Why do LA's seem so underused?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by whitehawk, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. whitehawk

    I was just wondering why so many people think light assault's are so nerfed (im not talking everyone) but a majority of players never even use them.
    Myself, I find them VERY useful in any faction, you can single-handedly go up to a bio lab, tech plant or any base that has a big fight going on, and pick off enemy players from a great flank or from behind! This obviously doesnt always work, but hey, when it does you usually come out with around 5 kills at a time if not more.
    And I know a majority of people believe that flying into a massive group of enemies with c4 bricks is a noob way of getting kills, but seriously, if you can get in there with 20 people shooting at you and detonate, you deserve the kills.
    What do you guys think?
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  2. DaninTexas

    IMO - They are kind of an advanced class that needs the most work/practice to get the most out of them. They also prob gain certs the slowest of all the classes.
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  3. Xale

    Higher learning curve.
    LA doesn't quite comply with the 2D thinking of many other (especially newer) FPS games. Good LA effectiveness requires 3D thinking.

    LA doesn't offer anything in a straight head-on fight and should almost be played like an Infiltrator.
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  4. SinerAthin


    Their Cert gain is pretty awesome.
    Flanking big groups of enemies with Shotguns and C4 is a goldmine.

    The only downside with Light Assault is that your KDR is likely to suck due to the dangers involved, and the vast majority of assaults being; although profitable; suicide missions.
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  5. whitupiggu

    See you only need 1200 certs to start getting certs at a good rate with a LA.
  6. smokemaker

    Its my favorite class to play when not in an ESF.
  7. SinerAthin

    Not really.

    A single C4 brick can cause quite the stir, and it's also OP vs MAXes.
  8. The Fizz

    I use to use HA all the time, but after switching, I love the LA. I am an old Tribes vet so the jetpack style of play suits me well.
  9. DaninTexas

    I am right there with you on this. Old Starsiege Tribes player. After alot of time with HA and Engi - I am switching to LA as my main class and I love it. just got jet pack V and saving up for my second brick of C4. I plan on working to max that class out before moving back to another class.
  10. Jaes

    LA has only one real role compared to the other classes (I'm considering Infiltrator a non factor class! Post Bias!) and that is to murder the hell out of other infantry. LA is typically a solo class and truly shines if you're a highly competent player that knows how to outflank your enemy, get a few kills, and get out before they can return the favor to you. Then do it all over again. LA definitely loses to most others in straight up face to face fights so it takes time and patience to learn how to set up and utilize it correctly. I personally love LA because of my tactical and strategic play style. While some people will say LA is decent for anti vehicle purposes because of the C4, it truly shines in infantry on infantry combat once you learn to play it correctly.
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  11. fish998

    I play LA 95% of the time, but...... they are limited. No ranged options, limited AV role, little utility. Since hardly anyone uses drifter jets, your only choices are whether to carry C4 or medkits, and then your gun - carbine, shotty or SMG. To me C4 and medkits shouldn't be in the same slot.

    I still think it's the best class, since mobility trumps everything IMO, but I can see why people would prefer a HA with 3x medkits, rockets, way more ammo, shield etc.
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  12. Herrick

    LA are kind of lacking in tools to really do much actual support. Rooftop ambushes are only really effective against idiots (granted most zergs are comprised entire of idiots but still) since eventually people will start looking up. C4 is the only thing I can really think of and that costs 700 certs to be useful.

    The other thing is map design really doesn't favor light assaults when most of it is flat open terrain. Outside of main bases and towers you're going to be limited to where you can really go and that ends up making a class all about being predictable actually rather easy to predict.

    Also apparently jump jet upgrades 3-5 still don't work.
  13. Aedelric

    I play Light Assault almost exclusively, I only ever change to other classes for a minute or two when the situation requires it. Cert gain is not as fast as other classes, I am not going to agree with SinnerAthin about the K/D ratio, if you know how to use the class well you can almost always come out on top.

    I do find that I come across half the number of Light Assault compared of other classes. In order of popularity;

    Heavy Assault
    Light Assault

    People obviously are avoiding the class, perhaps because they can die easily in a head on fight. But if you are taking people head on, then you are not using the Light Assault correctly, they are best used for flanking/ambushing spawn beacon placement and tactical C4 usage. I would also agree with Xale about 3D thinking, you have to be aware of your surroundings and use your extreme mobility to your advantage.

    That all said, the class does need reworked and improved slightly, to give it more options and playstyle choices, it is in the roadmap, so vote it up guys!

    Edit - Herrick, I agree that the light assault needs a tool slot, perhaps mine/C4 disarm or some form of hand held radar. I have not noticed an extreme difference in jump ability for those ranks, you may be right, also I am sick of the C4 bug where explosion damage fails to register.
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  14. whitehawk

    From what im seeing people mostly believe that LA's are harder to use, but also have a high skill cap than most classes. so if you know how to use them you'll kill the competition and almost always come out on top.
  15. NinjaTurtle

    I love LA, I find them very fun to use. If I am attacking a base rather than run all the way through the base to get to a generator I will run around the outside of the wall get to the closest point I can, then simply hop over destabilize it then hop back over the wall.

    They are great for coming behind enemies. When you are attacking a base their seems to be a bit of tunnel vision from the defending team whereby they will focus so much on the main entrance where the bulk of your forces are coming from that they forget to check their flanks. It is easy to come round over any structures get a few easy kills before blowing a tank or sundy with some C4
  16. Hannabelle

    I play Light Assault sometimes, and I don't think it's an unpopular class. I think it just has limited application. It's really only useful in and around buildings and certain kinds of terrain. Basically, anywhere that limits regular mobility and line of sight is a good place to be an LA. Big open spaces offers the LA no real advantage. They're not specifically at a disadvantage in a face-to-face confrontation, except maybe against a Heavy Assault, and they can more easily disengage from a fight that isn't in their favour. However, most other classes offer something that is more useful in a wide open area than the jetpack.
  17. FigM

    C4 costs too many resources to be used effectively. And its even nerfed in last patch

    Meanwhile, Engineers get to spam up to 6 insta-exploding mines and fire guided missiles of death from AV Mana turrets
    Heavies get to spam all kinds of missiles for free AND have the C4 option of Light Assault
  18. GSZenith

    and i've done in for all my 3 LA :) yupp 2xc4 atm holding 1k cert each for next pump action :)
  19. vastaitku

    Light Assault has limited utility. All you can do is get to places other classes can't. Whether or not that is useful depends on where you're fighting.

    I guess making tanks back away in terror when they see you coming is also an ability of sorts.
  20. Jezs

    It requires tactics to gain an advantage over any other class, that's why.
    You also don't get 75 xp every time a friendly dies.