Why are there no doors in bases?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HappyStuffin, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Bindlestiff

    Great point. I'm thinking though the number of doors in play would be the issue - having one place where that happens isn't going to add too much to server load.
  2. Bindlestiff

    Given that they raised the minimum requirements, it would be great if they started bringing some of those assets back.
  3. Bindlestiff

    Everyone to your house to pinch all your contents then ;)
  4. Yago

    I offered a solution, but hey, why converse when we can ....
  5. Juunro

    I'd love for there to be more in depth defense mechanics then exist now, personally. It would be awesome if you had to hack your way through doors and other security stuff, but they'd have to put it all in with a resource overhaul system that PS1 had- base respawns would have to be limited by resources at that base sent via lattice or brought by transport vehicle, otherwise every base could turn into a biolab.

    The problem we have now is that if a base is reasonably defensible, it is so defensible that in an evenly numbered fight, skill means little. That's why you see tower fights or biolab fights lasting for hours and hours and hours; hackable doors and layered defenses would mean more in depth gameplay, but without some way to cut off and drain the resources of a base, you'd see every base doing this.
  6. Bindlestiff

    Someone raised this on a vid I watched - give the bases more to do within them, perhaps in stages; take down outer gen allows taking down of inner generators that are affecting the base. This could be shields, turret power, turret shields, that kind of thing.

    Giving people more to do, with a more integrated feel and reason why they are doing it, will always be good.
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  7. ZBrannigan

    main and spawn room doors had IFF, friendlies could run through without issue(unless lag), all other interior doors were open to anyone. so getting through doors into key area's is only a problem for the enemy.........as it should be.

    a game from 10 years ago has:
    fewer players
    smaller maps
    doesn't look as good as modern games
    and doesn't 'play' as well

    you may be the perfect sidekick for captain obvious.
  8. Bindlestiff

    To be fair, to counter that you could say that server power and general processing capacity 10 years ago was nowhere near where we are now.
  9. Yago

    Few players: per fight? debatable.
    Smaller maps: with fewer bases, couldn't footzerg from base to base.
    Doesn't look as good: perhaps you are entertained by gigabit still images then
    Doesn't play as well: no it was better gameplay by far.

    Heyy ZBrannigan was one of my alts in PS1 :)
  10. Whatupwidat

    Well I've tried assuming people on this forum know obvious stuff before - and their idiocy has always proved me wrong. Hence why I now post as if I'm talking to 5 year olds :)
  11. ZBrannigan

    that was my point exactly. though more sarcastic.
    i totally agree, though a little clunky in it's 'play' from a technical standpoint(reasonably so, it is 10 years old) the 'gameplay' was more my thing compared to PS2.
    had to use only 1 N in my name on PS, curse you :D
  12. LegioX

    I can see it now. infi hacking the door knowing there is about 15 guys on the other side waiting for it to open. leader of the outfit ask for volunteers to be infront and nobody speaks up. So......everyone is drawing straws to see who gets to be infront to a 100% certain death. :D
  13. MarvinGardens

    Because they found out that tank shells work just as good as hacking tools(tanks shells also work great on windows). After that, no one bothers to build doors(or windows) anymore since they're going to just be blown up anyway.
  14. TechMechMeds

    I never played ps1 but i'd blame the trees.
  15. Yago

    The doors couldn't be damaged.
  16. Crashsplash

    whatever the trees had, I want armour made out of that!
  17. Yago

    Do a search of Yago, seems like a lit of people tried to get the name for PS2, was only me in PS1 (I changed the name of a band for it).
    I suspect some old outfit mates having a laugh at my legendary AFK skills! :)
  18. Pelojian

    "sorry we don't have the refined metal for doors, if we did your MBTs wouldn't have armor" -anon NS engineer
  19. MarvinGardens

    Just making a joke. Just like in Resident Evil where you have a shotgun, grenade launcher, or rocket launcher in your hands but you can't open a door because you need a special key. "Key? I have a shotgun, that is like, a skeleton key for the world!" I figure in Planetside, they learned that high explosives work just as well on doors as they do on Sunderers, and they proceeded to blow up every single door(and window) on the planet. After that, no one bothered to rebuild them. And now, we have crappy insulation in all of our buildings.
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  20. Yago

    Cheers Marvin, I missed that one !