Who is this guy?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Hot Pockets

    So I was perusing the overall Ieaderboards when I decided to look at the profile of the top scoring player ever, "Daddy." Who is this guy? Not only is he the top scorer, he also leads in kills, with more than 250,000! This seemed phenomenal enough before I checked his KD ratio- a staggering 52! Personally, I find this somewhat outlanDish, both in the amount of time he must have invested and his overall proficiency. How can one be this good? I'd assume he's a vehicle driver, as no one can be that phenomenal all the time in infantry combat. I'm no mean player myself, and have had my share of kill streaks, but GAWD.. dam.
    ...perhaps if some of his fellow Miller players cOuld enlighten me...?

    The vestiges of time some people are willing to put into videogames blows my mind.
  2. VIvanko

    I play on Miller myself, so I see Daddy sometimes.

    He spends most of his time flying his mosquito and he's an awesome pilot.
    Recently, I also watched him playing infantry, but thats more of an exception.
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  3. Hot Pockets

    Cool thanks-
    Yeah, I've recently gotten in to piloting myself, and, while I'm lacking in raw skill (maneuvers and such) with a fully certed aircraft there's definently potential for streaks.
  4. JustARandomNobody

    Anything is possible with vehicle spam.
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  5. VIvanko

    You're welcome!
    Yeah, piloting is truely funny in this game, once you learn how to do it. Keep on with it ;)
  6. blampoet

    I've seen him once in a MAX during a biofarm.
    I repaired him... never washing that rep tool.... ever.

    As far as i understand he's Russian and enjoys great support from his outfit RO
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  7. Hatesphere

    yeah i have heard mixed things about him. lots of people complaining he is the kind of guy to bail and redeploy/log out so you dont get the kill on him when he flys.
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  8. ChipMHazard

    He's a farmer, not a hacker (Afaik). Plain and simple. I don't mean that as an insult as he knows exactly how to farm people in the most effective manner. That however also doesn't mean much when it comes to going up against other skilled players where you can't farm your way to victory. No better or worse than so many other good players.

    He's the only person to have SOE name a patch after him, which was also targeted at him and those who played like he did.
    I also think he enjoys it when people have discussions about him:p

    Edit: As others have written he also seems to have the outfit behind him when it comes to helping him farm.
  9. Christo92K

    I've got a "Saved by Daddy" notification ingame during the last double XP weekend once.

    He was probably a Heavy or MAX
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  10. imagica

    You don`t know a thing about him.
    DADDY is an automated machine operated through bottle of vodka by highly classified KGB bears inside the Kremlin. Beware...
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  11. LordMondando

    Daddy is a character shared by legions of school children in a internet cafe.
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  12. Cinnamon

    A lot of his kills come from a sixth sense he has for where infantry are so he can fire rocket pods at them. And another sixth sense for when he should run away.
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  13. REDRUM4K

    Daddy... Probably a poor country kid with a 15$ hack iso 1500$ pc and some **** psychosis about spawn/die mechanics.

    Anything better then an aimbot is a better aimbot.

    If this guy or girl was the real deal there is nothing to gain in hiding yourself but everything to loose in exposing.

    If its brown and warm and sticks to your fingers and smells like a dump you dont go wondering about what it is. You wonder why noone with their hands on the buttons didnt flush the troll toilet.. yet
  14. Birkin

    Come on, there is no way he is just a farmer. PS2 is full of dedicated farmers and yet there is no one in the whole game that is even close to him in terms of K/D, no one even in the same ball park. It was almost x 5 his nearest competitor when I looked last.

    Just think about it for a second, do you really think it sounds reasonable to on average kill 50 people for every death with that much playtime. Also, his K/D was around 30 something in or after beta, its gone up to the current 50 since then so its not just some sort of hangover from old mechanics.

    Every time I die to him it feels off. If I am in a scythe I can tell it is him immediately just from the sound of his gun hitting my hull. Ill throw out my favorite personal undocumented anecdote.

    I saw him hovering above a tech plant on indar and started shooting at him with a scythe. He turned and ran. I gave chase but couldnt close the distance, as I flew over the tech plant I got nailed by flak and ejected as a light assault.

    As I drifted down to the ground I was shot out of the air by, yes you guessed it Daddy. Pretty impressive considering he was flying in the opposite direction at full speed when I ejected.
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  15. Plunutsud pls

    This is why I don't play on Russian & European servers: you can never tell if they're cheating or just skilled.

    The first thing an average Russian gamer does before getting into a new game is to google cheats for it.

    I used to play Warface on Russian servers and that game has the highest concentration of cheaters I have ever seen in any game, including non-Steam CS servers.
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  16. Frank 2070

    Vladimir Putin is Daddy
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  17. DrPapaPenguin

    I was revived by Daddy once. I wish I could say I never died again, but it seems his divine powers don't go that far...

    ... Yet. Chant louder boys, Daddy can't hear us!
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  18. DrPapaPenguin

    No no no, first thing russians do when the game comes out is google a pirated version, but to say every second person hacks is a broad generalisation :p
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  19. Plunutsud pls

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  20. Frank 2070

    It's something like this:

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