Who's new?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AdennTM, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. AdennTM

    So while I wait for the game to download, let's see some new faces!

    If you weren't in beta please say hello below!
  2. Infektion

    ... look for new players by viewing stupid new thread posts. lol
  3. AdennTM

    Speaking of stupid, hello there.
  4. Agaac15

    I'm not new but welcome to Planetside 2!

    I'm always looking for some fresh TR faces to kill
    • Up x 1
  5. Momosan

    im new ex original game player ! ignored the beta as I hate playing games that are not ready.
    • Up x 1
  6. Agaac15

    Ah your both smart and stupid for doing that for sure. The beta was really fun for sure but a lot of vets hated the changes.
  7. Infektion

    lol for 1) beta is for testing, not enjoyment.