Why Do TR/ NC Get Dump Butts? VS Booty is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Eacaraxe

    Yeah, you guys laugh now. Wait until you have to float an air biscuit inside skin-tight spandex.
  2. Flying Mug

    Now you understand why we spend so much time following each other up the southern face of the Crown.
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  3. Cryptek

    What you thought we focused our research and resources primarily on plasma and hover technology?! HA-HAA!

    butt-enhancing technology is where the money is at.
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  4. Lucidius134

    This is why we go rabid and try to defend the vanu archives at all costs.....those unique consoles can't fall into the hands of the enemies for long!
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  5. SinerAthin

    Most certainly true!

    Imagine the morale boost it would've been for the TR or NC soldiers whom captured it...
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  6. TheShrapnelKing

    Regardless, form-fitting flexible body armour like the Vanu's would be every soldier's dream.
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  7. Lucidius134

    "W-what's going on sir!?" The sound of tens of latest 'things' tightening with that rubbery sound can be heard through out the entire base.

    "We're.......becoming fabulous.......Private...." The cloth materials on their uniforms have become tight, form fitting latex. There was nothing they could do but stare at eachothers butts. The Terran command channel became hushed, and their advance ceased. Friendly TR Infiltrators watched on from a distance in terror and arrousal as their comrades' round, voluptuous buttocks glisten from the afternoon sunlight.

    "My god.........t-that a$$....."

    Vanu Command release a message to commanders on a secured channel, which read "The Terran fools have fallen for our trap and released our secret weapon. They are being indoctrinated by the fabulousness!"
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  8. Lancener

    I realized this about the time I started sniping and had it shoved in my scope. Everyone on the Vanu note, when you walk in front of someone that's squatting, they get a face full of purple butt in very form-fitting pants.
  9. SinerAthin

    At that point we might as well send them a shipment of Vanu edition spandex pants to seal the deal :p

    I wish the Terran High Command good luck trying to re-indoctrinate them after that!
  10. Stellus

    Submitted by peopleofunitedstates on DeviantArt.com
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  11. M4L4CH1TE

    That decloaking sound? That's just the Vanu infiltrator stretching before she does you.
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  12. VesperInTheDark

    i demand buff's to NC and TR women, its only equal rights....
  13. Lucidius134

    The MAX Screenshot of mine? It's a male.
  14. KnightCole

    So this secret alien tech that the Vanu claim to worship is nothing more then a sexy human @$$ eh? hmm....it all makes sense now..
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  15. Zorlox

    haha, guess it had to be done, a nerf vanu's gluteus maximus thread is ftw. I've almost seen it all now. :)
  16. TheUprising

  17. Stellus

    I just. I just want to hop on a Flash and do a drive-by "high five".
  18. bluEyedillusions

    When did Maggie become a sassy black woman?
  19. Stellus

    This possibly the biggest controversy surrounding faction balance. TRay must comment on these allegations!
  20. NanoBitSplit


    From the Kotaku interview.
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