Why does DBG allows NC's terrible low win rate?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Humoreske, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. strikearrow

    Less problematic - they aren't a problem at all. Leadership is a problem e.g. again on Connery today: 37% NC, 38% TR and 25% VS. The NC focuses 85% of their forces on the VS, The TR focus 30% of their forces on the VS (70% on the NC) and the TR win 2 continents in a row with the NC having 0 points at the end for both locks and the reason they lost so hard both times was because they had really bad leaders.

    The weapon balance, if there is a real problem with it (big if), has nothing to do with why the NC constantly lose alerts.
  2. LordKrelas

    Following this logic:
    Okay, lets strip TR & VS to RNG weapons.
    Lets see the amazing leadership counteract this RNG in all but total overpop situations.
    If it isn't a 100% fail, we call it a success! Since even one victory means it's not impossible! Who gaf' about sanity.

    As against an ESF 50 pistols works.
    But anything less than absurd numbers, the Pistol obviously doesn't work against an ESF.
    Does this make the Pistol effective against an ESF?
    No, makes the idiot thinking if it works in numbers alone, that it isn't **** at it, a total idiot.

    NC has fought the jolly fight for years.
    I'm so sorry they focus on getting fights they can enjoy, rather than work twice as hard, to be nuked by FPSK and some TR, once an alert starts.
    You ever try defending a base as NC? It doesn't bloody work out well.

    So weaponry.. the thing used to actually let leadership have options in a war... couldn't influence wins.

    Whom the **** wants to lead the shotgun faction to cap bases, which literally requires every blueberry with a Gauss Saw to enter close-range against Carvs & Orions, LA's, AI Maxes?
    How about leaving those bases, where the AI NC Max, Heavy Weapon Users, can actually kill more often than be useless?
    How about the open field, where half the weaponry works, half doesn't, that's any attack.
    What about needing 3x the people, to lock-down a spawn than the enemy?

    You want to actually win a fight, and get certs, or work three times as hard, have your entire squad unable to adapt due to half of it being RNG shotguns, any rookie being a Gauss Saw if a heavy, and any new infil being Long-range single-shot..
    Guess what random rag-tag is set-up for capping a base, or fighting inside? TR, VS.
    Guess what side can't pull blueberries into interiors: NC.
    Guess what Max units can't leave interiors: NC.

    If the Shotguns work proper, you're outside the range the rest works in.
    If the rest works, the shotguns are too far away to not be wasting ammo on prayers.

    ES pistol is an RNG shotgun for ***** sake.
    Our Directive trait is on an LMG for 50% less infantry damage, that NC just lost to a VS non-directive Pistol.
    Which uses this special AV mode better.
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  3. Lamat

    You really can't say that, because everything is connected.
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  4. strikearrow

    Goodness. I'd say you dislike NC weapons. Why not just play with NS weapons? I will say that back on Briggs where my BR 97 NC toon is marooned :(, I loved the gauss saw - in fact it's the only weapon my NC HA has beyond the battle rifle. I even snipe people with that SAW at 200m ;p. Anyhow, I'm not going to convince you clearly.
  5. Lamat

    You can make that choice as an individual, but you can't choose the default weapons for the average blueberries watching your back
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  6. LordKrelas

    There isn't an NS AI Max weapon, Nor heavy weapon: There isn't NS everything that matches.
    There is a grand issue with the amount of RNG in NC's arsenal; It's more RNG short-range than sane.
    With the Gauss Saw itself, being an example of Not-built-for-close-range.

    The Gauss Saw is useless on the ******* new players: Whom start with it.
    Doesn't matter if you can hipfire it blind-folded, and get head-shots at the same time:

    So it's grand, that every blueberry around that hasn't sent off 350 - 1000 certs on a new primary unlike TR or VS, is wielding a gun not built for the range, nor for the user's skill.
    They are Rookies; It's a starter gun.
    Whom is the idiot who thought "Skilled User Required" + Novice was a grand idea?

    Not to mention, picking NS does not help the Max.
    Does it make AI less RNG? no.
    Gorgon? TThat's an AV weapon, that is out-peformed by TR & VS AI for AI, for obvious reasons.

