Why hasn't the squad leader tree been expanded further?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Obscura

    Currently the squad leading experience is shallow. Vocal commands are vital to a good squad, but other than that and placing beacons/waypoints(and requesting reinforcements) there aren't many tools for strategic gameplay. I think in a large scale combined arms FPS like planetside, there should be more options for squad leaders to direct the units(players) in their squad/platoons to specific targets in real time from a command perspective.

    for example, I'd like to see tactical waypoints, like "attack this group of targets" and "Air/armor attack this area" and waypoints for directing infantry movement to utilize flanking, distracting, swarming, retreats etc. ? I realize UI clutter is probably a concern for adding in things like this but if done right I could only see it as a positive addition to the game.
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  2. FateJH

    "[Platoon] Alpha Squad, I'm going to set your waypoint <there>. Go to the waypoint as discreetly as possible, then ambush the enemy forces at Orange Smoke, which I'm going to set <here>, by walking along the ridge that starts at the Waypoint. Expect at least one AMS and a Skyguard along with troops."

    I get your point and actually have interest in implementing tactical waypoints too (though my idea is "create a generic waypoint, type a really short string of text next to why it's there, all squad can see") but the strategic commanding ability is certainly already there.

    Edit: okay, so you're singling-out squads and I'm using platoon trappings. The sentiment is consistent, though.
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  3. ColonelChingles

    The main problem with orders is that in PS2 they are voluntary. In the real world insubordination, desertion, or failure to obey a lawful order are serious offenses, punishable up to execution.

    So in PS2 orders should be attached with incentives and disincentives to follow orders. They also should have a time element attached, because it really doesn't help if you take all day to carry out your order when the rest of the team did it in 30 seconds!

    For example, say the SL has given an order to proceed to a particular ridge with a time limit of 30 seconds. Players who carry out that order and are who are within a certain radius of the order waypoint are granted an EXP bonus and more EXP for the amount of time that remains for those 30 seconds. This encourages people to follow orders and to follow them quickly.

    But on the other hand, say a player was dallying about, being a no-good sniper or otherwise dragging their feet. Once the 30 second timer passed, they would be given an EXP penalty modifier (all EXP gained in the next minute would be reduced by 90%) and EXP would be deducted from their pool. This could potentially lead to BR demotions over time, as well as the loss of certain cert-purchased upgrades.

    Individual members of a squad could ask for exemptions or extensions from the SL (say if they wanted to go back and pull a Sunderer). The SL can approve these requests on an individual basis with a simple Y/N pop-up.

    A mechanic like this would mean that orders would be enforceable, increasing squad cohesion and effectiveness.

    Because really it doesn't matter what fancy tools you have to issue orders if people can willfully disobey them without punishment! :p
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  4. WeRelic

    Yeah, squad and platoon leadership is pretty shallow. I don't know that I would punish people for not following orders, since we can just kick them after all. I do agree with assigning bonuses to following orders, but that would require a lot of code to check whether or not the player is where they should be, whether they're in the right vehicle/loadout, or doing what they should be doing.

    I think a simple waypoint like FateJH mentioned would be a step in the right direction.
  5. Obscura

    Yes in theory that works, but applying that theory in game and giving that order to an average public squad doesn't usually go like you think it would. If you gave that order in an organized/outfit squad with all players attentive and playing in a non casual atmosphere? Then yes it would work, I've seen it done many times. But having lead ALOT of pub and organized platoons in my time playing this game, that order wouldn't be carried out by the squad fast enough to make it work.

    I like the idea of adding exp incentives for following a squad leaders command within a certain time limit, maybe there could be specific waypoint types that are placed for a designated time period, like "attack this sunderer" and if it's destroyed in the span of that 30 seconds the squad gets bonus exp from that sunderer.

    In theory yes that would work in making players conform or face exp penalization, but there are many people that prefer to play in a casual atmosphere and barking orders at them already turns them off, exp penalties in this huge grindfest of a game would make it unplayable for alot of people and they'd find other games to play , or just avoid playing in squads as a whole.

    I would like to see waypoints just as tools for squad leads to make directing units to specific targets in real time more efficient, it's better not to try and manage/control players and just make it easier to guide them. People respond to what they see more than what they hear, a vocal command from SL won't get the same response or quick reaction as that same order being given, but with added visual ques. I know players(myself included, i have voip in game off most of the time) tend to space out alot when playing anyways