Why do you play on Indar?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stalkish, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Warobsessive

    I think the allure of Indar comes from its geographic variety. There's grassy plains, deserts with giant coral spouts, arid canyons, and forests, all on one continent. Whereas all of Esamir is a frozen waste and on Amerish, going off-road is a death sentence for any vehicle, so you have to stay on the roads and it's incredibly mountainous, making the enemy's direction of attack very predictable and using an armored vehicle, almost useless unless you fight in the valley.
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  2. salembeats

    I fight on Indar because everyone else fights on Indar. I'd gladly fight on Amerish 24/7 if it were populated enough to have decent battles consistently.
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  3. Shinniok

    Amerish is, in my opinnion, really fun after the revamp.
  4. Codex561

    I dont play on indar, I play on esamir and only go on indar when esamir is really dead.
  5. JP_Russell

    Has the most diversity, land in between bases feels more designed and sees more action, bases actually seem more consistently enjoyable to me where bases on other continents are more hit and miss, more familiarity with and nostalgia for Indar since it's kind of always been the most played continent, more familiarity with base layouts specifically (this wouldn't be an issue if there weren't way too many bases per continent), it's where everybody else usually is...

    Not to say it's the only continent I like or play on. I'll gladly welcome the other two being highly populated more regularly if it actually happens with continent locking, and Indar is certainly not all rainbows and unicorns even if it is actually my overall preferred continent still.
  6. CactusLynx

    I despise Indar. There are no moving battles and so many areas just become a stalemate fight like Vanu Archives or the Mao tech area. You don't really see that on the other two because 1. the pops aren't that big, usually one faction dominates the continent, making the other two gain more xp per action, which is tasty 2. they are both very different from Indar; Esamir has walled in bases but wide open expanses, and Amerish is a vehicles nightmare.
  7. Commissar38

    I've liked both Indar and Amerish actually. Esamir can feel a little too big at times. But I remember Amerish before the revamp and it sucked.
  8. Calisai

    My preferred thing to do is drive a Mag. Preferably AV/AV flanking Mag. So long roundabout flanking maneuvers in order to gain better position.

    Esamir: I actually Love this continent, but there are few good battles there. Why? Only one tech plant.
    This means... you either... have easy access to MBTs, but are mostly fighting Sunderers, Lightnings, and Air... with the rare occasional MBT thrown in...
    You have to keep pulling from Warpgate and driving 5-7 minutes to get to the fight, in which time you'll probably get ganked by Air way before you see any action.

    Amerish: Chokepoint, more chokepoints, and lots of windy, annoying claustrophobic roads. Bases in which you are lucky to have any action at.... lots of hills that have AV turrets picking you off left and right and plenty of mountains for Air to duck behind, making AA less effective overall. With the chokepoints, all the vehicle combat gets funneled into areas where you are lucky not to get flipped over or killed because you can't maneuver. It is god awful annoying to try getting anywhere on this cont. God forbid you have to change from one lattice line to the next, it's like pulling teeth to get to due to roads/mountains/etc.

    That's one of the reasons you see so many vehicle users on Indar.... it's still the only real option that isn't downright annoying. (Not impossible, just annoying)... oh and Hossin doesn't appear much better... so Indar dominance will probably continue.
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  9. Cirevam

    I only go to Indar when another faction has massive overpopulation on Amerish and Esamir. Then again, parts of Indar are better for land vehicles...
  10. khai

    Number of reasons. Indar has the most population so bigger fights.

    Esamir I hate the walled bases they are annoying if you are not LA. Also 1 tech plant means that one faction has good tanks the rest die.

    Amerish has the most ******** lattice in existence with long straight lines of connections. Too many mountains with only a single possible road mean not only is the base you must attack dictated but how you get there usually is as well. While the lattice more or less works on indar and in my opinion is actually an improvement on esamir it should not have been implemented on amerish.

    So in conclusion it is a combination of more population on indar and bad decisions implemented on the other 2
  11. Apples

    I've found more action on amerish personally?
  12. KnightCole

    I go to Indar when Esamir and Amerish are both ghost towns and there is nothing more then ghostcapping.....if there is even 1 soul on Esamir, in a territory and i feel like going to, ill go there before hitting Indar....

    Idk if its I hate indar, am bored with it or what..

    I know I dont like many of the bases and crap.....and the fact that it has like 2 minutes of daytime cycle....but I dont like Indar.
  13. DrPapaPenguin

    I like Indar because of the terrain. It's a good middle ground between tank territory and infantry. And also because Esamir has fewer good battles and I hate Amerish.
  14. Flying Mug

    This ground has been covered. Population and the other two continents have tank problems. Amerish in particular. Even in a Magrider.
  15. Saval

    Because everyone else plays there. I go where the population is.
  16. Fangry

    Hopefully Hossin will be more like PS1 Hossin, than a mix between PS2 Esamir and Amerish
  17. Selerox

    I play on Indar because my faction is so underpopped we have to effectively abandon the other continents to allows us a foothold on one.

    Welcome to PS2 in 2014.