Why can we not spectate our killers in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunnner10, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. PlanetBound

    Don't need a video. I used the LoefBot in Quake 1.
  2. iller

    I've repeated this 10 times by now but no SOE or DBG person ever once listened ... even back when we had "Devs" reading the forums, they ingored requests to answer WHY they wouldn't institute this solution
    This is why you DON'T make it "live" clientside information. ...what you would do instead if you were a Server code engineer -- is always have the Server saving 30 seconds worth of "Demo" format or script log of every event ... and when a player Dies, they are given the option to request that Demo replay file downloaded to screenshots folder 10 minutes later... which they can watch in an "Offline" mode Launcher for the game client.

    TL;DR: 30 seconds wouldn't be enough time for the Killer to have respawned and ran all the way from the location of said Sunderer.... and by the time they could even watch the file, all Tactical information gained from it would be nearly obsolete
  3. iller

    even 40% is downright proof of Automation when you are talking about the vast majority of weapons with random Spread and client-side only simulated bullet-time. (It might SHOCK some people to learn, that the bullet hull collision is not precalculated server side thus its also vulnerable to DLL hooks)