Why do the future still rely on traditional firearms?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Agent 47, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Zakuak

    And some weapons are just that good! M2 Browning machine gun has been in service for 90 years and will probably be effective 90 more.
  2. Marinealver

    well we got a single hover vehicle and a cylon fighter. Those lasers, they act more like blue tracers. Some better beam weapons and instead of a premitive smeiauto-automatic select fire we should have varible energy settings that adjust dammage /armor piercing for ammo per shot and reciol/rate of fire.
  3. CraftKing

    Futuristic huh? Yeah I agree, I want to see our Jackhammer destroys walls.


    Like I said on the other threads. PS2's idea of futuristic is like how we view futuristic back in 90s. The designs and concepts, so outdated.

    At least they should add more 'futuristic' cool stuff different from what we have now. Most of the weapons we got are copy and paste and some few tweaks.
  4. Rickenbacker

    One word: recognition. 'Futuristic' laser weapons are simply less recognizable, and less fun, for most people. Hence the low Vanu population - it's not the nerfs, it's their odd equipment.
  5. BengalTiger

    Crossbows are still used in a few military units.

    And if body armor stops 5.56 mm; there's a 6.8 mm round.

    If that doesn't work, the next M4 will probably just be chambered for 7.62 NATO which has some really serious punch.

    If that fails, there's more exotic stuff like the .338 Lapua Magnum.

    Bullets have a long way to go, and they may live alongside railguns and particle beam weapons for quite a long time, just like the longbow, crossbow and musket coexisted for a while.
  6. TheBloodEagle

    At the very least the TR should be using caseless ammo already.
  7. Kurreah

    Actually, it had very little to do with armour and effectiveness. It was the logistics.
    Armour was "proofed" after manufacture by firing a pistol at it at short range: the use and coverage of metal armour was rare enough that these did not make much difference, particularly compared with the rate of fire of a longbow.

    The issue was that making arrows took time and a fairly high level of craftmanship. Musket ammunition could be made very simply with very little actual knowledge once the proportions of gunpowder were known.

    There has actually been a move away from the 7.62 round, to the 5.56 for standard military usage. It is higher velocity and more can be carried. As yet, body armour penetration is not regarded as a major issue for general use.
  8. Kurreah

    Gauss is just a method of accelerating a projectile down a barrel, as are explosive cartridge firearms. Unlike firearms, which are limited in their velocity by the gas expansion, gauss weaponry has a higher potential velocity.
    In atmosphere, with a hand-held weapon, you don't always want to use the highest velocity though.
  9. Yautja

    The game is late WWII to Korean War era with lots of spandex, flashy lights and Morgan Freeman.
  10. Sevre


    Also, Vanu aren't lacking pop cus of weapons, but because no one knows how fine the female @ss looks in their spandex.

    Spread the word! VS are on the endangered list.
  11. turtlestation

    Also in the future, firearms are designed to be as bulky and unwieldy as possible.

    I honestly feel bad for my characters, being forced to lug around rectangular boxes for guns. Things must weigh a ton.

    edit: I just realized they probably have lightweight polymers/materials in the future. But I don't see what that's any reason to make guns bigger. I honestly don't understand SOE's art team sometimes.
  12. FateJH

    Oh, are you saying it's like the Discworld dwarf problem where even they [Dwarves] can't tell the males from the females easily?
  13. Commissar38

    Precisely my point. And for every guy upgrading ammunition to more effectively penetrate armor, there is going to be an armor designer figuring out ways to stop those more improved variations in weapons and ammunition.
  14. Vaphell

    you speak like a n00b. bigger = more epic, don't you know? ;)