Why do people not like Hossin?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. CorporationUSA

    inb4 VS defense squad
  2. DeadlyPeanutt

    I won't play on Hossin unless there's an alert.

    -confusing, non standardized and illogical base setups... all of the most idiotic bases in the game are on Hossin
    -annoying to drive vehicles or pilot air on... the stupid pod plants are annoying and catch my flash every time
    -difficult to see and target infantry and air. fog is irritating and trees that stand in front of fixed turrets are silly. what military mind would allow a tree to sit in front of a fixed AV turret? or overhanging trees over an AA turret? they would burn them down.
    -roads tend to be death zones with high embankments on either side

    conclusion: hossin sucks
    when the game drops me into hossin, I leave immediately
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  3. Stainlesssteel

    I like Hossen too ..it is the most beautiful cont of em all...hossin is like the one continent the dev´s actually enjoyed creating while esamir is close to a level out of quake3 arena ...
    I run a medium class PC and Hossin is the cont that eats up the most performance ,that is for me the reason not to play there very often...
    I hope they release Cyssor or Forseral and make em a real forest place ...amerish was very wooded too in PS1 .
    In PS2 this grey hills dominate too much of the area for my taste!
    But Hossin is awsome !
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  4. Liewec123

    its apparently perma-night, night sucks when you're playing on ultra.
    theres a ton of fog, theres a ton of shiny flowers blooming up your screen to make trying to see anything even harder.
    thats my main reason for not liking hossin, plus its always empty.
  5. Takara

    Super confining. I hate how there is basically no where to go other then the roads and bases. There should be more open swamp...empty areas between bases. I think the continent is pretty...and they did a good job artistically. However the layout is horrible and there is far to much of that map that is accessible.
  6. FateJH

    If there's something I dislike about Hossin, it's the general layout. It's really busy everywhere you look, and in some places can approach "pretty," but not a whole lot of it is useful for much of anything. The whole "taking many minutes of roundabout just to get 10m away from where you started" for ground forces is just aggravating.

    It's not that I won't play on it - as I do when warranted - but I just don't like how it looks in some respects.
  7. Leftconsin

    Choke points.
  8. Tatwi

    Point of choking.
  9. Skooma Lord

    I can sell some good Skooma without getting any of my Skooma Dens discovered in the Black Marsh(or Hossin).
    Seriously though, I like all the continents, they all have there unique flavor. I like the atmosphere and environment on Hossin. I wish they would fix that bug that makes the water ripple effect appear at your torso though.
  10. LodeTria

    The mountains ruin it.
    Whilst the bases are nice to drive a harasser in, the ones that have mountains near or in them are just the worst.
    It's also A2G heaven which makes it terribad.

    If the mountains were flat out removed and nice slopes where put in their place, I'd like it a lot more.
  11. FieldMarshall

    I like Hossin, because its the map that least ends in these extremely boring stalemate fights that go on for hours.
    With tanks sitting on either side of the no-man's land taking shots at eachother, while the only option for infantry is to throw themselves at enemy fire.
  12. Klabauter8

    One thing I dislike about Hossin is its tree branches out of steel.
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  13. Goretzu

    Air play is a lot of fun, the make up really favours Air (once anyone is good enough not to crash into trees).

    Vehicle play and infantry play is less clear cut there are some positives for some types and some big negatives...... Hossin is probably Marmite, basically. Against VS at night there is just a pain too.

    Personally it is my least favourite continent, but I like playing on it occasionally for a change (mostly just in Alerts).
  14. Pikachu

    Yellow flower pod plant with actual glowing surface. :D

    Foggy building. :D
  15. Armcross

    Their Standard spandex fits the terrain.
  16. Beerbeerbeer

    What annoys me, most of all, is that after an alert ends on another continent, the game will force you to spawn there if it's unlocked.

    I freaking hate that. Let us choose which continent to spawn to.
  17. Armcross

    Bring back the sanctuary. Or faction space station, convenient for hotdrop standby.
  18. lothbrook

    Because its a **** design with choke points and narrow roads everywhere with sheer cliff faces everywhere and what open area there is is covered in thick fog, and then theres all the little stupid plants that stop your vehicle from going over them because they're apparently made from Depleted Uranium or something.
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  19. Armcross

    You'll never see me coming, with my tank.
  20. Jac70

    It's a great map design with some nice bases. The issue for me is mainly visibility. I find it hard enough to see on Indar when it gets dark and it is light in the real world. On Hossin there can be enemies 20m away and I just cannot see them. I play at maxed settings because I like my gfx. I will likely play there more when the winter nights roll in.
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