    So no, not going to convince me that novices need RNG, and skill-weapons as novice-starter weapons.
    Nor that RNG for one-side alone, is wise.
    One side has DPS, one has accuracy, one has RNG to deal damage.
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  7. Hajakizol

    If NS weapons are the baseline then all starter weapons should be close to the NS versions. And in pistol NS weapons steal the NC hard hitting trait without dispute. Commissioner cough cough. There is not very many weapons that benefit from the hard hitting shoot slow trait. Full auto shoot is the easier was to play. And NC weapon punish you heavily for not using burst fire. A newbro knows nothing about cone of fire just cross-hairs on planetmans. And with this NC weapons fail. Ease of use. And general purpose weapons. Are better than specialized weapons for most things by definition.
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  8. RockPlanetSide2

    Let's be honest, there are no new players, maybe 1 a month. The game has the lowest over all pop in months. We are not trying to do anything for "New Players", because there are none.

    The new player argument is just dead... let it die... stop bringing it up. It is not relevant.

    "I can't aim with the Gauss Saw" is a valid argument.
  9. LordKrelas

    So now it's "They isn't the new player, or rookie argument so NC being screwed there isn't relevant"
    Rather than "NC's entire fail is leadership over the course of the entire game's lifespan"

    I want you, to be TR, or VS, and try to get that Gauss Saw on target without ever touching anything like it.
    I then want you to try chaining head-shots with it, before the matching TR & VS starter weapon chains theirs.
    If you can do it in 3 bullets, before you do it with TR & VS, Well done.
    Now account for a single miss.
    Whom does it affect more? NC.
    Who has less RPM? NC.
    Whom needs every bullet? NC.
    Whom has inaccurate weapons? NC.
    Whom has long reloads? NC.
    Whom has a full-auto that is suicide? NC.

    Whom is best to handle this? Anyone but someone trying NC out.
    Playing TR or VS, as well, doesn't make you the godly NC either; Not unless you hip-fire a sniper rifle.
    Play NC, and you can chain the head-shots faster with the more ample bullets, and time on your side.

    This is the Gauss Saw.
    I haven't gotten to the Shotgun Max's issues.

    Since "new players" are apparently dead.
    We can still say RNG is a ****** mechanic for the vast majority of NC AI weapons.
    Given New or experienced vet, You gamble every time, at short-range.
    Give that same vet, a weapon without RNG, you'll get better results.
    Give a rookie the RNG, it's pretty damn close to the Vet's chances.
  10. Hajakizol

    If NS weapons are the baseline then ALL weapons should be close to the NS versions. And in pistol NS weapons steal the NC hard hitting trait without dispute. Commissioner cough cough. There is not very many weapons that benefit from the hard hitting shoot slow trait. Full auto shoot is the easier was to play. And NC weapons punish you heavily for not using burst fire. NC weapons fail due to lack of ease of use and overspecialization. If TR are the Dakka faction they do more than baseline dps. If NC are hard hitting they should also do equal or more than baseline dps never less. Why do the NC weapon at times have lower dps than the Vanu who are not a dakka or hard hitting faction by traits?
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  11. LaLaBear

    Rumor has it wrel got killed by NC weapons :eek:
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  12. Demigan

    You are a hypocrite yourself.

    The TR is losing heavily in some of your momentary pictures of the situation, but you don't go screaming your head off that the TR is suddenly magically inferior to the other two factions, you realize that this is just a momentary situation on a single server so you don't put too much stock into it.

    For example the current state:
    • TR: 11
    • NC:7
    • VS:11
    Note: All NC wins during low pop times.

    • TR: 8
    • NC: 10
    • VS: 5
    Note: VS pop has been low consistently on this server. Unfortunately the population activity (http://ps2.fisu.pw/activity/?world=1) lasts only an hour and we can't see any potential double-teaming that might cause something (like currently the TR is the lowest pop and being slightly double-teamed).

    • TR:8
    • NC:5
    • VS:14
    Note: VS was lowest pop during most of it's alert wins.

    • TR: 6
    • NC: 8
    • VS: 15
    Note: VS more or less equal pop to the others.

    Briggs (Jeager has no good information):
    • TR: 3
    • NC: 8
    • VS: 7
    Note: All NC wins during NC overpop, primarily at low pop times (1 win during high pop).

    NC wins on one server, TR wins on no server (draw on Miller), VS wins on 2 servers. What these trends show is that the NC has a more active HIVE builder group during low pop times, giving them more easy access to wins currently. But again, if you want good proof you need to do this multiple times for a good statistical analysis.
    Considering that pre-CAI the NC was still losing overall and that the NC has had no improvements, in fact has had his Vanguard hammered into the ground, means that they will have gotten a larger disadvantage. You can see that the NC usually only wins during low-pop times where individual skill is more important, but before that can be made a hard fact we need to do this kind of analysis over and over again at various intervals, rather than pick a random snowflake and shout "loooooook global warming is a liiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!"
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  13. DrStrangeLug

    You can take this entire conversation and swap VS and NC and it would be a total replay of Planetside 1.

