Why I hate VS on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    again what does this really have to do with anything? i call out VS for trash talking all the time doing the same thing when I play My VS toon... I could probibly start the game right now and find both NC and TR hitting each other with over pop forces in less then 20 minutes of game play. its less to do with one side being over powered, and more to do with people simply refusing to redeploy to deal with a threat.

    you are not your whole faction, hence why it is silly to try to bring up a VS over pop on a hex when all factions do it.
  2. Yuukikun

    Did you fail your reading exams at grade and high schools? My post says that the Orion has nothing to do with it may it be OP or not, why are you even trying to say orion being op is complete nonsense when i never even said it was?

    Also why would the guy post a death screen of him getting killed by someone he was not fighting to try to prove the Orion is OP? I know how the death screen works, but you sure don't know how sentences work.
  3. Flapatax


    Tell me more about how I only play HA.
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  4. Maljas23

    It was only a matter of time

    Hatesphere said:
    I suggested they do something about it. If a person doesn't like the situation they are in they can either change the situation or leave it. I never said VS were godless killing machines. Plz do not put words in my mouth.

    Posse said:
    They may do something such as merge a server or take a closer look at weapon balance or a variety of things we don't know. Whatever it is they do, it wouldn't be to nerf skill. Geez, get a grip.

    I've never posted that the VS were OP in any way. In my experience on Emerald as NC it's the NC that are the problem. They just aren't as organised as VS are. Why that is I don't know.

    Do I believe that VS is OP? I don't have enough info to make that claim but I do think because of no bullet drop they are a bit easier to play.

    I am more on the side of the VS players in this matter because from my experience as NC on Emerald(Albeit very little as I created a character just recently to help the Emerald NC in their fight against VS. My home server is Connery.) NC just can't seem to get their act together. I do not think that is the fault of the VS. My suggesting to ppl that they can leave the server has nothing to do with my personal beliefs as to whether or not VS is OP. One can believe the VS is not OP & yet give advice to those that are NC to go elsewhere.
  6. Flapatax

    Top lel.
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  7. ajma

    Much sexy. Spandex OP.
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  8. Rovertoo

    *Because of no bullet drop, decent recoil, fast reloads, decent RoF, high mobility vehicles and weapons, and a plethora of Splash-Damage weapons, they are easier to play

    You can argue tactical superiority, but almost every VS 'trait' makes things easier for them.
  9. Flapatax

    If you think the weapons that have no bullet drop greatly benefit from that trait then you don't really understand the game. Not talking about other stats, although lol at "splash damage weapons."
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  10. Matti

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  11. Matti

    You clearly play only HA and that's really lame and stuff xD
  12. Dramaticus

    If you're shooting at ranges for bullet drop to matter you're wasting your time
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  13. Rovertoo

    I'm not saying it's a great benefit, but it's still a benefit. Marginal at best, sure. You can't deny that it makes things easier, even if it's just a teeny tiny bit though.

    So I stand by what I said. VS 'Traits' make them easier to play. No bullet drop, as marginal as it is, Splash-centric weapons (Lasher [not saying it's OP in any way though], PPA, LPPA, possibly the new spiker), low recoil, fast reloads, mobile vehicles and weapons (again, not saying Mag's OP or .75 is OP, but the mobility makes things easier to play).

    For NC's Damage and Shotguns, and TR's Fire Rate and Miniguns, the VS have Mobility and Splash damage. Both of those make for very easy to use guns.
  14. Posse

    No bullet drop? toplel, the only 2 weapons where no bullet drop changes anything are the Saron and the PPA, the other weapons that could use no bullet drop have it (BASRs, Magrider's main cannon, etc)

    Decent recoil? That's not any different from the other factions.

    Fast reloads? mmm nope, if VS have faster reloads (which isn't the case many times), it's as opposed to TR's bigger magazine, and NC's higher damage per shot, both of which make for a higher damage per magazine.

    High mobility vehicles? I'd trade the Magrider for the Vanguard any day.

    High mobility weapons? Last I checked, every faction has .75 ADS weapons.

    Splash damage weapons? Such as what? Last time I checked, the only place where we have a splash weapon and neither NC or TR have it is in the Heavy weapons department, as guess what, that weapon is by far the worst of the 3.

    So yep, you're full of bullsh*t
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  15. Waffle Fartsparkle

    Honestly what I don't like about the Emerald VS are their usually toxic behavior. Now it wasn't that much of an issue on Waterson before the merge, but now that Mattherson did, it seems to be a lot more prevalent. There are a few players on the other factions who act this way too, but it seems to be a much larger issue for VS.

    It's as if they were just playing competitive CS;GO before logging into Planetside 2. Seriously, it's a videogame that doesn't even have a competitive e-sports league. Get over yourselves.

    There's a difference between being a good player and a skilled player. If you act like a **** then you're a bad player, no matter how skilled you or your outfit is.
  16. Schizomatic

    I actually get mental block on some of these Goku/GOTR-led swarms coming over our walls like a tidal wave of purple. Hark, to the eastern side: two Sunderers, Lightnings, Magriders, purple infantry as far as the eye can see. To the west! The walls... The walls... They pour over the walls with jetpacks and pity lie upon thee brave few to whom death comes swiftly.

    What do we do, brave comrades of the TR, as the xeno-lovers stream endlessly into our base? We do what soldiers of the Imperium have always done: We die well and for the Emperor.
  17. Waffle Fartsparkle

    I understand that you just can't wait for Eternal Crusade to come out, but remember which forum we're on. XD
  18. TraatAdmiral

    The problem with VS right now, on Emerald and off it, isn't that they have any seriously OP weapons (there are a couple, the PPA being an example, but that's true of all factions). The problem is that they have a lot of little things going for them, starting with the handful of really good weapons and going on down until eventually you get to stuff like the camo coverage, which is also visible in the screenshot in the OP and still exactly as much of a problem as it was when it was changed. No individual VS or VS weapon turns the tide and makes the faction as a whole overly powerful; it's all the little stuff meaning that on average a group of VS is stronger than a similar group of NC or TR.

    The issue with the faction being dominated by @#$%heads on Emerald specifically is unrelated. Goku is also a factor in making them substantially less fun to fight, but that's a problem they'll have to work out between themselves and Ammut, not something the devs can fix.
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  19. Rovertoo

    I'm not even arguing balance here. I think the Magrider is balanced, I don't think no bullet drop is particularly powerful, and I don't feel the splash-centric guns like the Lasher or PPA are inherently OP in any way. I'm just saying that every VS 'trait' as it where (no bullet drop, mobility) makes them an easier faction to play. There is no major drawback to VS weaponry that requires much skill, whereas NC have low fire rate , and TR have range issues, VS are, while mostly balanced, 'Easy mode'. They don't have a damning drawback for any of their traits.
  20. Paragon Exile

    Our drawback is our horrific mediocrity. We have no "Extreme" weapons like the TR and NC, we're just in-between, stuck with our copious number of low-damage, moderate-RoF weapons, most of which are terrible knockoffs of what the TR and NC have. The marginal advantages we have over one faction are offset by our disadvantages compared to the other.

    Example; NC have the only 200 damage automatics, TR have the best fire rates. But both the NC and TR have access to high-ROF and high-damage weapons, respectively. The VS have none of that.
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