Why do YOU stay on Indar??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterCheef, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. JohnnyMaverik

    I can't think of many hexes in that 64x64km map that I actually enjoy playing in. Esamir has a few, Amerish has a few, Indar... not so much... I don't mind the biodomes but that's not really based on the map now is it. Everything is either a pain in the **** to defend, a pain the in **** to attack or just a general pain in the ****.

    as the population continues to dwindle, decent battles become more difficult to find. therefore indar is the only real choice to play on, unless you like capping empty bases.
  3. f0d

    for me its only because everyone else is there
    i would much rather be on amerish or esamir
  4. Endlos

    I'm on Indar because, sadly, it's where 95% of the fighting is on Mattherson and ~90% of the fighting is on Waterson.

    Yeah, there's a small chance I may bump into some enemies on the other continents, but it's usually left to ghostcappers or ghostzergs and it requires a lot of luck for two ghostzergs to A) exist and B) bump into each other.

    It's a shame, because Esamir and Amerish both run better on my system, and I vastly prefer their geography.
  5. Saberune

    I personally find both Esamir and Amerish more interesting than Indar, although that could partially be because i'm a little bored with Indar. I do pop in to the other continents occasionally, but it's unusual to find any real action. I was on Amerish last night, in fact, and from what I could tell by looking at the percentage of players and enemy activity,there were 4 or 5 of us .... on the whole continent. I did a little capping for a little while, got bored with the lack of action, and just like every other night, ended up back on Indar.

    Long story short: I play there because that's where everyone else plays. I'm not sure what it would take to get people to spread out some, but I really wish they would. The other continents have some redeeming qualities and it's a shame they're sitting over there wasting away.
  6. siiix

    indar is the most important continent for me , because it give infantry bonus... other wise i would never leave amerish
  7. SgtBreastroker

    Because when I feel like lone wolfing, the Zerg Rushes are extremely satisfying.

    That and Amerish and Esamir don't get enough people joining. Perhaps if SoE implemented some form of Esamir/Amerish days where the entire server would switch to Esamir or Amerish as the starter continents I would be a little happier.
  8. Mustakrakish

    Since about a week before GU02, that seems to be the only place anyone is actually fighting on Waterson. Finding a hex with more than half a squad in it on Esamir or Indar is next to impossible.

    Personally, I hate playing on Indar. I don't really like the dynamic created by having three different environments separated by mountain ranges. Despite the fact that it has the most territories out of all three continents, people usually end up fighting over the same handful of bases in a nightmarish meatgrinder/zergfest (Rashnu, Hvar, Allatum, Quartz Ridge, the Crown and T.I. Alloys). That's all well and good, but not night after night, week after week. I like some variety in my battles.

    Unless I want to spend my evening ghost-capping one of the other continents, I more or less have to go to Indar, though.
  9. Endlos

    This thread (and the Indarside problem as a whole) just speak mountains to the fact that this game needs to merge some servers if SOE wants to keep it healthy. Near launch you could easily find decently large fights on at least a couple continents. How? Because Indar was so thoroughly poplocked that people were forced to go elsewhere, and, holy crap, start fighting each other elsewhere.

    As it is now, even on Mattherson/Waterson (by far the 'most populated but still kind of low' of the 4 US-East servers) Indar is rarely locked, and even when it is the queue is usually less than a dozen people. If you see people on the other two continents, they are usually just sitting in the WG waiting for the short queue to pop.
  10. NovaAustralis

  11. Angelo77

    Indar is the most populated so there are generally good fights. Also, the terrain is very diverse; you have the open desert in the north, narrow canyons to the southeast and more forest areas to the southwest.
  12. SgtBreastroker

    Merging the servers will not fix the other two continents being empty. You will never get the kind of action from Indar on Amerish or Esamir. Unless SoE make the starter continent one of those two and not Indar the changes by merging servers will almost be negligible.
  13. khord

    For the fight. Cant find same level of fights off of indar,
  14. shoolgate

    To be honest, I'd love to go to other map Unfortunately only INDAR population I feel helpless
  15. Dubious

    Short version:

    Indar was made to function
    Amerish was made for looks
    Esamir just got scraped together and painted white to hide all the flaws
  16. Veri

    cuz it's hardcore man!
    cuz ur hardcore fps shooter MLG if u only play indar!

    Seriously though, I know people who play it because it is like hard mode of PS2 to them and it makes them feel like they are hard men if they play on Indar and ******* if they play on the other two continents.
  17. Tasogie

    all 3 are great, sadly its jsut that the farmers which is 90% of them want their certs as fast an easy as possible, eg Crown/It I logged in tonight an just coudlnt face it, I cant do more endar after 500 hours....
  18. biterwylie

    I stay on Indar because on Cabalt it is a balanced play area. The other two are usually totally controlled by one side, which just leads you to play in an enviroment where air superiority is almsot total, which is no fun.
  19. Ironside

    Everyone wants a good fight and Indar is the only place it happens, i'll never logon and fight on a dead cont
  20. Vashyo

    I'm on Indar simply because the other two continents never have action and don't have good farms/big battles going on.