    Do this to TR for Planetside 3 and that'll balance everything.
  14. pnkdth

    I'll just restate what I believe is wrong with NC since it seems I've led on the impression that I think all is well;

    1. Cert lines; Too big investments before they become viable and they are too focused simply adding momentary health to a vehicle. Instead of a shield add some alpha damage charge up thingy. NC are about that Alpha and should get in there get a bloody nose, get up and say, "Well, you should see the other guy."
    2. SAW is not a starter LMG. Either this needs to be changed or give VS the Ursa and TR the TMG-50 as starter LMGs. The starter defaults for AR/Carbines are solid(Merc being one of my favorites of all factions, Pulsar C/Razor being ontop).
    3. NC MAX needs a closer. The shield does not fit with the theme of the NC MAX. It is a slugger which want to get in close. MAX charge(or something similar) should be the NC ES MAX ability.

    Reason; NC seem to be doing really well when they're able to be flexible(i.e. their stuff is unlocked), hence my concern with cert lines. If NC are to be more specialized this should be reflected in their progression versus other empires. NC have had a REALLY solid showing Server and LaneSmash(former being less competitive and the latter much more so).

    Shotguns everywhere only works if their rest of the faction's ES stuff reflects it. Slow moving, durable, with a shotgun? Should be slow moving, burst of speed/power, and SHOTGUN! or Slow moving, rail gun, <insert smoking crater here>. There needs to be a balance though as we saw how incredibly powerful the Reaver was with the AH(pre-nerf, of course) and how stupid certain weapons get when put on a harasser.

    Speed is powerful. However, you guys really need to stop calling the Magrider "godly" and claim it is some super mobile machine which can bounce effortlessly between cover. It isn't that fast and the magburner feels more like a magfarter most of the time. Also, the RNG factor of NC is limited to a few weapons. Stop acting as if NC weapon's COF sprays bullets all over the place. The SAW's movement COF is BS since it easily can make it so you flat out miss at even fairly close distances but that's not how how the rest of the NC weapons behave...

    I may have spoken out of turn but when you get 3-4 people all jumping on you at once it is pretty hard to both keep track and remain calm. Especially when many of those replies were less than friendly in tone themselves.
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  15. Demigan

    I know I can be rather hostile, so I'll apologise for that. When I have time I'll come back here and have an actual discussion with you, rather than the digital equivalent of a shouting match.
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  16. Lamat

    I feel like with the factions in this game:

    TR, you get exactly what they are advertised to be

    NC, not really as advertised at all

    VS, was poorly defined from the start, basically became very TR-like with gimmicky scifi toys for flavor
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  17. Demigan

    • TR: 12
    • NC: 7
    • VS: 5
    • TR: 8
    • NC: 8
    • VS: 7
    • TR: 6
    • NC: 7
    • VS: 15
    Note: VS was mostly at lower pops during prime-time but has a few wins during prime-time, TR vastly overpopped in prime time and got most of it's victories there.

    • TR: 7
    • NC: 8
    • VS: 15
    Note: NC got only 1 victory during prime-time, the other two seem more distributed across the day.

    • TR: 3
    • NC: 6
    • VS: 7

    Currently we see a trend where the TR seems to be on the lower spectrum of population and lower end of wins. Possibly because the TR Prowler has gotten a reload nerf and is now more on-par with the other two MBT's and the TR has to adjust to the new situation. NC seems to be doing relatively well. Let's see how they hold out through about two weeks or something.
  18. adamts01

    From what I've seen, alert wins 90% of the time come down to whether or not the other factions continue fighting eachother or team up to stop the alert. That's it. As I mentioned in the other post, Connery is at the point where the Chinese outfits take turns throwing the alerts to quickly lock the continents and maximize ISO. It's pretty pathetic. I don't know how it is on other servers, but anything outside of US primetime on Connery can be completely discounted.
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  19. Lamat

    It would be cool if NC could have the toned down gold NC colors that this VS has: (excluding over-the-top bright yellow helmet)

  20. Hajakizol

    Some say camo does not work and its just beating a dead horse. If that is the case why do modern military forces use it? O wait it does work...
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