Why I call you loserpoders ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrainerS2, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Kaon1311

    ESFS cost 250 resources and with 1 setup can kill EVERYTHING.

    its vehicle counters are -

    Another ESF. (fair enough, give ESFs their dogfights)
    A Skyguard which costs 300 certs and is CR4P against every other unit in game (except infantry looking down the barrell)
    A dual burster MAX that costs 350 resources and is again CR4P against every other unit in game.

    Either lower Skyguard resource to at least match ESF or increase ESF to 350 same as Max.

    ESFs cost increase as they did with tanks to stop the air spam.
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  2. NoctD

    Its not a balance argument - if you got the skills then you'd do it. If you can't fly though... yeah. Pot, kettle, black.
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  3. Xasapis

    To be fair, you can always find an equipment terminal and change your MAX loadout to something more appropriate, something that vehicles can't do.

    Again, to be fair, being able to pull something and being good at it and/or have it adequately equipped is two things entirely different.

    Anybody can pull a MAX, how many can kill my 20.000 cert max with an uncerted one they will pull for the occasion? Same holds true for any vehicle or special unit.
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  4. Konfuzfanten

    Thats 350 infantry resources (much more useful then air resources) to scare away one ESF and then you are stuck. Then you can ofc get a friend to pull an harasser/sundy/galx and get to the next base, but in terms of resources its a total waste to pull MAX to deter an ESF.

    It is a balance argument, in a proper PvP game there should be a "soft" counter for any unit in the game. Right now the ESF simply doesnt have a counter, yet can still engage all targets. That is a problem.
  5. ST4LK3R

    all I hear is "wah wah wah...someone killed me with esf..i'll call the pilots names.".
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  6. CNR4806

    When I see the term "loserpoder" (note the lack of double d near the end), the negativity toward air vehicles and the sheer amount of fail at English on the front page, I already made a guess that this is likely yet enother TrainerS2 troll thread.

    And I stand correct. There is nothing to see here, move along people.
  7. NoctD

    Doesn't have a counter? :eek:

    Enjoy dying then, that's all the advice I can provide to you ground plodder bads.
  8. Chipay

    That being said, Libs are MORE than able to protect themselves from an ESF
    ESFs can be damaged by any weapon in the game, even if you're argumenting against the Skygaurd every other weapon is a soft counter just like the flash and harasser. The outfit i'm in often sits on rocks killing tanks with lancers without air support, if a Lib/Esf comes by we just start shooting it with lancers/LMG's and it dies or runs away.

    I do agree that ESFs are too versatile, but that'll change with the new ESF weapons and the buffed ABs, creating the option for some nasty AA ESFs.

    (also, i'm mostly playing with my outfit or hunting tanks with my lightning, i can't fly for ****)
  9. Aegie

    Not nearly as bad as it was at launch.

    While it can be annoying (especially for me as I LA the vast majority of time, so I do not really have much of a counter besides shooting indignantly at the empty cockpit), the reason so many will shoot n' run is because you kind of have to these days, especially if there is a relatively decent size fighting force.

    I remember the days when you could just hover spam those things so count yourself lucky that at least they have to make bombing passes most of the time (as it should be).
  10. Kaktwox

    Good thing weapons such as lockons, Skyguards, anti aircraft secondary weapons for ALL vehicals, turrets, and bursters exist to accommodate players who whine and complain like yourself.
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  11. TheBlindFreak

    2/10 Troll Harder.

    You should have been here before the lolpod/HE nerf.

    L2P and pull a skyguard or ESG2A Launcher.
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  12. Tragachinos

    This thread again... Filthy land peasants should learn their place.

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  13. lilleAllan

    Honey, did you put the kids to bed?
  14. Vixxing

    But? But? How can they run with their tails between their legs if you blow them up?
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  15. Vixxing

    Hahahaha :D priceless :D
  16. FocusLight

    I can respect a skilled ESF pilot who uses the craft for team-oriented purposes, running dedicated ATA missiles to take down enemy air and support their team, I can respect those who know how to run coordinated hit and runs with rocket-pods to take out high-value targets and further support their team. The average farmer who live in the ESF mindlessly podding away daily, never thinking of doing something else? Not so much.

    One of the enjoyable things about shooting down ESF's, especially when you find the ones lol-podding anything they can, is the realization of how much they deserve it. I recall post-beta launch period. I've been dedicated anti-tank and anti-air for the vast majority of my time and shooting down ESF's and other aircraft quite literally *never* get's old.

    Especially when you consider opinions like this, and every time I shoot down an ESF is one more time the "victim" fought back. The best part? When the more stand-out names among the lol-podders find themselves on the ground for once and I kill them with such efficiency. Weak and useless, I have more respect for noob-tubers.

    Keep bragging. Keep telling yourself you are such an apex-predator. Keep trying to lol-pod me. It rarely happens outside of the times when a really skilled podder comes along and I'm already occupied (like in the middle of a small skirmish, the premium lol-podding scenario) and all it does is slow me down for a few seconds until I'm back, and you have my complete and undivided attention. Recently I've been working on my dumb-fire-to-ESF-face skills, and the miss-to-hit ratio is slowly crawling into my favor.

    Keep bragging. Keep telling yourself you are such an apex-predator. One day you will realize that PS2 is a meat-grinder where people like me are turning the handle, and people like you are the paste coming out the other end.
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  17. Hosp

    There was 1 day I took out 6 Mossies in a Row with Phoenixes. They hovered perfectly for me as they tried to fire into the windows of an adjacent building. I'm quite surprised I got no hate tells...maybe they knew they had it coming. :rolleyes:

    Another day we were doing some Harasser Ops...with me in a burster in the Rumble seat. Took out, and/or aided in taking out, 3 or 4 Enemy ESFs. Then I occasionally jumped out of the seat to take out a sniper who thinks I didn't see them, but that's not AA related.
    Moral of the story...stop crying about lolpods, they're OP but not unbeatable.
  18. Vixxing

    G2A and flak i can deal with BUT nerf Vanguard and Prowler projectile speed or damage to air! (or buff magrider drop/speed and give it +12% elevation to make it fairer)

    BOOM! out of nowhere stone dead no warning no nothing! (its not hard its alot easier than to Dalton ESF, if your not VS then its close to impossible)
  19. DeadliestMoon

    Well seeing as how you need a coordinated assault among Infantry in order to take out vehicles in a team based game, one would think that teamwork would prevail over all. But I see what type of person you are:
    "Why can't my lolpods take out an entire squad, an MBT and a Sunderer in one salvo?!?"
    "Only another ESF should be able to take out my ESF."
    "Infantry should just be okay with being farmed and be incapable to take out my aircraft."
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  20. DeadliestMoon

    They'll run when you don't have the second burster, which everyone who plays for free won't have because it costs 1000 certs.