Why Does a Sunderer with Two Turrets and x5 more health than a Javelin Get Combat And Speed Chasis?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XLWVA, Jul 10, 2024.

  1. XLWVA

    But a Javelin that is one shot to tank rounds, low resistance and prone to latencyside and labeled the worst vehicle in game cant have both like it should ????

    i cant use combat chasiss without a sunderer ramming into me as they have been running rampant around town instant healing themselves back to full HP.

    This is a JOKE.
  2. AuricStarSand

    Hey it's a Javelin!


    Ye ye.
    Fix: Javelin costs more; doesn't get 1 shot by tanks. & gains some speed.

    Tbh I was the best harasser driver; & vehicle killstreaken with harasser was way too tough.
    The devs haven't really weighed out the fact; that tanks have gotten better at shooting.

    Each year tanks got better at shooting. You can't simply " run laps around them " as a javelin / harasser.

    Essentially Javelins / Harrasers have to gain +20 mph speed, per year. Since rumble seat repairs were taken away. So were at like a +60 mph buff for harasser mains, to dodge tanks who mastered the art of shooting harassers.

    Why? Because 90% of harassers don't kill tanks often enough.
    Because tank shells isn't limited by distance; isn't limited by mouse sensitivty; & turning dodging is limited by speed.

    I wouldn't blame Sunderers.
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  3. AuricStarSand

    Honestly when rumble seat repairs were a thing; the fights seemed equal enough? I don't think they should return them; was tedious to switch seats. Yet at least fighting MBT's was fair. May have been a tad op at times; however now you have harassers losing most MBT engagements ever since. You see more Lightnings with bounties; than harassers.

    If Harasser bounty it's from shooting infantry & not dueling tanks; till the harasser hits a mine shortly after.
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  4. Botji

    Been away from the game for a while but if Sunderers have gotten Racer and Combat chassi combined then that means Javelin is now officially the slowest vehicle in the game except for maybe Magrider and a damn Colossus.

    I think that says a lot about what kind of pit Javelin balance is in.

    Yeah sure it can use boost to temporarily be faster than some vehicles but it only lasts like 1 second while it both has a ~40% activation cost and what? 5+ seconds recharge time even WITH racer chassi? (so its actually much much slower than a Magrider)

    Not to mention the weapon convergence/aim issue that Celeste and Hydra still has where if you are aiming at something "too close" the weapon will aim almost straight up into the air and completely miss a target that is literally right in front of you... thats kinda bad for weapons that are designed to be used in close range.

    Or how both Celeste and NEST has so long reload timers that a single engineer can more or less repair a vehicle faster than you are able to do damage to them. Depends on if its a tank or not, without the +50% damage from shooting it in the rear a single engineer will definitely 100% of the time repair faster than you do damage.

    Justice for Javelin!
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  5. VV4LL3

    ALL of NSO is in a pit. lol
  6. RaiMarie

    It's so stupid and I'm sick and tired of running into 20+ sunderers instead of a nice mix of lighting tanks and MBTs with harassers here and there. Also a sunderer rushed my vanguard earlier today and killed it without the sunderer going below half health. How is this balanced? WHY ARE THE DEVS MAKING THE GAME WORSE WITH EVERY UPDATE?! WHY ARE ANTS BEING FLIPPED BY SUNDEERS MOVING FASTER THAN THEM? WHY IS NSO FACTION COMPLETELY USELESS NOW? This game is dead full stop. Sunderers cost LESS to spawn than the tanks. I'm so fed up with this imbalance. Game was 100x better before this update. Give ANTs the nanite armor and let Sunderers use one of their other armor options. Take away some of their speed. Then they will be the support vehicles they were meant to be, not be the only thing people use now.

    If something not done with this balance, I want all my money back I spent on this game or else...
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