Why does my laptop run this game so poorly?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by KayleTL, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. KayleTL

  2. Sadaris

    Laptop enough said they are alright for gaming but a desktop of similar specs will preform better main problem is heat get a cooling pad
  3. KayleTL

    It seems to surpass recommended specs in every category, and when I played this game originally it ran like butter but after a few updates and now it runs like ****.
  4. Crazedmonk86

    performs poorly because your GPU is sub par in that laptop, I have an MSI GE70 http://msi.com/product/nb/GE70-0ND.html the specs are near identical to your laptop minus I have 100mhz slower CPU and a GTX 660M

    the GTX 660M is about 500 points less than your 7870M on 3dmark 11 so they should perform identically and my laptop runs this poorly as well. You could try unparking the cores on the I7 and setting minimum CPU state to 100% in your power options as that will help overall since you will essentially be turbo boosted nonstop.

    My laptop runs on 75% render on mid/high settings at 1080P at 50-60fps outdoors.. in big fights your gonna dip to the 20s even on low(blame the mobile cpu)

    Cool lookin laptop btw... bright **** orange lol
  5. Alexlightning7

    That is an extremely Overpriced, but definitly good laptop.
    but seriously, you could get a 7970m for that price.
    And thats a pretty ugly color imo.

    Besides, 660m/7870ms are pretty low range for 1080p, but damn their beasts at 1366x768.
    Their right in the middle, and you can find them in both resolutions most times.
    a pretty awkward position. you have 650ms that max it at 1366x768, and 670ms that max it at 1080p. so 660m/7870m are pretty awkward.

    and as I said, that laptop is HORRIBLE for the money.
    Not as bad as alienware(similar specs around $2000) or Razor laptops(around $2500), but bad.
    Just for reference, for the price they sell those at you can get 7970m Crossfired(which alienware has for $4500).
    I reccomend doing more research before buying things like that.

    On topic, this last patch sent my performance down 10 fps.
    And there has been some problems with some laptop i7s getting horrible fps.

    What exact fps are you getting?

    over exageration and you know it.
    a top of the line laptop will be just as powerful as a top of the line desktop.
    difference is price.

    Also, the heat issues in any laptop 2011 and up are greatly overexagerated. most quality laptops are actually very cool, but older/cheap ones definitly had a problem.
  6. TheEvilBlight

    Make sure it isn't Samsung's "eco mode" stuff holding you back. God knows I hate my lappy sometimes (which is a lesser Samsung, the Series 7 Chronos).