Why do DAPP members rage when you kill them ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Baphoma, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    They aren't. You may not know this but DaPP is a very, very large outfit which recruits most players indiscriminately. What DaPP does, very often, is take new players and teach them how to effectively take part in and run platoons, along with basic information about the game. Having taken in so many people, there will be, of course, some players who are the type to get angry. Honestly, though, you probably shouldn't have been antagonizing him in yell chat. If you weren't, this likely wouldn't have happened. (that, plus this thread, and I'm starting to think that zhengy may not be the only one who needs a lower salinity level.)
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  2. Savadrin

    but everyone knows salts makes everything taste better.
  3. TheChris

    I know but i ignore those players.
    I cant take them serious. But if they friendly to me while we had a good fight i respect him if i lost.

    I must confess sometimes i can get enraged too but this is not a reason to write them.
    how we say in germany if its bad at moment ? "Put your teeth together and get through." wich means " even its hard Deal with it"

    Its german and he said. "Thanks for the record ,the exploit AIMBOT. You are now at my official list. PERMA Banned.

    I dont know why they do that. Maybe they are good in COD or BF and think they are MAster in PS2.
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  4. HadesR

    Thought I was in an Sub-Reddit for a moment there Toto ..
  5. Goldmonk

    I had a situation like this once (not with DAPP). I kept sniping a guy from my lil' nest and I guess I enraged him to the point where he called my a "*****-*** sniping *****". You know what I did? I didn't egg him on in /y and I didn't run to the forums telling everyone to hate him and his outfit. I simply sniped him again. I got a good laugh and I helped my team.
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  6. Cyrek

    *Slaps you both around a bit with a large trout.*
  7. Baphoma

    No, anyone whos anyone knows i always talk in uppercase on my guy. its more of a thing i do. talking in uppercase drives people mad. this was not really a salt thing. more of a "why are they being so aggro and hostile to anyone in general"

    This is a game, where your going to die. if people are getting this upset and rage and be so salty that you might as well be licking a winter road in a metropolitan sized city for the same effect. time to take meds or just stop playing. lol

    *** And i dont think your killing them as often as you would think..... ***
  8. Diilicious

  9. DooDooBreff

    this is true.

    however, when combined with high blood pressure, it can lead to adverse side effects.

    like LOBS, late onset bootybruised shartpostiodontal disease
  10. Taemien

    Its PVP. Getting someone angry enough to make mistakes is a legit strategy and one I've used many times. My favorite instance was calling VS a crap faction with crappy weapons and that they should reroll to a Real faction like TR or NC.

    I've successfully gotten enough VS to NOT redeploy to the next base to equal HALF a platoon (that's 24 players) because they were too busy bickering with me. They literally stayed there arguing in /yell even after we capped 2 of their bases. There was no reason for them to stay there as they couldn't back cap anything 1500m at their current location. But they wouldn't move because they were emotionally rattled.

    Warpgating them after that was a breeze. And over 30 minutes later.. there was still 24-48 VS in one of our bases they couldn't cap.. being 3 lattice bases down the line. That's hilarious, and sad.

    What I do is watch /yell to see what the enemy says. Usually if they get trounced in a tough fight (one that could have gone either way), a handful will complain about some OP weapon system. Once they start with that.. I know they've emotionally attached to the battle results. I'll use that attachment against them by playing their words against them.

    First, I legitimize their concerns in their own mind.
    Second, I make them feel helpless by indicating their choice of weapons was 'wrong'.
    Third, I make them get frustrated by giving them 'options' to actually win, options they can't actually take.

    Doesn't normally work against coordinated outfits. They have better wit and willpower normally, and don't actually read /yell often. But the small groups of friends, and zerglings.. it does Wonders.

    Like I said... its a PVP game. Psychological Warfare is fairgame. They -COULD- put me on ignore. But they never do. They'd rather argue. They Want to argue. They Want to make excuses. That's their weakness. One I'm willing to exploit.

    And its a good laugh for my buddies.
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  11. SpartanPsycho

    Taking advantage of the game, which I do a regular basis if you mean using what others define as "cheesy" because their not good enough to deal with it, is a far cry from using hacks.

    Of course, why don't you link your character so that the rest of us can see who you're affiliated with as far as outfits/players.
  12. SpartanPsycho

    Also, make sure to use what people define as cheese. When I play with TENC, the amount of hatred and anger is quite amusing.
    The yellchat and our message boxes are almost always full of bile and raving fury.
  13. Demigan

    It's a game, games are supposed to be fun. While there are enough instances where frustration and defeat are great tools to enhance the game experience and fun you can have (see permadeath games for instance) pure insulting and making people mad is not part of the game and even destructive and toxic causing for a faster decline of the amount of players. Especially if you then post it on the forums which is even more destructive and toxic to the game.
    I can understand taunting and psycho warfare if you go tournament level that all's fair, but at that point you've left the "play for fun" behind and it's you vs the opponent.
  14. Azawarau

    Look up Yancha

    I run a small outfit and dont talk to anyone on my friend list

    Aside from my officer the outfit is dead and even he rarely logs on so i dont see alot of non solo game time

    You took this in a way off direction

    Not sure how i managed to randomly offend you with that but step back and chill
  15. SpartanPsycho

    I'm not offended, not sure why you took my post that way.
    Your on my server on the same faction, I too run a small outfit that I am in the process of getting up and running.
    If you don't have much interaction with the community, then why would you insinuate that there are hacking groups within it?
  16. Azawarau

    There are hacking groups in every game. Often times with a website and forum where you can get the latest version

    Its just how these things go
  17. Kllre

    Because you are both bad.
  18. Taemien

    As I said, its PVP. Its a bit more competitive than simple cooperative games and PVE.

    With that said, posting in the forums is pointless. It doesn't get anyone anywhere. But going so far as say its toxic. The ones who get riled up are the detriment. By being easily rattled they are hurting their team.