[Suggestion] Why Aren't The Graphics As Good As They Used To Be, Make Them Better?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tortricat, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Tortricat

    I was watching this video and I realized planetside 2 doesn't look like this anymore, or is it possible to still make it look like this? There seems to be more depth of field and the graphics textures look far more detailed than they are now.

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  2. Towie

    They were.

    However the performance of the average PC (at the time) really really REALLY struggled when things got busy - so they introduced OMFG (Operation Make Faster Game).

    Sounds impressive but it basically meant - reduce complexity (ie. reduce polygon count) and textures - leading to higher performance. The intention did indeed improve performance and futher (various) performance updates improved the situation even more.

    Overall they did a good job - sacrificing some video fidelity for improved fps - which is what most people wanted.

    Ironically most people now have a beefy-enough computer and fast enough connection to play the game as it was introduced way back then.

    You've gotta admit - they were way ahead of their time when they introduced PS2.
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  3. Tortricat

    It is not good, they should have an update so you can have the option to increase the graphics settings to make it look like this again.
  4. shoguncawwill

    what we technenly need to do is open the gpus memory alocation like most games made from 2015 like batman arkham origin
  5. OSruinedPS1

    Ah the good old days before most people started putting on their clown suits. The game used to be this smooth too, I wonder if it has something to do with the clown suit monetization. Clown suits must use a lot of video memory.

    The good old days before toxic platoon leaders did nothing but zerg empty bases, when we had actual fights.