Why Do TR/ NC Get Dump Butts? VS Booty is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Stellus

    Seriously, how did the VS get such nice booties? Is this in the lore somewhere that says the ancient Vanu technology had a tertiary effect that granted its users infomercial-quality @$$?

    I want quarter-bouncing cheeks too!
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  2. Vlas

    I see you have windows 8, and now i know why we cant have nice things.

    You...you are the reason we cant have nice things.
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  3. TribbleFluffer

    LMFAO... oh dear lord! XD You noticed too?

    No, ive noticed what hes talking about too...

    Vanu have some very 'CURVY" female models for the characters. Though i will admit that my Outfit have commented on my avatars butt too, just i know its not as plump as a vanu.
    If i can find the image i have ill post it, it shows one of those new hackers at work pacing a base turret next to a spawn tube, but in the corner of the image is a VS chick who's got huge butt and hips XD
  4. Edmon

    Thread is worthless without pictures.
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  5. Eyeklops

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  6. RomulusX

    build a house up on that @ss that's an @sstate!
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  7. MilitiaMan

    Obvious, have you SEEN

    She is pretty much VS all the time, she was obviously like....

    *flips hair and snaps fingers* "I ain't having no dumpy booty on my toon, she better be sexy like I am" *snaps fingers again*
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  8. bPostal

    It's because TRay is an *** man
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  9. Lucidius134


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  10. Machine Spirit

    VANU BUTT SUPREMACY! *runs in circles*
  11. Gadamlu

    its our form fitting Nano-weave armour, it hugs to the body like a second skin, while the rest of you wear such dirty, bland and baggy things...

    Join Vanu!
    we have Spandex!
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  12. SinerAthin

    Well, first step might be getting rid of those granny pants of yours... xD
  13. Brickwalker

    we wear Jeggings

    hard to look bad in jeggings.
  14. LaKroy

    I notice a distinct lack in this thread.

    Fixed. Spandex for everybody! :)
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  15. Darlith

    It's like wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all.
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  16. ChironV

    Baby Got Back...
  17. Swoll

    LOL nerf! Right meow! :D :D
  18. Obscura

    The vanu spend large amounts of time in the gym to acquire such a fabulously sculpted ***. TR and NC, do you even lift?
  19. An Hero



    Nerf VS butts.
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    TR and NC women are busted....its like NC are white trash and TR are old Russian women. Would not bang
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