Which NC outfit is the best in Waterson?

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by StarFox64, Feb 25, 2013.

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  1. StarFox64


    Really annoying command chat always complaining about the crown. Unproductive, hateful remarks when someone on CC asks for assistance on another friggin continent or advises NC Command of a pending issue only to be lauded at by some fool saying so and so's outfit isn't good enough to listen to. (this first part was just a rant)

    SO PEEPS! Dish it out here, what is the current ranking of the top 5 NC outfits in waterson? Give clear reasoning as to why.
  2. KingoftheBorderline

    I am in an outfit called BDM. We are the most laid back outfit you can ever see, but oh my god we are effective. I am often impressed by how effective we are as we don't have the numbers of DVS. And yet we are an amazing outfit with an amazing group of players making us go. I am shamelessly saying that BDM is the #1 outfit on Waterson in terms of efficiency considering numbers, I am so glad to be a part of BDM.
  3. DJPenguin

    Please, please put an S between D and M. It doesn't matter what your outfit's name is, you must do this.
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    I am TR on waterson but I can tell you from play experiences The 2 outfits I notice the most are

    DVS and DREV

    Alot of it is due to numbers yes but they do seem to be well organized and communicate a ton. I kill 1 or 2 DVS and turn the corner and 15 DVS/DREV are coming around that corner fully loaded. Consistent.

    They own the bio Labs on indar usually as they will put up a huge defense using high certed Max's ( which they should)

    I dunno who's the best or all that but I do know most recognize when you are fighting and these guys show up it's going to be a big tough battle i will give them that.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Ok, I am a jaegers NC.. I will be looking for an outfit on the new server, Jeagers is filled with useless outfits..

    Here is how it is on jaegers:
    The big ones, they make huge armor zergs and fight no activity..
    Them specialized commando elitist outfits.. gal drops onto enemies detected, then talk about how great they are..
    Then there is of course the crown defense team.. always crying into orders chat for everyone to come defend the crown..

    I do not want to sit in a tank going from base to base with no activity..
    I do not want to redeploy constantly to drop overwhelming numbers onto small groups of enemies..
    I can make 12k an hour repairing turrets, never even firing my gun. So I will not fallow your orders to a 3000 score per hour..
    I do not want to be anywhere near the central Indar Op Metro spam fest..
    If I wanted to shoot rockets down a path all day, I would play BF3.

    I want XP, I want lots of it, I want at least 10k/hr, if you cannot deliver me to that, then you are not the outfit for me.
    I want to hot drop from one outnumbered base to another, killing everything in the target rich environment.
    What I want is an outfit that puts SCORE PER HOUR first and doesn't care about land at all.
    Does such an NC outfit exist on waterson?
  6. Genghiskron

    DJPenguin, Good luck with your LA outfit, and yes we are aware of the acronym with S in there XD

    Liberty, hopefully this will clear things up, at Blue Dream Mercenaries we are competive but no overly so. We enjoy teamwork and cooperation with a few other squads to make up a platoon at the most. We specialize in flexibility during combat and therefore have people switching between infantry, air, and armor. However, one thing we also pride ourselves in is that we like our members to play what they want.

    Say you want to go for a tank, you can be supporting our infantry. Say you want to go Reaver pilot, you'll most likely fly with one of the best NC pilots on Waterson, Cheecho. Say you want to go infantry, you'll be with me in the Part Bus (I even bought the utility slot of Stripper Poles!).

    But you talk about SPM, that's really not a good indicator of how well the outfit does NOR what this game is really about. If you notice, there are giant continents for a reason. This is because the game is based around gaining and holding territory. If you're caught up about certs and SPM for the wrong reasons, maybe you should find a new game. This is an objective based game, not just about killing.
  7. netsky4life

    As a TR on waterson i would say none, which is good since score/hour is useless its a tactical game...
  8. Haskaal

    Damn. Well the only outfit I know that seems to match what you want is FUGK, but they're TR. I doubt there are any NC outfits who dogs on only score.
  9. synth3tk

    We (DREV) appreciate the kind words, especially from the other side of the fence. We usually don't zerg one location, but when we do, it's probably because MAC is pissed at you guys, so you'd best start running the other direction. ;) Communication and strategy is our main focus. Working well with the other fine outfits on Waterson NC also helps a ton. Gotta give a huge shoutout to UN1T and 1CAV, too.

