Why I call you loserpoders ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrainerS2, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. TrainerS2

    So loserpoders and chickens for me are all pilots with they chip tactic .
    Shoot few rockets run to hide like chicken then repair , go back get few hits go back repair . hehe it is not boring ^^
    If loserpoder face some aa max he turn fast to run away and many of them panic and crash they planes that noobs

    What funy names you have fore loserpoders , lolpoders :D share with me ^^
  2. Leesin

    One of the most enjoyable things about blowing **** up with rockets is when one of the victims cries about it over chat, even better when one of them makes a thread about it.
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  3. huller

    The official term coined in the forums is lolpodder or occasionaly skillpodder if they feel like mocking the pilot's claims of "being a l33t dogfighta!"

    And I get the impression that you weren't here at launch day to "enjoy the radiance of the l33t dogfighting pilot master race" as they would have us believe.
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  4. TrainerS2

    i cant call someone skillposer if he got no skills , in balanced game when everyone got same gun and helth this skillpoder will have no skills :D
  5. Xasapis

    It's been a while since a thread like this surfaced.

    It takes about 6 rockets to kill a person these days (without flak). Moreover, most of the fights are in a multiple people environment and this is hardly launch of the game, where people knew little about what to do against ESF and armor.

    If a lol-podder (or however else you want to mock ESF pilots) kills me once in a base where I can spawn, he won't do it twice without getting some serious burster fire up is way. If my squad is attacking, then the combined fire of 10-12 people can usually kill an ESF pretty fast, even with the lack of any other anti-air weapon. I'm assuming in both occasions that noone else has the insight to bring some anti-air and it's up to me or my squad to deal with it. Being on the defensive obviously gives more choices.
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  6. Marinealver

    too bad all vehicles have autorepair so you can't cloak kill people as the land/park and get out to repair their vehicle. Way to promote teamwork no longer needing anyone to cover your back.
  7. ExquisitExamplE

    This is what I imagine the OP sounds like-

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  8. HooWoo

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  9. Konfuzfanten

    But NOTHING beats shooting the lolpoder down with the striker (through flares and terrain) and then troll the guy about using lolpods and how skilled i am using the striker. Might be my favorite activity. Dumpfire ESF, just isnt the same level of cheap.
  10. Xasapis

    It is indeed hilarious when I manage to lucky shot a hovering ESF with a dumpfire (twice so, if the dumpfire is the Decimator, due to the slower flight characteristics and worse trajectory).
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  11. Copasetic

  12. S1eB

    1. Spawn a MAX
    2. Equip dual burster
    3. Blow up ESFs for breakfast and watch them run off with their tails between their legs
    4. ?????????????
    5. Profit
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  13. TrainerS2

    i do it all the time
    but when you get your max then chickens will gone repair and fight in difrent spot :D You need trasport max cant redeploy in other spot as max :/ so I losing resoruces :D (or i dont know how)
  14. Konfuzfanten

    you forget that a MAX costs around 2x of an ESF, yet cant counter the ESF, only deter.
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  15. Chipay

    you could always spawn your own ESF, it costs as much as an ESF and it can kill every ESF.
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  16. Konfuzfanten

    Pulling an ESF to counter an ESF is the ****tiest balance argument in the book...
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  17. Chipay

    Oh i see what type of person you are.

    AP tanks shouldn't be the main counter to tanks/ground vehicles
    A2A ESFs shouldn't be the main counter to ESFs/Air vehicles

    NO! Infantry should be the biggest counter to EVERYTHING, WHY can't my RL 4 shot tanks like AP rounds?!? Why can't my AA Max kill EVERY ESF and LIB?!?

    Spawn a vehicle designed to kill other vehicles? That's silly
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  18. Kaon1311

    I When I hit 100, i am going to spend 99% of the time I play this game in a Skyguard, just to annoy ESFs and Libs.

    XP and Certs at 100 dont realy mean much, I have everything maxed that i want. Waiting for 100 as if i just Skyguard now, it would take another 10 months to get the last 4 levels.
  19. McToast


    Getting frags with rocket pods isn't very difficult. Keeping your ESF in the air and flying it through flak and lock-ons is. I don't take anybody serious who never at least tried to fly and only plays infantry. If you only play squishy you shouldn't be surprised that you die a lot.

    G2A is so ridiculously strong that only the top 5% ace pilots can stay in the air over a major battle. If you could reliably kill ESFs with your one G2A unit the sky would be empty.

    It really amazes me that some people are so bad that they still complain about ESFs and rocket pods >_>. Even the whining and crying about harassers makes more sense to me.

    the Toast
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  20. Konfuzfanten

    Yea and i know your type, the rambo style, lone wolf PS2 player that for some reason thinks he should be able to do it all without teamwork.

    Let me give you an example:
    - AP tanks are the main counter for tanks/ground vehicles
    - Libs are then the main counter for the AP tanks.
    - ESF are then the counter for libs.
    - and nothing is the counter for ESF, yet ESF can still engage and kill infantry, air and ground targets with near equal efficiency.

    Make the ESF an air counter and remove their A2G ability, problem solved. PS2 shouldnt be about lone ramboes but about team work. ESF's is the antithesis of teamwork.
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