why are tank drivers so chicken ??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tonberry76, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. Zar

    lol i disagree i kill tanks every day not even hard 2 c4 +insert any class but sniper = dead tank. we ran an all medic platoon - libs nothing on the battle field could stop us and thats cause small arms didn't hurt it and we couldn't reach them with c4. we had people die yeah but didn't matter cause we just rezed the dead and kept going finshed with 40 kills 4 deaths "all deaths due to libs" flame away by all means but don't lie cause you died to a tank its sad.
  2. ChampagneDragon

    It's a biolab. What exactly is a tank supposed to do in a biolab?

    I play both heavy and drive a tank. I will tell you BOTH are needed to do the job correctly. In normal base caps the tanks move in and destroy turrets FROM A DISTANCE, allowing for the infantry to push in and clear walls. Tanks should NEVER move INTO a base. They prep it. They patrol around looking for enemy assets such as spawn beacons and sundies. They keep the perimeter safe from any forces which may attempt to flank. They keep enemy tanks from getting into position to destroy infantry. Infantry in turn has to keep the tanks safe by keeping the heavies, maxes, and engies off the walls/pads.

    Anyone who thinks a tank should engage inside a base has no clue about basic tank tactics. It doesn't matter if it's a vanguard, a prowler, or a magrider. To do so is to flush resources down the drain, not to mention the time to respawn and move into place a new tank.
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  3. KnightCole

    Exactly lol =D Why attack? just wait for the enemy to come to you and farm the attackers. Towers are especially good for this lol.
  4. Decian

    The problem is that this is very limited to the NC on Connery. The VS and TR are very aggressive in their MBTs and Lightnings. NC by contrast will sit well behind the infantry and try to farm tanks at sniper range while the infantry are farmed. I think the major problem is the VS on Connery are much more willing to play combined arms whereas the NC tend to focus solely with infantry.
  5. Vodski

    Only tank I drive is my skyguard, and when there's no aircraft, I find myself moving up with the infantry quite often. It is fun dodging missiles and trying not to run over my own teammates.
  6. Pelojian

    This is so true and even more annoying when for some reason said NC player seems to always get the right gun elevation to hit a target while sitting on a hill at the edge of render distance and hides behind the hill when someone fires in his direction.
  7. CursoryRaptor

    Of course tank drivers don't like losing their tanks; nobody likes being on timer. Also, tanks are strongest at range, out of reach of light assaults and decimators.
  8. deggy

    I see now that I have been fulfilling my purpose all along.

    Truly glorious is the omnipotence of Vanu.
  9. ColonelChingles

    OK, let's assume that I'm that little Lightning to the north of Camp Connery with my usual AP loadout. Let's also assume that I can see what you see on the map.

    Here's what I'm thinking:

    A frontal attack is out of the question. The enemy outnumbers our MBTs by at least 2:1 (there may be more enemy MBTs that are not spotted). The enemy has unopposed air superiority. The enemy has superior terrain from that ridge as well as the buildings in the base.

    So that leaves flanking... but where from? Engaging the cluster of three Magriders directly west of the base will get any lone Lightning killed, so hitting the single Magrider to the north is the better option.

    I have two choices on how to do this and none of them good. I can pick the safer choice and flank that Magrider from northeast of it, but then after one hit the Magrider would just retreat to the west. If I flanked from the northwest of the Magrider I could cut off its escape, but that would leave me very vulnerable.

    Plus of course radar shows at least 3-4 infantry contacts in those hills, reducing my chances of a successful flank and increasing risk.

    So tactically there are no good choices to engage the enemy here. We are outnumbered, outgunned, and outmaneuvered. Therefore the smart thing to do would be to weaken the enemy while conserving our own strength and wait for an opportunity. Anything else would just lose me my Lightning for no tactical gain and be a fool's choice.
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  10. LibertyRevolution

    I really hate when people use tanks in this game like they are playing world of tanks, trying to not lose their tank..
    Tanks are for getting you from one base through the enemies armor.
    You should just rush in with it shooting, then hop out and c4 the enemy tank closet to you, then move onto the point.
    You know, like use it as a force multiplier, not a playstyle. :rolleyes:

    If your at a base and in a tank, your being useless, spawn camping the enemy spawn making the game boring for everyone.
    Entering points range of a base in your tank should make your tank take damage via painfield. I think that would help the game out.

    I'll admit, I hate tanks in general, I have only 100 vehicle kills in my vanguard, for comparison I have 137 vehicle kills with my flash..
  11. MarkAntony

    Can't tell if sarcastic or very very idiotic. Oh wait the last to sentences give the answer.
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  12. zappy

    You can die and re spawn straight away. a Tank need 450 resource +several minutes.

    And with easy mode locks-on and render distance turrets, tanks have to keep their distance.

    I remember the fights between quartz ridge and extravasation site in beta when there was no lock ons, the best way to take out a tank was to use another tank, so you had huge 50 vs 50 tanks fights.

    But the infantry fans boys have cried hard enough making nearly all vehicles useless.

    The fact that one soldier can take out a vehicle alone and there are 100's of them on the field is ridiculous.
  13. Yuki10

    I use tanks a lot as NC on connery and here is the deal: Vanguards are too slow..in case of an ambush, they don't have enough acceleration to be anything but a suicide machine. Magriders and Lightnings can do circles around a vanguard...they are also slow to reload and you must have it fully certed into reload to make it useful. Yes, they hit hard, but sluggishness and reduced turn/reverse speeds are completely destroying it. Unless you have a zerg that can protect sides/back, you don't want to venture out in a Vanguard.

    Make them slightly faster/turn faster and tank drivers will be more willing to use them as actual tanks and not just mobile canons.
  14. Logri

    Tanks die too fast and it's dangerous for infantry to be near one due to crush, strafe over, squish, blind drivers etc...
    If tanks would be much tougher, they could actually be used as cover for infantry but as it stands now, a tank is a big red flag to the enemy "must kill all" bull. So yeah, tanks stay back because they fear to get oneshotted by the C4 + HA rocketlauncher combo.
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  15. LibertyRevolution

    Cool, that means I am playing forumside right, I am winning forumside!
    (Stew is my hero btw)
  16. y3ivan

    they are just slightly tougher not invulnerable.

    yesterday when a platoon of vanguards about 20+ decided to break free from the farm at indar crash site by charge right through the bridge filled with 50+ TR infantry & MAXes with several sundies. The result didnt turn out very well, nearly all vanguards destroyed within 10mins and the last vanguard drove off the bridge to avoid been C4ed with a lost of 1 TR sunderer.

    As for now, Infantry & MAXes (AV) have a lot more firepower than MBTs and they are revivalable

    oh by the way, Sunderer + blockade armor 4 is tougher than MBTs and have a few engineers with repairguns, it will be invulnerable.
  17. TheBloodEagle

    I think because there's this huge mentality where people think vehicles are a DIFFERENT entity rather than just an EXTRA layer of protection & firepower, you know what I mean? It's like they act as if the vehicle is a separate character instead of they are INSIDE of the vehicle. I always use my vehicle as a way to push forward or get close to any enemy Sunderer or give friendly troops time & room to advance while still killing enemy vehicles along the way. I don't just sit in it the whole time hoping I don't have a perma-death.
  18. y3ivan

    exp piñatas for infantry to shoot and liberator (instead of blowing up infantry)
  19. Zoner

    Because they don't know what they are capable of
  20. IamDH

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