    EDIT: Really? We can't say p i s s e d??? The heck is wrong with you, Sony? Betcha heck will be blocked, too.

    Not gonna lie, you'll be SOL with Waterson outfits, at least from the larger ones. For the most part, we focus on land and objectives, not kills/scores. Any outfit worth joining will put warpgating the enemy or capping a continent way before finding a cert farm. They'll be on command chat trying to figure out where the next strategically-advantaged location is, not where the most kills are.
    But there might be a small outfit somewhere which does this. Can't say for sure.
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  10. dvsgaming

    Thank you for the compliments, and from a tr that makes me feel good. You guys always are the best to find for sure, I feel like the vs are kinda like vulutures:) I am Superdvs, creator of dvsgaming and co-leader of DVS. Coming from arma2 and a MMO history it was hard to get my mind wrapped around how to organize 1000 people into platoons and hit points in the best method possible. What I can say is by no means are we "THE BEST" NC is NC and we are all one team. We have been trying really hard lately to have most leads from NC in our ts3 to work as a team and move together. I am slowly getting over my bitterness towards SOE and will be on friday night running multiple platoons with DREV and ETHOS, and seeing who is new that is looking for a outfit, look for DVS gaming in the window and most are welcome, as long as you can follow orders and not sit at the crown all will be well. Much love to all the players of thi game cuz lets face it with out everyone playing this game would be lame:)
  11. dvsgaming

    Huh, I disagree we have a couple good large outfits on Waterson including your own, so for you to say that makes me wonder.....things that make you go hmmmmmm...and you my friend made it to the top of the list.
  12. synth3tk

    I don't follow, lol.

    I'm saying that there may be a small outfit that focuses solely on kills, not capping land. But none of the large outfits focus just on finding slaughter houses.
  13. dvsgaming

    Not gonna lie, you'll be SOL with Waterson outfits, at least from the larger ones, is what you said. DVS runs main platoons and at least 2 "spec ops" squads doing back capping. I know MAC see's it cuz hes in our TS3 all the time, but you make comments that are un-factual(is that a word?)
  14. StarFox64

    Wow, I'm glad to see a lot of passionate responses here. But to quickly address Synth and DVSgaming, I believe you two might be misunderstanding one another.

    Synth is addressing libertyrevolution's goal of cert farming while disregarding the overall objectives of the game or of the objectives set forth by the outfit commanders. Synth wasn't referring to the bigger/ more popular outfits as a bad thing, but that the goals and gameplay the bigger ones focus on are entirely different from just cert farming.

    DVSgaming, by acknowledging that you have main platoons and specops squads back capping, you are immediately stating that land objectives are priority over cert farming. DRev and DVS both have similar ways of approaching the game, in which they wish to engage TR and VS on a full 3 continent scale. It's like a big huge chess board, and you try to outwit your opponent's next moves and cause them to make certain mistakes.

    If you look back at Libertyrevolution's comment you can see that a teammate like him would just be aggravating, as he prioritizes cert farming over objectives. Almost as though liberty would rather keep spawning at a territory in which it is a losing battle for NC; rather than regroup, reassess the situation and confront the enemy again.

