Why are we locked into one server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by disgruntled newbie, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Cinnamon

    If people want to build communities around a server all that is needed is server names and for people to stick to their home servers if they want to play with that community. This is a free to play game with a large pop per server so most of the names you see will be unrecognisable to you even if they are level 50+.

    I don't know if they have some reason for doing this like technical limits or need to balance and predict server load. But if all they have are problems like this then I think it would be good if they could get past them.
  2. f0d

    its simple why you are locked into one server

    if all the VS went on one server and all the TR went on another and all the NC went on another it wouldnt exactly be fair fight now would it?

    it would just be known as the NC or TR or VS server and it would be horrible for everyone to play on
  3. Cinnamon

    If people could choose which server to play on they could even lock servers for characters if that faction has too many for an empire or give more "mercenary" bonuses to play on under popped servers. As long as we have multiple servers per region.
  4. disgruntled newbie

    Except this already happens. The game isn't even worth playing for about 6 hours out of the day for me, because the population is too low and heavily slanted toward VS.

    I'm thinking that a basic failure to communicate here is involved between people who only play during "prime time" when the populations are fine, versus off peak hours when everything gets stupid. At least on my server. Maybe other servers are better? I don't know because I can't change servers.
  5. vsae

    You'd be first of the many.
  6. Zorlox

    except that if people weren't locked into servers then entire or even multiple outfits, could show up in a locked down server and just dominate it. basically, being able to transfer between servers freely would open options to counter what you mention, which is an issue that already happens anyways. Besides, stacking a server would result in less points/certs and the majority always go where the points are. Keep in mind I've already mentioned I have no issues with the way things are at the moment.

    i don't recognize the vast majority of names i see, unless they're people i actually group with then i'd do the same either way. I'll recognize tags but i recognize tags in pretty much every fps game i've played, including the BF games, especially since clans normally owned the servers they played on so every time you joined the server you'd be playing with mainly the same group of people. that said, even if you could transfer freely between servers you'd still run into the exact same tags/outfits and you'd recognize them the exact same way you do already.
  7. Braken

    They were SUPPOSED to be working on server transfer "tokens"(For almost a YEAR now...), but everything on the roadmap is "unscheduled" right now...