Why can't I see allied population of an area?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vortok, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Vortok

    So apparently we have better intel of the enemy's movements than our own faction. It's cool that I can know if an area has a squad, a platoon, none, or a bajillion enemies - even though they're the opposing faction and wouldn't be telling me this. I guess all the resources went to tracking enemy movements and we forgot to track our own.

    I can't count the number of times I've gone to an area (most of outfit offline - to ward off the "just join an outfit lol" crowd) that seems like it would be a logical next target, only to see nobody else there. I've literally said "WHERE IS EVERYBODY?" on more than one occasion. A few places will be under attack. I'll go to one and get rolled because no allies are there. Repeat two or three more times. Check continent pop and it looks balanced. Scratch head in confusion (and they can't all be huddled in a tech plant anymore, either).

    I'd much rather see where allies are pushing than where enemies are pushing, though it's nice to somehow see that too. If I want to join the mindless zerg, it'd be easier to locate. If I want to play to their side and cap bases connected to areas they're at, cool. If I want smaller action and see an area that says "enemy squads detected" AND "allied squads present" I could jump in knowing there's a very good chance at having a decent fight. Enemy squad + allied platoons = stand around and wait for it to cap, because there's not gonna be any actual action going on.

    The game does punish lone wolfing and promotes teamplay. That's great and I find it pretty enjoyable - I just want some tools to help me avoid unintentional lone wolfing.

    Having both listed would probably vastly improve the hotdrop instant action system if it checked allied and enemy forces in the area and looked for a reasonable balance of the two (though I'm betting there's a lot of variables that go into what areas show up on instant action than just area pop) - and thus a better new player experience too. I was lucky enough to hot drop into great battles on three of the four characters I've made. I still recognize those three areas when I go by them in game because it left a distinct, awesome impression - even though I didn't know what I was doing for the first two. The fourth one (and most recent character) hot dropped into a zone with no nearby friendlies and I got nailed by someone who saw the pod come down fairly quickly.
  2. Navynoob

    It can definitely be bit frustrating to hotshot into a contested to find out you are the only one of your faction there stuck in the middle of a raging battle.
  3. Aerolath