Why does this game have to have team damage?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vulpecula07, Jul 22, 2018.

  1. Vulpecula07

    I had never been so angry in game until last night.

    I was trying to aurax 99SV (which is kind of painful). I was aiming at an enemy, then one teammate suddenly jumped into my scope and I accidentally shot him. I stopped immediately and didn't kill him, then I said sorry immediately.

    Whereas that guy just turned around and shot me in my face. I don't know why it made me so angry, but I didn't do anything about it. I went to the same spot and started searching for enemies. When I looked out of the scope, I saw that guy facing me, when I was wondering what he was doing, he shot me in my face again. I /tell'd him: "what the fk is wrong with you?!" and he didn't reply.

    I planned to play for two hours today, but once I remembered what happened last night, I feel deeply disgusted and decided not to play. Still don't know why it made me feel so angry. Woke up in the morning, saw my computer, remembered that guy, still feel disgusted.

    Anyway, I just want to know why this game has to have team damage. Now I seriously want it to be removed unless it exists for a good reason.
  2. ShamHotRock

    Primarily for balance IMO. Being an MMOFPS, no team damage would mean hundreds of players would fire indiscriminately without the guilt or worry of consequence. This would make getting through chokepoints (such as those inside buildings) practically impossible as players can spam fire at these points. Without this, tanks can shell bases at will. Team damage provides some semblance of realism that this game can afford to offer by forcing players to consider when and whom to shoot.
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  3. Campagne

    I don't love friendly fire but supposedly it exists to stop players from just spamming like mad.

    At least you can use team damage to kill that guy. :p
  4. The Rogue Wolf

    It's a skill check, like bullet drop/travel time and headshot multipliers.
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  5. Twin Suns

    ^^^This killer gets it.^^^

  6. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I've had times like that too.A few months back I'd thrown a sticky into a batch of NC but I threw it whilst walking backwards, just as I did, a friendly walked in front and caught it, it killed him and his friend. I V8'd 3 times but it didn't matter. As soon as I saw who I accidentally TK'd I knew he was out for blood. He chased me down and TK'd me, his friend revived me, and then the guy chased me and killed me again. I typed in yell chat to stop TK'ing me as I'd apologised 3 times and his only response was to send me a tell calling me a r-****. If I hadn't rejected that revive and redeployed to the spawn room, chances are that guy would have killed me over and over to the point his weapons got locked.

    People just get too angry, even over genuine accidents, and especially when sometimes, they are the cause of their own death.

    Also, good luck auraxing the 99SV. That weapon is pain for me so switched to the KSR instead. I find the lower powered scopes helped a bunch.
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  7. AlcyoneSerene

    Not to be rude, but I wasn't sure the OP was serious in asking the question. There's other arcade games that have no friendly fire, not naming any since they are crap and deserve no advertising. They are spam fests. Most classes don't even take self-damage. Infinite ammo clips. Spam harder to win & die from damage spam and other random nonsense.

    I appreciate a serious game like planetside2 where players are at liberty to team kill each other (within some limits) and still manage to be civil and playable. It probably is the last of its kind in today's age.
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  8. HippoCryties

    Umm which server was this on? Some guy did the exact same to me! He was on TR aswell but was it on Cobalt?
  9. Vulpecula07

    No it was on Briggs.
  10. Liewec123

    i was playing the other night, putting lasher fire on a corner with enemies behind it,
    some moron ally dives into my (EXTREMELY OBVIOUS AND SHINY) line-of-fire and takes about 5 lashes to the back,
    i stop firing thinking "idiot.." he turns around, runs over to me...and TKs me...

    needless to say he received some beautifully colourful tells.

    maybe its the NC in me, but if we all decided to TK eachother over a few stray bullets
    then there would be no need for the enemies...
    i get shot by friendlies all of the time on each faction, some of it is my fault, some of it is theirs,
    most times we just totally shrug it off, they don't apologies but i don't expect one,
    other times i'll get an apology, i'll just reply "it happens" because that is the nature of an FPS with hundreds of players.

    TKers just need to go play a singleplayer, we don't want them or need them.
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  11. Vulpecula07

    I was serious about it, but what you and the other people said make sense.
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  12. csvfr

    You provoked the guy, he responded. Personally if I'm TKed first and it isn't reasonable to believe it was an accident, I immediately TK back, and may keep doing so for as long as I observe the other guy. That would also be the case for the situation you describe. It is important to not come across as weak or a pushover in this game.
  13. Vulpecula07

    They really ruin the game. Just think of these moments you can't trust your teammates to watch your back. It doesn't matter if they fail to watch your back, it's when you know they may shoot you any time, and you could start TKing each other endlessly and vengefully, it's so harmfully discouraging.
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  14. Rydenan

    In general I don't mind team damage, but people like this guy make me think it might be alright to remove it.
    I've also run across similar-minded individuals who will TK you over what you said in chat (even though they're usually the ones being the a-hole there, surprise surprise.)
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  15. Vulpecula07

    Did you read? I never killed him for a single time even after he TKed me twice, and I said sorry even though it was his fault.

    I suggest you try to be forgiving.
    Most of the time I would believe otherwise, and very soon I would receive a sorry message from the killer.
  16. csvfr

    Nope, you did some damage -> he kills you
    -> you come back up, displaying weakness by not taking vengeance (forgiving)
    -> he kills you again. Whereas I would do it differently
  17. Vulpecula07

    I wouldn't agree with that.
    For the first time, I would always shrug it off, because the TK game is stupid, it's not displaying weakness.
    Although after the second time I did try to find him, if I had found him I would definitely kill him.
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  18. Liewec123

    you're one of the people that i wish would just go play a single player...
    we don't need you here TKing repeatedly because you can't accept that friendlyfire happens in a game with hundreds of players.
    only those with an incredibly weak character begin repeatedly teamkilling because they took friendly fire.
    so ironically i find you weak and childish for trying to prove what a tough guy you are.
    the bigger man says "no worries, it happens" and carries on with the fight.
    he doesn't throw a hissy-fit and start endlessly TKing, we'll leave that to the 12 year olds.

    its not strong and impressive to throw a tantrum and TK, its weak and childish.
    if you want to appear strong, you be an adult about it, you say no worries and carry on.
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  19. Movoza

    To add to the arguments:
    It would make for some further strange gameplay. Using things like grenades would become much more commonplace. Instead of tactically throwing a grenade or several and pushing afterwards you can throw some and have buddies rush in befpre they explode. Critical mass is easier, as you can have some breachers and some EMP/Concusdion/flash/normal grenade spam as support. The defenders can do the same with impunity, making a lot of situations a no brainer and to most not fun grenade spam.
    The day/night cycle, smoke and other such things increase difficulty of recognising friends from foe, but aren't much more than bothersome.
    And the spam as they say. Spam on all places without regard. Surpressing fire wherever you can. It would be horrible.
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  20. csvfr

    Did you understand what I was saying? I said if "I am TKed first", TKed as in teamkilled, not just damaged. Recognizing that accidents do happen, I explicitly say that if I'm TKed with intent, that's when I TK back.

    When I started out I found myself in the same situation the OP describes, forgiving a TKer because he was provoked. Over time I've come to recognize that those people will often TK a second time too, for the fun of it, before redeploying. That's why I argue that swift vengeance is better in those situations, settling the score before carrying on with the mission.

    The "endless TKing" would only be if the second guy would not accept the revenge, which rarely happens, but which one should be prepared for.