Why can't redeploy be consistent?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MonnyMoony, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. MonnyMoony

    Getting pissed off with redeploy.
    • Deploy location shows available - but as soon as the countdown gets to zero - it disappears.
    • Deploy location shows available with no countdown - so you click the "deploy" button - but it disappears.
    • Sometimes bases on the front line are available - other times only a couple of bases from the warp gate are.
    • Sometime you click to deploy at a base you have just been killed in - and it deploys you on the other side of the map.
    • Sometimes you can redeploy 2 or 3 (or more) bases from your current location - other times you have to hop, skip and jump one at a time.
    Cant the devs just make the deployment rules consistent?
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  2. FateJH

    Here we go. Consistent rules.
    - Continent switch always available (limited by population controls).
    - Allied warp gate on same continent is always available.
    - Closest allied base along same lattice lane (current base if owned).
    - Closest allied Sunderer AMS or PMB tube (can be "closest three" or "closest two" to allow for options within a single fight).
    - All squad-spawn options within [so many] meters.
    - Any bound-to spawn point (Elysium tube).
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  3. Sazukata

    I'll add to your list and note that major facilities (bio lab, amp station, tech plant) seem to have some extra range when spawning by adjacency.

    To the topic of the thread: there's also bases under the effect of "reinforcements needed" and can be spawned to from anywhere. Hard to explain it really; seems to be "high enemy ratio" + "contested". And when I say contested, I mean "able to be captured". I've seen the reinforcements conditions met on a base before the cap timer was started.
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  4. zaspacer

    - Your own deployed Sunderer

    It wasn't super common, but it was annoying to die and then find that my own deployed Sunderer was not an option to spawn at. And yes, I would travel all the way back to it to confirm it's still there and deployed.
  5. adamts01

    Those are the rules, but something was broken in this patch. I've had plenty of guys in my platoon end up in a different base than the one they warped to. You'll often see a severely out-popped base on the front line with no deploy option. Bases in the hex where you just died don't show up as a deploy option. I've been able to drop on other squad's beacons very frequently.... Things aren't right.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    IIRC a contested base is only available for redeploy if your own faction is less than 50% of pop at that base, so when your faction pop goes above that it disappears from the map as a deployment option.
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