Which NC outfit is the best in Waterson?

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by StarFox64, Feb 25, 2013.

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  1. Snow Sheltie

    This thread is completely derailed from its original topic. Liberty, why don't you make a thread arguing your case in the general gameplay on certification?

    Congratulations to EZC for their heroic stand against the Terran Zerg on Amerish last night. Outnumbered three-to-one and still held them long enough for the rest of the NC to surround the terran army and surround their warpgate.
  2. Shanther

    So I have to ask...which outfit had the unfortunate time of removing XoO from the north east Peris Amp Station tower last night? It only took platoons to remove a squad and a half...

  3. vaxx

    That was fun.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    Have you actually ever ran with DREV. I am a member of that outfit and I can tell you that it is the most organized outfit I have seen, at least with the members of the platoon that regularly run in ops on a nightly basis.

    The discipline within the outfit is quite something, the leaders don't take much crap. You do as you follow the objective or you get kicked.

    It isn't simply a case of just zerging everywhere like you claim. We can all be grouped at a warp gate for over 20 minutes as we organize ourselves into the best balanced squads before we actually leave with an organized plan.

    Zergs don't spend this long at a warp gate organizing themselves do they?
  5. Lampenfieber

    First some Jaeger dudes, have to understand one thing, we merge to be one server. Forget about jaeger outfits, there is no more jaeger, are one Watterson. I hate this kind of topic because bring more trouble than help.

    Second thing, you can't see the best outfit thru the actions not with staticts, BR or Certs means n-o-t-h-i-n-g. DREV are one of the most old outfits in Watterson, today i think we have 800 members, a 10 days ago i think we have clean up, so, that statistics change again and still we are doing our part to everything work in Watterson.

    Here some examples how you can try to find the answer for that question, '...best of Watterson':

    - Outfit is a member of the NC COMMAND and its registred at the website
    - If the members help to defend bases, not just cap or farm xp.
    - If the members help the other NCs in battle
    - If the leaders help in command channel
    - The members have good armor

    Above this all... you cant measure a good outfit by his count members, or say its not organized, by the way you have to be a member or do better to say that, lak of respect here, or yet looking the stats and thinking you know more because of numbers.

    You have to capture/defend a factory and look at your side and see who is there with you. This, is the best way to see.
  6. Dagonlives

    Have to point out two things:

    Organization is no indication of an outfits skill at execution. If you have a great plan, but everyone pulls a sunderer and runs out of it in a line at the target, you are still zerging. The easiest way I've found to tell if an outfit is zerg tactic orientated is how they handle the destruction of their AMS. If they are a zergfit, they are disorganized and fall back. Organized outfits will keep fighting while more sunderers arrive (or use their spawning beacons).

    Organization on a macro level is all you've described. Do you organize on a squad/individual level? Organizing on just a macro level is still indicative of a zergfit.

    • Up x 2
  7. vaxx

    2 things.

    Actions = statistics and certs and BR. The better the actions the better those things are. Killing many enemies means stats are going up. Rolling an armor column over empty bases means they are not. So while I agree stats are not the only thing to show an outfits worth, they sure as heck are an indication.

    * I am assuming its a mistake when you wrote "can't see the best outfit thru the actions not with statistics." *

    NC have captured/defended a base. Look around. With the large number, statistically you should see DREV (at least some). But you sure didnt mention you captured/defended with a platoon against 4 people or not. So again, just because there are alot of numbers, doesnt mean it was not zerged or used wisely.

    See my point? Not taking a jab at DREV, just outfits in general. I find your way of ranking an outfit or finding their worth lacking and more opinion and self thought than anything tangible.
    • Up x 1
  8. Dagonlives

    Holy crap. You can type more then a single sentence!
  9. Lampenfieber

    ok, let me see.

    IF i have 12 guys with 6000 certs each, and all are k/d 5.00 this means i have the best outfit or i have 12 farming players? You can have 12 BR 1 with k/D 0.0 and default weapons and everything, and still if they defend and do your job righ, its a statistic error for who wants to see that way, but for me, kts a good damm player.

    So...like BR in this game, the only statistic i care are for fun to joke with my friends, because i really dont care, we made the ***** done every night, and this is what we care.
  10. Obscura

    UN1T imo

    They're the only ones I see that are consistently organized, I know when they're capping a base im in for a real fight
  11. Mythicrose12

    This is Jaegerson. Get it right. One day the devs will wake up and change the server name as it should be. Playing mostly Vanu on this server, I still run in to far more of my former Jaeger TR/NC nemesis outfits than the Waterson natives.

