it lands on top of the target, detonated and then the explosion happens in the air where you threw it because the sever hasn't caught up yet.

    Also C4 Flashes don't go fast enough and stand still long enough usually for the server to catch up, bonus is that if you use the Fury to detonate them then the C4 will only receive damage when the server caught up and will actually detonate on the Flash against the target.
  14. Corezer

    *does as instructed*
    *C4 explosion appears in face and I die*
    nah, brah, it's server side...
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  15. Movoza

    Actually I think it is. Having used C4 on my LA makes me aware of what they can do and likely scenarios of their approach. I rarely get caught by them and if I do it's predictable why. Standing still a bit next to a biolab, hugging a wall close to their spawn or just rampaging into the enemies base.

    I just make it unlikely in most cases and expect them in others. I try to have friendlies that are able to cover tge sky, move a lot, have little cover for them to reach me, that kind of stuff. If that isn't the case I know where to expect them from and that is, for me, nearly a hard counter. You just move back and blast them.
  16. Trigga

    I could be wrong, but OP seems to be talking about infantry and not his tank being c4d.
    (Could also be on the PS4 since he/she talks about Y-Axis, but not sure on that.)

    He talks about multi headshotting the flying LA, sounds like rifle fire to me, not tank shells (shells will OHK)
    He says 'i turn to run away', but you dont run a vehicle, you drive it.

    His story also generally suggests infantry play, seeing the LA but not being able to multi headshot kill before it lays the c4 and triggers. Or not being able to run away before its dropped and triggerd suggests 1 c4 is dropped, it takes 2 to kill most vehicles, so he would survive the attack if seeing the LA when he did.
    The 300m/s lag / CPU hitch also seems to indicate an infantry death (he is infact already dead when the lag starts), again too little time for you to lose a tank to c4, unless you see the 2 c4 on your tank as they explode.

    The devs have obviously recently added a small delay to the c4 trigger, i am sure one of the reasons was to help combat the 'unstopable LA c4 suiciding' into point rooms, which was partly enabled by the clientside lag.
    OP presumably wants more to be done (cant blame him really, if he shoots the enemy and kills them but still gets punished because he sees it late), problem is; when the game is working 'correctly' the 0.4 is more than enough, when its broken and lagging horribly its woefully inadequate.
    I have no solution (that's what we pay the devs for), if they still deem it a problem im sure theyl make additional adjustments.
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  17. Demigan

    Even though the OP didn't correct me, it seems you are right. So glad to see someone who actually points out useful stuff rather than throw around opinion as fact.

    As for a solution: C4 is omniversally useful, too useful. This is the biggest problem it has. It should be split into an AV and AI variant, so that infantry carrying C4 has to make more choices what they'll have explosives for. AI C4 can then be tailored to be more engaging to fight against. While I don't think the whole "LA flies into a room and bombs the hell out of people" is a big or even unfair problem, changing it to keep it fair but get more people to enjoy it is always a good thing.

    • AV C4 type 1: Similar to current C4, but with less damage to infantry.
    • AV C4 type 2: Something like a Thermite charge (gamefied). Place it, deals damage over an extended period of time, but can be disarmed by shooting it or using the repairgun (make it a small pilon so it can be shot if placed on top of the tank).
    • AI C4 type 1: Similar to current C4, but with less damage to tanks
    • AI C4 type 2: more of a controlled grenade, carry more charges,for less nanites and with farther throwing range and less damage. Perhaps allow only one to be dropped at any time and throwing another one detonates the previous one.
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  18. iller

    Which change? ...yeah I read that patch note from a year ago too but did they accidentally Roll it back?... B/c it sure seems like they did

    PS: "Trigga" got it 100% correct. Being C4d in a tank is a L2P issue. I "learned" not to die that way a long time ago and have no complaints what so ever when it comes to the Infantry VS. Armor game... I think even the Phoenix used in Squads is FINE. All I want to do is play Medic or BattleEngie (& sometimes MAX) w/o being instagibbed by C4 that I was given no humanly-possible time frame to run out of the radius of
  19. Sazukata

    Flak armor best armor.