Why do MAX's have Charge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Taemien

    You have a dev source on that?
  2. Cyrax Servius

    I'd be ok with them taking away charge, but, NO decrease in overall speed and no increase in nanite cost.

    But seriously, if the charge ability is the one your having trouble with, I'll substitute it for lockdown now that the bug is fixed.

    And then we'll move on to taking away one ability for every class in the game...
  3. Scr1nRusher

    The ES stuff should be buffed.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    Look at the design of the MAX, and then look at what charge does.

    Its polar opposite.
  5. Metalton

    It was the first Max ability created, and given to all Max suits so they would have"something" until ES abilities were introduced. After ES abilities went in, they left Charge for variety, since no other Max abilities were planned at the time.

    Might say it's in the game as an afterthought ;)
  6. travbrad

    Lets get rid of all the weapons and abilities in the game and just have a big group hug (groping optional). :)
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  7. Savadrin

    I, on the other hand, think MAX suits should get rocket assisted jumping. It works for Ironman.
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  8. Old_Cherokee

    Maybe remove the charge and give it an ability to have increased resistance For all incoming damage for 5 to 10 secs.
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  9. Cyrax Servius

    Yes, a shield...
  10. Old_Cherokee

    But the nc have a shield which makes them special.I'm talking about a buff.
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  11. Old_Cherokee

    Wait oversheild for the max just like the HA yep. Best of idea ever :D
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  12. Savadrin

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  13. Tycoh

    2 years after the Max ES ability update, with very few changes to the Lockdown, all of a sudden its great? The thing is stupidly situational and only effective for ambushing stationary targets! Standing in one spot other than being an AA platform is just asking to die. The Planetside 1 Overcharge looked like it was the most understandable way to go for TR's 1st ES MAX ability. Don't know why they picked the Lockdown.

    The NC shield ability is uber mediocre as it can't even shield friendlies from incoming fire. It's just a "Save me!" shield. It either needs a bubble shield that can cover friendlies or a much larger area of shield coverage. I hate trying to take cover behind one of the shield maxes only for him to take one step to the left to dodge a rocket for me to eat.

    The VS shouldn't have ever gotten the ZoE. It should've gotten something like a rocket burst thruster that launches you to the direction you're pointing but at a short distance, not having it strong enough to full on rocket jump you to the roof of a building but more of an aerial charge ability.
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  14. Azawarau

    >Only good for ambushing stationary targets

    Camping doorways, Shooting down air, Suppressing doorways or entire pathways, Machine sniping?

    Oh and the beauty of the pounders at just eh right angle to lockdown blast tanks without giving them a chance to fire back unless they back away

    The best anti camp

    Youre not supposed to take cover behind the shield. The NC max pushes in then everyone else follows. And you dont use it as a save button. you use it intelligently to avoid taking damage to start. Youre doing it wrong if this is your mindset

    ZoE isnt as bad as people say but its easily the weakest of the three. Jump abilities on VS max suits would end up being roof max suits unless it didnt go very high at all. 2 step max Jump on sundie>Jump on roof would be abused hard
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  15. Taemien


    Elementals in BattleTech run 32.4kph vs infantry 22.7kph in PS2. So I don't see a problem.
  16. Eskel3

    Then people would be asking for nerfs because they got killed by it
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  17. Imp C Bravo

    I, too, am not a fan of MAXs having charge. I am also not a fan of MAX ES abilities being as not useful as they are. Lockdown is good in SOME but very FEW situations and could use a tweak.. Shield, with a few small tweaks could be good. VS needs something totally new. Charge is so not MAX like.

    But look on the bright side. Charge makes AT mine gameplay much easier.
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    You are comparing 2 different games.
  19. Azawarau

    I cant be the only one here who knows how crazy powerful lockdown and shield are
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  20. Taemien

    Well you're acting like a fast moving battle armor is bad. I showed an extreme example of where it isn't.

    I didn't even get into the jump jets.