Why do people keep complaining about the TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goolloom, May 13, 2013.

  1. Sebastien

    Dude, if you're saying that you are UP please say this to someone else than me, with your silly Mosquito, that doesn't require skill at all (for me at least). Try killing someone from medium far range with the Reaver, and tell me.
  2. AssaultPig

    the silliest thing about the NC shotgun 'specialty' is that the jackhammer is outclassed by the pump actions that every infantry can carry
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  3. deester

    A lot of us TR on my server are playing less or going to play the nc/vs because of gun issues. I myself choose to fight against the VS to avoid the ridiculous NC weapons, notably the Guass one, think its the heavy default? On a 50/50 encounter I lose 90% against the nc even if I fire first, I start to unload, hitting, then 4 or 5 shots from him/her and i'm dead, happens all the time. It not just a poor skill factor i'm a fairly decent player. My outfit friend is petitioning to be able to switch factions because of this mainly. Remember all the ammo in a clip is useless if you're dead that fast. On speaking to NC players i get "..yeah its pretty smooth and destroys anything close up." My TR weapons recoil a lot more than they do, surely scavenged terrorist freedom fighter tech shouldn't be that smooth, to borrow from the lore. I like the game a lot, but this is constant cause of bewilderment for my outfit.
    Any NC players notice how good their base weapons are? interested to know. Peace.
  4. MikeyGeeMan

    I don't really understand the complaints.

    I did do a compare of the trac5 and the nc gauss rifle.

    Lets just say the nc is the new easy mode. After the initial jump from recoil an nc can lay a whole clip into someone. While tr has to burst fire.

    But that's ok. Cause we like to Zerg it.

    This thread is about as useful as Gary Busey in an operating room.
  5. Pivke

    yes they are pretty decent, nothing to complain about.
    except i dont like gauss saw. its the worst of all starting LMGs. t9 carv is a little better and orion is the best of all three.

    most of the so called xXx pro MLG 360 #yolo players will argue here that gauss saw is the best... but in reality 90% of planetside 2 players (including me here) are ranging from average to bads, and will do much better with using carv or orion.
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  6. Kastrenzo

    Depends what thread it originates from

    Mattherson, people cry about TR because of the massive Outfit and Outfit Alliance wars going on
    Waterson, People cry about TR because they are grossly overpopulated most of the day and night
    One of the Euro Servers, Miller or Cobalt I think, the population is even more inbalanced.

    People are just picking fights all around though, it's not the TR's fault for overpopulating, it's NC and VS's fault for not bringing enough people to a huge battle.

    TR doesn't get any extra population limits. nor does anyone else, we each get 600-650 per island, and then it boils down to individual skill and outfit capability.

    and when people are getting beat by skill, not numbers, they'll cry that their guns are unbalanced
  7. Ultramarine

    NC so were OP, GU7 fixed it, and the 4th faction has dispersed into the other factions now. As is i feel its (mostly) balanced right now. Of course nothing's perfect.
    I do see how the TR can take heat for OP though, as an NC i get how quickly people slap the you're broken label on you when you start winning :p Honestly i'd prefer fighting TR to VS though. Vanu all use the same 4 guns, Pandora, Orion, Sirius, and that AR/Carbine (idk which) that people love so much, and the only guns I can kill them with are the SAW, Bruiser, and Blitz which despite their effectiveness I don't enjoy using. TR are just more fun for me to fight.

    Edit: in comment to above:
    In their defense, if only one side wins, even if its by skill, what fun would that be? Just because TE has the capacity to stomp anything with superior numbers doesn't make it fun or acceptable to ALWAYS do so, and they don't probably for that reason exactly.
  8. Kastrenzo

    VS got hit the hardest by GU08.

    VS Heavy Assault weapons recoil side to side, worse than NC vertical recoil now.
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  9. MikeyGeeMan

    Please double check your numbers....nc default lmg right now is best in game....hands down.

    As is the nc gauss rifle. Nc can roll medic heavies and do some damage.
  10. redmamba

    Strange, I still have no problems killing the NC after GU08.
    True I use NS11C most of the time, but I used LC3 Jaguar before this and it's almost identical.
    NS11C peforms slightly better at longer ranges.

    I play TR engineer 95% of the time

  11. HellasVagabond

    You can't hit a flying turkey with the Phoenix so it's not really the same. The only good thing it's at are Stationery vehicles and that up to 300m. The Striker has almost twice that range and it's fire and forget.

    Personally what makes me mad sometimes is the 3/1 population advantage the TR have on Miller over the NC. It's getting old.
  12. Ultramarine

    Your numbers failed a bit too man, the current guass rifle is underperforming. The SAW has a specific niche, being that it has a serious range advantage, but WILL lose in close-mid range because of the low TTK. People do love that SAW though, I find that it's terrible to use myself and prefer to roll SMG/Jackhammer/GD22s. By design, you cannot say a gun is "good", "best", or "better" than any other as they're simply different with different feels. They can however be outperforming or underperforming for their slot
  13. Primarkka

    Right now I have logged off, because I can not find a fight as TR.
  14. Ultramarine

  15. MikeyGeeMan

    While ttk is a good measure, it does not take into account battlefield variables.

    Taking into account the average distance of an encounter mid to close is the distance and the nc guns from my experience using them are a lot easier to use. Less recoil after the first pop. Easier to control.

    I prefer the higher rof as do you, so admit to some bias to not liking high rof firing less recoil weapons.

    But to test it its easy to do, login with that weapon. Aim at the wall and try to lay a whole clip into one area. Nc guns do it better.
  16. Ultramarine

    Check my above data, guess rifle is THE SECOND WORST PERFORMING AR IN THE GAME to the tr's cycler, and the SAW is actually about 100 points per hour lower than the carv or Orion. Aparent and actual performance differs, firing at a wall gives you no feel for actual use, it's terrible CoF under sustained fire, or it's higher TTK.
    I'd like the guass rifle to work better, but otherwise I'm happy with this
  17. Patrician

    And yet we used to see far more whining coming from TR players; that is until they got The Striker. Now they've gone a bit quiet.
  18. Patrician

    Well really a Phoenix shouldn't destroy an MBT simply due to the extremely long TTK on it. By the time the Phoenix user has launched the killing blow the MBT has had enough time to wander away, repair, wander back, hang around a bit with it's mates and have had a couple of pints. Seriously the TTK on the Phoenix is so low that I don't understand how any MBT, Sunderer or Lightening is taken out by one unless the driver/pilot is asleep. And as for ESF's there just is no excuse, seriously, none.
  19. logesh

    The Real Thing is there is no good players on NC AND VC...tHEY can't defeat the TR.
  20. Flukeman62

    ok i am a dedicated TR on miller and i have no other characters. what can i do to stop the population imbalances?