Which TR Assault Rifle?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by PastalavistaBB, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. PastalavistaBB

    I'm almost BR70 on my TR, but I'm still using the T1 Cycler and the only other Assault Rifle I got is the TAR, which is trash after the hipfire nerf. I trialed and liked the T1S, which looks like my only realistic option except the NS11A. The Sabre is burstfire only, so it's not an option for me. What do you suggest?
  2. Adistron

    TAR is your only choice
  3. cruczi

    TAR is still the only one with 0.75 ADS movement multiplier so I'd probably go with that. I like mobility.
  4. Blarg20011

    Why not the SABR? It is a fun and excellent gun. you could also get the TRV for BRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
  5. PastalavistaBB

    TAR and TRV are just spray and pray. You can't hit $hite with them after the hipfire nerf. Don't even think about ADS firing with them. You'll get outgunned every time.
  6. Blarg20011

    Okay, if you don't want spray and pray then I guess your options are... the SABR, the T1B, or the T1.
  7. PastalavistaBB

    Yes, I just want something viable at midrange. Even stock NC weapons can outgun you easily at anything further away than 20-25 m.
  8. Church41349

    What exactly is wrong with the Sabr-13 being burst fire?
  9. PastalavistaBB

    Engage any enemy under 30 meters and you'll "get rekt".
  10. Blarg20011

    Not if you "get gud" and aim for the head, or just spam LMB.
  11. geekrider

    Got bored with TAR. Rolling with my Cycler now
  12. DevDevBooday

    After getting Auraxian with every TR assault rifle I recommend the Cycler TRV hands down, bar none. It is flat out the best assault rifle atm. It recently received a recoil buff so now its very controllable and is still the highest ROF assault rifle in the game. TRV is the one gun i roll with now, the TAR does not even compare. The TRV is the embodiment of TR itself.
    I love it to death.
  13. Rogueghost

    Forward grip, both are surprisingly accurate at range if you have one equipped.
  14. Blarg20011

    Truly, it is beautiful. One of few TR guns that I actually enjoy hearing. Personally I run with a forward grip and a HS/NV scope, since if I can't see it with the HS/NV, I probably can't hit it anyways.
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  15. Saber15

    I win CQC fights with my SABR against Sirius cloakers and Heavy Assaults (w/o their overshield) while hipfiring even with a compensator attached.

    The SABR puts out surprising amounts of damage at close range, I'm pretty sure it can actually out-DPS my TAR and TRV as it's far more accurate (rather than the TAR/TRV's BLRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR miss 50% of the shots).

    Just bind another "fire" control onto the mousewheel and the SABR is just as good as the other ARs at close range.

    Also, dat ability to out-snipe anyone who isn't using a bolt action.
  16. sindz

    TAR or TRV would be my recommendation, but really sick. TAR for more all arounder rifle, and TRV to mow down _everyone_ in CQC
  17. HerpTheDerp

  18. 9Fingers

    Try burst firing .... If you're hipfiring with a TRV outside of 5m then it's not a wonder you can't hit anything with it.
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  19. Mustarde

    After auraxing the TAR, TRV and NS11-A, I have to say that the TAR is not its former self. The TRV is a CQC and mid range beast, great for indoors. But I actually find the fire rate and recoil difficult to use efficiently. What I mean is that you miss a lot of shots aiming for the head, you end up wasting a lot of rounds due to the high ROF so I am constantly in a situation where I need to reload and can't, and end up trying to gun down HA's with my underboss.

    The NS11-A in contrast was a real treat. 0.75 ADS movement, fantastic accuracy and recoil, it is a beast with compensator/foregrip. Definitely lacking in hipfire, I treated it more like a scout rifle than an assault rifle... but I just became so impressed with how well it handled. Aim for the head, watch your enemies struggle to accurately return fire as you ADAD while scoped, and win encounters. With a carbine speed reload.

    I'm now working on the SABR-13 which is a situational but fun weapon. I still have some learning to do to be efficient, but it definitely fills a unique niche. Another headshot oriented weapon. I'm also using the T1 Cycler, which I have to say, is a contender for my favorite AR behind the NS11-A, much to my surprise. I'm not sure why but I am doing so well with it. Lots of headshots, solid hipfire, good ROF without being spammy... I still have to spend more time with it but so far I'm a big fan.

    I know there are more experienced medics out there, but PU02 changed the dichotomy of TR assault rifles (as well as everyone elses) and the old teaching of "nothing but the TAR" is no longer true. The field is, in my opinion, wide open for which AR is king.
  20. PastalavistaBB

    Great! After NS15M became the "Best TR LMG", NS11A has become the "Best TR Assault Rifle". If Devs keep overnerfing the TR, we might as well become the NS Mercenary Faction. I prefer the Basilisk over the Vulcan on a Prowler atm. It has more range than the Vulcan's 25 meters.
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