Why double xp only for sub-player

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ENGTX, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. Aldaris

    Why is there no reason for F2P? They combine income from members, income from store purchasers with ghier player count due to lack of any money required to play.
  2. Deschain

    hey, just play Nc you get xp bonus for free lol.
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  3. Tobax

    Wrong, making it f2p pulls in far far more players and since your playing a free game not spending money you get whatever they feel like giving you, if that is nothing then that's all good, the fact is your lucky that nothing other than camo & decals is locked out to you and you can play free without any disadvantage.
    People still paying monthly fees are the exact people that should be rewarded for supporting the game.
  4. Choppy89

    Capitalism at it finest. I am surprised they haven't made it bug/issue/glitch free for members only. Then watch the membership soar!
  5. ViXeN

    My ***-kicking, trash-talking and sarcasm skills are all fully certed and I have Auraxiums for each so that is all that matters. :eek:
  6. Taemien

    Does anyone have any proof that Seasonal double exp weekends are member only? Members get a MONTHLY double exp weekend. I'm under the impression that is separate from the Seasonal which the F2P people still get.

    You all are going off on a tizzy for no reason.
  7. LibertyRevolution

  8. NCDaniel

  9. Chipay

    Seasonal Double EXP? Like x2 exp during the Holidays? Because that's Membership-only now.
  10. DJPenguin

    Notice how clean and issue-free removing the double xp bonus was.
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  11. Camycamera

    because people who pay money to support the game deserve it.

    but don't worry, people who aren't subbed will still get double xp weekends, just not regularly like usual.
  12. M2_Bradley

    Look at my sig...
  13. TeknoBug


    Yeah, really.

    And I didn't even know there was double xp, explains why I thought I was getting more xp than normal and I was barely accomplishing anything when I logged in.
  14. squarebug

    QUESTION! With Sony access pass i heard if you log in to the games it does cover it gives 500 SC per month per game. is that right? if so that's not actually that bad for $15
  15. DJPenguin

    you mean MY sig. Yet somehow you avoided the purge unlike the rest.
  16. DJPenguin

    not sure about with every game but you don't get the SC if you use a gamestop card for whatever reason. but you can just cancel your subscription after activating it in-game and yet still get the SC.
  17. OddChelsea

    Yes people who pay money to support the game do deserve it. Like those of us who spend a ton of money to buy SC but aren't members. We are still supporting the game but only members get rewarded now because one form of payment is apparently more valid than the other. From what people are saying we may not even get any double exp again and that's not okay.
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  18. VanuSShooter

    Some people prefer to buy SC instead of purchasing a Premium Membership ... so technically they paid some cash although not monthly, but some might get SC monthly. Honestly, I do not really care about it being for only Premium Members but I'm more than happy if it would be available for none premium members as well. Maybe none premium members only get Saturdays of double EXP and Premium members get both Saturdays and Sundays?
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  19. Hicksimus

    They realized that there are a ton of better games out there that most of us are playing and paying for. Instead of making their game competitive they are choosing to appeal to the general population's love of e-z mode to make money.

    Whatever floats their boat I suppose, but I'm only playing forumside and they aren't getting any money from me until their game steps up to match the AAA prices that they demand.
  20. Bush82

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