Why does Wraith Flash have onboard weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Moridin6

    then why is "I got killed By a flash, nerf it" a viable argument?
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  2. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Go away fun police... Ye it's cheap, yeah it can be annoying, yeah its my favourite food when in a harasser. They are frail and slow and you can see them even when cloaked. If you are good in it, or if the enemy is blind - or both - you can get a decent farm on it. If a harasser see you it's usually game over. I have one, hardly ever use it as I suck with it - get a few kills then die...

    It's mostly a toy for good compilations like those of Paqu https://www.youtube.com/user/Paqu1

    And maybe especially: :D

    And yeah - theres always the odd FOOL toolbag on my server farming with the flash-shotgun for his MLG-yolo flash auraxium but it's really just a nusiance not much more.

    Infiltrators were robbed of their rewards for team effort so why shold they not goof around. Change the XP cap on hacking stuff and maybe more infiltrators will do more team stuff.... I know I would, I mainly play support but those classes have had so much ill-implemented xp caps thrown at them it's hardly any point in terms of XP gain. Which is why we hardly ever see ammu sundys anymore.
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  3. DrakeFang

    An HE Prowler from render has no infantry based counter. A skilled sniper has no counter, other than another skilled sniper. A skilled and smart LA with a pump action has no counter. And you know what? I'm okay with all of that, just like I am with the Wraith.

    You seem to be making the argument that because you have no reliable way to defend yourself, these things are OP, but they're not. It takes skill to use these things, and not "pick it up in an hour" skill, but actual continuous improvement. The people who follow these strategies have put in the time to learn the skills to use them. Their reward is those advantages. Fights aren't fair. Not in the real world and not in PS2. This isn't high noon in some western, and people aren't going to sit around and wait for someone to yell "draw." If someone has an advantage, be it skill, equipment, or some mix of the two, they are going to push it. That is not bad design, that is giving people tools and letting them use them to their potential. This isn't a gamebreaking bug, this is you getting outplayed by a person using the right skills and gear.

    And the funny thing is this- Wraiths aren't impossible to counter. Throw down mines, keep a dumbfire on hand, don't leave the group, move evasively. You have solutions.

    In this instance, somebody came in with a plan and wrecked your day. Instead of complaining how it's unfair, come up with a plan to wreck his. It'll do you a lot more good in the long run.
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  4. orangejedi829

    That's not my argument, but thanks for trying.
  5. orangejedi829

    So you would be on the "give infiltrators shotguns and/or other standard primaries" side, then, yes?
  6. Rikkit

    Do i need to pick a "side"? If yes: Please, give me all the stuff!
    Okay, Shotguns are meh, you can keep them if you want, but i wouldn't say no to a good midrange automatic weapon. (auto-scout is so niche)
  7. Moridin6

    how is that Not your argument? youre asking for removal of its weapon system, how is that not a nerf to its capabilities?
  8. orangejedi829

    Sigh, my argument is that wraith flash should not have powerful, vehicle-grade OHK weapons in addition to indefinite cloaking ability because it has no viable counter.
  9. orangejedi829

    Well, logically, yes, you should either support one 'side' and oppose the other, or vise versa, since the two options are binary and mutually exclusive.
  10. Moridin6

    so what then would be the.. maximum youd allow weapon wise, what type of weapons?

    you Do know that cloak runs out right? and then youre a sitting duck. a fully prepd wraith flash isnt super cheap(certs)

    and if the choices is Infil gets heavier weapons if flash keeps it current guns (which i think is absurd, just because on e thing is one way Doesnt mean another needs to follow the same rules, things Are different in life, and asymmetrical balance is a valid point imo), then i guess goes ahead and give Infils better weapons if that makes you feel better? flash gets what it does Because of its weaknesses. both wraith flashes and infiltrators are balanced(mostly) imho, so were not going to agree on this but im still curious what your weapon choices for a cloak flash are
  11. orangejedi829

    "Asymmetrical balance" does not mean contradicting design philosophies. You can't logically say wraith flash should be allowed full-power, normal flash weapons and then in the same breath say that infiltrators should not be allowed full-power, normal infantry weapons.
    However, a lot of people oddly seem to feel this way concerning wraith flash, despite the logical fallacy - as if it's not okay for infiltrators but it's fine for flash because.. reasons.
  12. orangejedi829

    You know, it's pretty funny - I have two active threads right now. In one, which talks about making deep cloak invisible, people are all like, "OMG no! If infils could be completely invisible it would be so OP because there would be no counter!"
    Then in the other thread, everyone's all like, "There are lots of things without counters in this game, and Wraith flash is just another one of them. It's fine! Git gud! Stop whining about things which have no counter!"

  13. Moridin6

    i have noticed that, and do find it amusing. personally i dont think much would change if stalker got True invisibility for deep cloak, because deep cloak when it Works practically is. i just wish it work properly more (full deep cloak). i also think true invisibility would even the playing field. so to speak, for those on dif graphical settings. so True invisibility, yes please, but id Settle for deep cloak being "fixed"
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  14. DrakeFang

    No, I don't think we should give infils shotguns, because that would be easy. Any idiot could grab it and go on a massive killing spree. It would take no real skill, and no real effort to use. That's the same reason your other thread is being answered with a resounding no. A piece of equipment that let's you go entirely invisible requires no skill to be successful with.

    I'm okay with the Flash because it is hard, same as render shots from a tank, long range sniping, or shotgunning with an LA. They all require player skill and knowledge, and reward players who work to achieve that skill level.

    That is the difference between something being broken and something being good. A broken mechanic can be used by any idiot with two brain cells to rub together. A good mechanic can be extremely effective, but it requires a player to gain the skills necessary to use it.
  15. orangejedi829

    Saying in the same breath that playing Wraith flash is hard and requires skill but playing infiltrator is easy and noobish proves that you are either terribly biased or have no actual experience with the items in question.
  16. Abraham with Cheese

    While I do have a Wraith flash on my NC character with a Fury, my VS and TR Wraith flashes are merely used for moving between bases or getting into good positions, or including teamwork, the perfect invisible C4 delivery system.

    Otherwise, even on my NC, I usually use my flash Fury on enemy MAXes. My wraith flash itself is a deadly enough weapon when hit collision actually works.
  17. orangejedi829

    Well, let's not forget that Wraith Flash can do this:
    All while remaining cloaked. Which already makes it the only unit in the game that can kill (OHK, at that) while invisible.

    If you still honestly think that it should have mounted weapons on top of that, I suppose the basilisk would be okay.
  18. Malbolshia

    My issue with Wraith flashes is that they can roadkill you without ever having to decloak.

    Infiltrators must decloak to fire their weapons to kill you.

    Vehicles - being visible as they are - are usually seen when driving over people.

    But with very little cert cost, a wrath flash can drive over people scoring easy kills, and never has to decloak to do so. Therefore never putting himself at risk to gain the free kills.

    The only change I would like is if the flash is cloaked, he passes through players like a ghost, If he wants to roadkill, he will need to decloak - just like when he has to fire his weapons.

    Rewards should have risk associated with them. The Wraith Flash does not.