    Anyway, carry on with which NC outfit is the best.
  12. vaxx

  13. Loligagger

    Just one more thing to throw in since everyone seems to be throwing cert gain and and k/d ratio around. Cert gain can be skewed by boosts and double exp weekends right now (such as alpha squad/heroic/squad/normal boosts) so unfortunately it's not a good stat to base skill on. Also k/d ratio to me personally, doesn't seem accurate mainly because one could sit back and snipe to raise their k/d ratio instead of running to the enemy sundy and suiciding with tank mines or c4 to stop a base push.

    I have a 6 month alpha squad boost that I haven't used yet (that I know will raise my score a minute) and I sit around 103.2 a minute with a k/d of 1.13.

    Also my VS alt has a higher K/D and score per minute then my NC but the numbers in the stat system seem to be off aswell. For the pulsar C it says I have 154600% accuracy and that I have only fired 1 bullet. ;w; So I would only take the stat system with a grain of salt right now.
  14. YngvaldsFuror

    Quick post, the twofold nature of the issue at hand. I find it crucial to separate and distinguish these two very important points

    1. Drawing arbitrary correlations on complex behavior within an MMO-universe
      purely based on some XP statistic is a very, very bad idea.

      2. Some statistical numbers in this game are not only subject to being bugged etc,
      but also stuff like purchasable boosts, making the first even worse.

    And that's it. The only purpose of my amendment was that, although you addressed this eloquently, I felt you missed out on opportunity of a highly important emphasis, which I demonstrated as my first point.
  15. KingoftheBorderline

    I myself have something to say, which may be able to retail this thread. Outfits are a very rewarding thing in planet side 2. It took me a long time to figure that out. When you find that outfit that's right for you, you just know it. The people in an outfit and the atmosphere of an outfit can contribute, so can an outfit's "vision". Every outfit has this sort of personality that I think is really cool. So what if PHX is very optimistic about everything? So what if DREV is a giant zerg. Every outfit contributes in it's own way, and people will always have criticisms of an outfit. That's the outfit's business, you don't need to fix an outfit as an outside looking in. What outfit leaders need to realize is that they need not be embarrassed by the quirks of their outfit. Nothing's perfect. Everything has strengths and weaknesses. I love BDM. Blue Dream Mercenaries is an outfit that spoke to me when I first got on the teamspeak. What was so great about it you may ask? We were able to equip ourselves however we like, and we STILL kicked tuckas. On a good night our one squad team (maybe two squads if we're lucky on an ops night) will have a tremendous impact on the battle around it. If BDM has a weakness, that weakness is also it's strength. The intimate, small-scale environment that we work so well in. But that's my preference, not yours. If I was in a zerg guild I would have quit planetside 2 a long time ago, but that's me! Some people like having a tremendous impact on the battle; some people like having control of 6 platoons. Let's all quiet down. That's not to say we should stop bickering. Bickering is fun to watch. Let's all bicker differently though, and instead of comparing an endless array of out-of-context in-game stats, let's all bicker by posting kickass videos of our outfit stretching their epeen instead. After all, isn't epeen the reason we came to this thread in the first place?
  16. SpaceMilk

    The stupidity and ignorance of some people on this thread amuses me...
  17. Fab416

    Outfitpoints comparison of 4 of the largest NC Outfits on Waterson


    If OP is even reading this thread anymore, don't read too much into stats though. Come play a few nights with some of the big outfits and see if any of them are a good fit for you. Send me a tell (FAB416) and I'll see what I can do about getting you a squad invite to an EZC platoon. If you don't like any of the outfits, roll solo or create your own. I won't deny someone a heal, revive, ammo, repair etc because of what's in their [ ] and neither should any of you.

    Don't forget the real enemy wears stupid sexy spandex
  18. Ammathor

    Holy ****, I didn't know that Necromancer was one of the classes in planetside...
  19. Dagonlives

    Sounds like a troll topic.

    'Best' is subjective. If I want to go by 'best' in terms of largest, I am going to go with DVS for obvious reasons. They pull in a lot of people.

    If I want to go with best in terms of what appears to be individual skill, teamwork, and stats: I am going to go with TIW as they are preparing for MLG and have some very committed players.

    If you want the outfit that produces the most youtube content/laughs, you'd probably go with PXP.

    These are just three examples of a way of being 'the best'. A stupid thread. Just enjoy the fact this is an MMO and have fun with the game.
  20. ReconTeemo


    Whatever happened to dvs? they used to be everywhere!.
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