    BTW libertyrevolution, you are very naive to think you can just go against an overwhelming force and cert farm. There are ridiculously good players and outfits on TR and VS as well. I am a puggy and I have roamed almost all of the big outfits. I remember when I was playing under a DRev platoon and there was a huge zerg of TR coming into the stronghold while our one platoon was fighting a random VS platoon plus XOO. After holding our ground against VS we eventually had to pull out because the remnant VS + huge TR zerg was just too much to handle. If you don't know, XOO is one of the notorious VS outfits to play against, they have ridiculously high indiviual skills. There was another time while playing for DVS there was literally a mobile TR armor unit mowing through Indar. They were highly organized and fast as hell. We had to regroup all the way back at the warpgate pull our own armor columns and added some heavy air to ground units to push them back. What I'm getting at, is we need more cohesion as a faction rather than glory players like liberty running around not following orders. If you are so concerned about cert farming, just become one of a member of a small outfit that does that. There's a new outfit called MERC, short for mercenaries. They are highly skilled individuals who come in and just go where the battle is the thickest and wreack havoc. They also provide reinforcement to the most struggling territories when requested on CC.
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  15. dvsgaming

    OOOO i see now, yea sorry bro cert farms are for solo crown play, want to apart of a team join a outfit. thanks starfox!
  16. synth3tk

    Thanks, StarFox! That's exactly what I was saying. Sometimes I don't get my point across very well when written down.

    Trust me, MAC would have me tarred and feathered if I was dissing the very outfit that I'm a leader of. ;)
  17. dvsgaming

    Wow I had no clue I thought MAC was leader, well no worries, from one leader to another thanks for working with dvs to smash everything in our path.
  18. Dtswiss

    He is when on ...

    As for the outfit thing.... really it depends on who is platoon leader at that time. Been in DVS platoon and DREV where we mostly fart certs and other times play objectively. There are no single better outfit , however there are better platoon leaders.

    Every platoon leader has a different style, some like to hold bio lab more while other like to push out more instead of defending.

    * its eld1 (drev ) by the way , I usually like reaverpwn, baezil, StarlinVF squad during the afternoon, and Zennon86 as platton leader (that guy is so laid back lol)
  19. synth3tk

    Haha, more misunderstanding. I need to stay out of this thread. :p

    MAC is the main leader, but we have a secondary leadership tier under him comprised of trusted squad/platoon leaders. I (LarryWaffleson in-game, btw) am one of them.
  20. Mac1

    Hello ALL!

    Just to clear some **** up!

    1.) I don't give as **** about K/D ratio, how well you can kill your enemies, or anything else that pertains to you on an individual level. All those things are a an added side bonus of your play-ability (if you do have those things). You don't want to Marry a chick just because she has a nice ***... you want to Marry her because shes the coolest chick you know (at least I hope so). Same principle applies here; I can run into a room and take out 6 enemies without breaking a sweat; the important thing is that I can work with a team and other efficiently, not my personal skill as a player. (This isn't call of duty).

    2.) DVS Along with a Handful of other communities, outfits, and single-ops squads have helped us create an amazing network of team players on Waterson. All Outfits and free agents helpful or not are seen with great respect in my eyes (even those who don't get along with me). All tactics and formations are a necessary part of working together; the sooner people realize that the better.

    3.) If you want to get major certs I suggest you utilize one of two things, don't come to waterson at all, or go play call of duty where every action grants you XP (even as simple as falling 30 feet will give you some XP). I have removed players from my outfit that have amazing K/D's and such simply because they have poor attitudes, unchecked egos, and horrible team aesthetics.

    4.) If you think you have what it takes to be a team player, a good listener, and have some common sense you know where to find us; I say us because there are many parties recruiting on Waterson. No matter how good or bad; I only want players whose primary objective is to be a good team player, all else I (we) can teach them. I don't just represent my community and outfit (Digirev) anymore (and I know other outfits feel the same way). I represent Waterson & all those who stand by my side!

    To all my brothers in arms on Waterson; A fine job we have done!
    Remind yourselves how difficult life was before we banded together. There was great talks about NC leaving the Waterson & a select few including myself knew what needed to be done...

    Even with VS and TR alliances (literally Tr & Vs Sundies parked side by side) could not defeat us!

    We will not bow at the knee!

    We are here to stay and we welcome our Jagger companions with open arms!

    Digirev [DREV]
    Representing NC Waterson

    PM if you have any questions.
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