Why Do TR/ NC Get Dump Butts? VS Booty is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. ChironV

    Be warned...
    That bodacious booty on VS females? ALL Muscle. They could pinch your joystick off with the slightest flex. Like a hammer and anvil...
    • Up x 3
  2. Ghosty11

    You have reached "Enlightenment". It's all about formfitting spandex.
  3. VenomCarnage

    Not sure if SRS.

    TR booty is way better...trust me I know this.

    Gonna take pics later to compare.
  4. NanoBitSplit

    Nah, VS is most definitely superior (and also higher poly- way to go, T-Ray and the art team!)

    Scientific proof.
  5. VenomCarnage

    Actually in that pic you can tell that TR have longer/bigger buttocks and wider hips.

    VS has bigger thighs slight bigger buttocks in terms of sticking out but since they have no hips, it's kind of stupid.
  6. Morpholine

    Relevant to the discussion. Also possibly NSFW.

  7. vrcarnage

    This post is probably the best post I have seen on this forum. It's just enough to break the daily monotony on these forums. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. :p
  8. Malfice

    Genetic engineering at it's finest.
  9. The King

    Windows 8 is better than Windows 7...
  10. Kracken

  11. Amorphium

    i'm sure mr. bond appreciates a nice backside like everyone else.
  12. nurgleth

    Embrace The Spandex and you too shall sport glorious butts, as Vanu intended.
    • Up x 1
  13. Grotpar

    Well, the NC chick is 13 years old, and the TR chick's lack of *** probably had something to do with a military diet or whatever. Maybe she got lipo so she can fit her standard issue armor.
  14. MartianDiscoFish

    Awww yes that's some sweet a....W-WAIT A MINUTE!?
  15. The King

    I don't see how one could confuse a male butt with a female butt on this game.
    Seriously people, get your eyes checked.

    Check your own butt in the mirror, know what your butt looks like.
  16. MartianDiscoFish

    That ain't no male butt, that's robot max butt
    I am no robosexual!
  17. Raneman

    NC butts ain't so bad, it is the TR that is the worst off.
  18. Stellus

    I know Jessica Alba's butt anywhere. Disguise it however you want, but I will know it.
  19. Stellus

    Ok, the latest patch did NOT balance faction moons. Please hotfix the Vanu heints to bring them in line with the other two factions.
  20. Stellus

    I feel like the Vanu rears are actually growing with each new GU...