I'm looking for ideas of which guns/loadouts work well for combat typically in ranges within 30 meters, not more than 50 meters? (Other than the starter gun) Thanks in advance.
TRV. Did you really need to ask? Of course the thing sprays all over the place, but if you don't make mistakes, it awards you with amazing results. It is always a nice feeling when your gun is exactly good as you are. T1B or SABR with a laser sight could work if burst-fire only guns are up your valley. T1S really doesn't look all that appealing right now. You don't really need any of the SMGs. Shotguns can be nice, but TRV would be more versatile at the role, IMHO.
I was asking partially since I was on the fence between TAR and TRV before the patch and was curious of the impact the nerf on the TAR was, and partially because I didn't want to prime the discussion. I can see myself using the SABR for long distance fights, but I tend to prefer manually bursting full-auto weapons in intermediate ranges. If you could, I would like a little more information about SMGs as I hear the Hailstorm is good but couldn't find any direct comparisons to ARs. If SMGs get the 50% off sale I might use SC to get it for all my classes, for when I want to use LA or Engineer.
Well, out of SMG I'd recommend Armistice (extended magazine, soft-point ammo). That's just my opinion and I've heard some people swearing by the Hailstorm, but if you were to meet an enemy SMG in direct shoot-out, Armistice will serve you better. You don't really need it on Medic, Engineer or Light Assault - all of them have more versatile choices that will do just as good for a lower price. Heavy Assault got hit with hipfire nerfs, but they still have MSW-R and shotguns to choose from, so, in my opinion get an SMG only if you want it for your Infiltrator or just like it for whatever personal reason. I've never really liked TAR, but it was a more attractive choice stat-wise. Now it got some personal nerfs to prod players into buying some other guns, so I'd vote for TRV. But that's all just my personal opinion. VR room and the blue 'try out' button are your friends in this.
Not more than 50 meters? Just stick to your trusty T1 Cycler. Even if you aren't that good at recoil compensation, a 100 cert investment into a foward grip, maybe 30 more for a scope if you're so inclined, and you've got the gun for general usage, but still particularly useful at those medium ranges.
Its the gun you already have from the start. T1 Cycler has manageable recoil (PU02 added a bit more recoil, but I dismiss it as nothing) and RoF allowing some close quarters advantage. Been using the Cycler for eons and in many situations it has never failed me. I suppose you should give it a try. The iron sights are quite annoying, so just add a 1X reflex sight and you should be going on a rampage.