Which thread is most annoying? (multiple choice)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Starlight288, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Starlight288

    OK besides the inevitable snarky comment that my current thread is most annoying...

    Please what is your opinion?

    A. Prowler is broke / does Prowler suck? threads

    B. Nerf the vanguard! threads

    C. I quit! threads

    D. I hate smg infiltrator / nerf smg inf threads

    E. I hate my server threads

    F. PS2 is a cheaters paradise threads

    G. Population imbalance threads

    H. TR needs buffed threads

    I. Who was Buzzcutpsycho? Do you worship Buzzcutpsycho? threads

    J. I hate SOE threads

    K. Is so and so (a person you never even heard of) the best player to ever play PS2 or any online game for that matter? threads

    L. VS is OP threads

    M. This gun, tank, aircraft needs to be nerfed threads (when in reality said item is very underpowered or at best average)

  2. TommyXXL

    N. Threads that asks what thread is the most annoying.
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  3. z1967

    N. Polls about otherwise non-important threads

    I choose N.
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  4. TommyXXL

    there can be only one N, i was first !
  5. z1967

    Your move.
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  6. Dunkman

  7. JasonVoorhees

    Buzz is the one who usually starts those threads..
  8. Prudentia

    Threads that complain how stupid the devs are and how the decisions they did ruined the game. and instead of giving constructive feedback they insult them even more.
    complaints about the new crossbow (like the one by our favourite totally non biased NC forumwarrior) or about new ESF weapons (our anti everything-that-is-not-an-aircraft swedish super MLG Pilot) are my favourite displays of humans being idiots.
  9. huller

    O: OMGNERFTR threads
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  10. Hosp

    Fixed that for you. That being said: B, G, J.
  11. libbmaster

  12. DrunkenDoughnuts

    I'm not seeing an "all of the above" option...
  13. TommyXXL

  14. Vinakis

    I really want to pick all of the above, except C.
    While generally annoying, they're not the -most- annoying, and can be somewhat entertaining to read when you're bored.
  15. MasonSTL

    J and C threads for me are annoying. They usually are made up of assumptions and a feeling that they are initialed to something that would otherwise break the game.
  16. Ash87

    P. This game is dying threads.
  17. Akeita

    C, flob you quitters, just ****,cno one cares if you leave so don't come on the forum and whine why you quit
  18. Bonom Denej

    Pourquoi tant de haine ? (This is a french joke, the opportunities to make this joke properly are quite rare, so yeah, I have to do it, no matter if it's in an english speaking forum. I couldn't really bother translate it since it wouldn't really make sense).
  19. Ash87

    Okay another one: Posts that close, just as I am writing a response... Curse you moderator 2!
  20. Kristan

    Anti-MAX threads. Because some people aren't smart to know how to fight them.