Why do Engineers have unlimited turrets that cost no infantry resources?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Wintermaulz

  2. HazyW

    Repair tool is TOOL slot. The ammo pack is the Utility slot (or ability slot if you use "b")
  3. mooman1080

    So is the mana turret. What makes it more an ability than those?
  4. HazyW

    Because there is an Ability slot, for things like cloaks, shields, etc. The MANA turret is an Ability, not a Tool.
  5. MFP_TK_01

    I'm ok if you guys want to have ammo packs cost points. Just remember that though the next time you spam for ammo for 5 minutes.
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  6. Poacher

    Silly boy. The AI turrets are there so snipers can practice getting headshots on engineers.
  7. RobotNinja

    Engies and their OP mana turrets AMIRITE? Lol.
  8. JP_Russell

    I think this is more a problem of the AV mana turret being more potent than it needed to be than one of mana turrets in general being something that should require resources.
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  9. Malsvir Vishe

    That has never worked for me. Could you please tell me how to use it?
    Note: I seriously can't get it to work.
  10. mooman1080

    That's almost as dumb as having starting ammo cost points.
  11. Xind

    The darts? Really? When was the last time an inflrator dart killed a man at any range, at any speed?
  12. Armchair

    Why do heavy assaults have super-shields that cost no resources?

    Why can medics raise the dead at no resource cost?

    Why can infiltrators vanish with no resources?

    Why can light assaults fly with no resources?
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  13. Malsvir Vishe

    The ammo pack is also an ability. Equip the turret and hit B.
    I feel bad for all the engies who think you need to have the ammo pack in the utility slot. :(
  14. JP_Russell

    It automatically restocks you by one item once you've reached zero stock of that item. So if you're the type that always tries to use your resources to get your stuff to full stock even when you're not using it, it does nothing.
  15. vulkkan

    I don't like the idea, since it promotes a pay-to-play feel. Want to use your class ability? Pay resources. Then what next? Want to respawn? More resources. More bullets? More resources. It's going to be really lame when a whole platoon gets stuck when they run out of resources. You can't pin the Engineer class without discussing other classes.
    Personally, seeing as you made a point about C4 costing too much in resources without being able to cert a 3rd stick, I would suggest lowering the cost of C4 and extending the cert tree. Cooldowns on the turret and lowered resource costs should fix up things.
  16. mooman1080

    I can infact confirm, as an infiltrator, that the darts are extremely deadly. They're quite like throwing stars really, we just never use them because we're too busy sniper fighting each other for epeen reasons.
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  17. MFP_TK_01

    Well if you don't like it, don't bring up the ammo pack. It's hardly a special ability.

    Fire dart into room. See target on mini. Go in room and shoot target with gun.

    Darts kill man, darts kill.
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  18. Pockets

    Seriously? If my ladder costs resources how am I going to climb on stuff?
  19. Beartornado

    C4 can be 50 resources as long as at least 2 are needed to kill a MAX. At least then we have more time to shoot you down.

    And if you're dropping it to 50 resources you can expect 4-5 needed to kill any vehicle since vehicles cost resources too and come with cooldowns.
  20. vincent-

    Nope stopped right there. You either do it one way or not at all. You don't get to nit pick this, it's not your personal game.