Which faction is the weakest?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BadAsElite, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Casterbridge

    After playing a good bit of TR and a bit of VS this weekend I'm pretty the three faction are well balanced in this capacity as well.
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  2. Ghosty11

    The weakest fraction, according to these forums, is the one you are currently playing.
  3. Deathcapt

    In reality the weakest faction is the one that has the least population. Generally the Territory control very closely matches continent population. The only time it's really skewed is generally temporarily when an invasion is occurring.

    In contradiction to this, and a big shout out to my combat platoon Saturday Morning, NC held 45% of Mattherson Indar for most of Saturday with 30% or less population.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    From reading this forum the weakest faction is whatever faction you are a part of, the other 2 are always OP and yours is always UP.
  5. Bill Hicks

    NC due to it attracting bad leaders.
  6. LowTechKiller

    It changes depending on the current buff / nerf cycle.
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  7. Imposer

    We'd be like Mercenaries. We'd also be walking advertisements, we'd get all the Nanite Systems stuff first, show them off to everyone else and then they'd buy them when they're released.
  8. HadesR

    ^ This
  9. b0wt1esarec00l

    it youst to be the nc were op the tr were hated and the vanu was okay. but now the tr ar better cause any level 8 noob can pick up a op gun for 250 certs so now most of cqb combat is dominated by tr
  10. Einharjar

    I think the factions are all pretty well balanced.
    There are times where I'm burying my noobish face in my hands wondering why I got so easily 2 or 3 shotted by some VS or NC standing 75+ meters away. And yes I scream that "something is wrong" or "imba!" all the time. But I always get to this point to where I just, log on my alts, play as NC or VS and go "wow, the TR is kicking my *** just as hard anyway" and come to the realization that I'm just not very good yet.
    After constantly hopping to the other side to "verfiy" their "OPness" I always find that their performance varies very little. For example, we're all in this mind set that the TR carry HUGE clips + fast RoF, but I believe the NC actually have a Gun that has a faster RoF than any weapon that the TR has for a foot soldier.
    And while the NC are supposed to hit super hard with limited shot, I'm always surprised at how long a simple Gauss LMG can suppress a position with a CONSTANT barrage of fire. Hell I think it's RoF makes it's delivery LONG than the average TR LMG. Which is odd.
    At the same time, I figured the faction with Gauss Weapons (you know, mini-rail guns almost) would have amazing accuracy! But, nope. The VS do.
    Which seriously makes no sense. Energy weapons, seriously make no sense. Kinetic weapons! ALL THE WAY!

    If, by some fateful truce from the gods of gaming, all 3 factions on a single server group suddenly became populated by determines, hilarious drilled and super disciplined players? I do believe VS would dominate.
    Accuracy. Accuracy. Accuracy.

    If you have a squad that learns how to FF (focus fire) and call shots? CQC would NEVER happen with the VS. There weapons are the APEX of what you'd want in fire fight tactics. Tight spreads, no drop. That's just insane. And they do not sacrfice much to allow this either.
    The TR would be the worst off, in this "Super Gamer Factions" scenario, as all of their weapons tend to be of lower caliber with terrible spread. They could not suppress a position worth a DAMN from range.
    But alas, that's just the scenario. I really believe that the current game state with the players included proves the game is pretty closed to balanced.
  11. SgtBreastroker

    I'm waiting for someone to say "TR".
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  12. deggy

    Which faction is the worst depends on a lot...

    This post is using experimental Faction Color-Vision. Members of various factions can only read the text that is in their faction's color.

    TR is UP, NC and VS are massively OP, and everyone knows it. Those guys on the other faction just don't want to admit it.

    NC is UP, TR and VS are massively OP, and everyone knows it. Those guys on the other faction just don't want to admit it.

    VS is UP, NC and TR are massively OP, and everyone knows it. Those guys on the other faction just don't want to admit it.

    Does that answer your question?
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  13. Ivalician

    TR. TR is the weakest. All their guns are butt. Their tank actually looks like a butt when it doesn't look like a hamburger.

    More seriously, I think their ESF's look like whales. I always used to refer to them as sky whales, but evidently, Galaxies are the de facto sky whale.

    But, no, serious.



    Sony should release a Shamu camo for Mosquitos.
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  14. HerpTheDerp

    NC, because their "faction advantage" - extra weapon accuracy when stationary - is simply useless in the actual game, where you want to move at all times, especially when firing.

    Also the slow-firing-high-recoil theme they have going makes weapons harder to aim, doubly so now that grips don't reduce vertical recoil anymore.
  15. phreec

    The one you're playing, obviously. :rolleyes:
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  16. Spookydodger

    The OompaLoompas. They fought for greater rations at McTerranDonalds and went to war for their delicious delicious beliefs. Sadly, their preferred ESF looked like the Hamburgler's head, and ESRL gave everything it hit love-handles and a badonkadonk butt. While very effective at crashing Liberators, MBTs simply seemed to get more robust if slightly more sluggish. The Oompas fought bravely, but eventually gave up the struggle and now live in cities deep beneath the surface, where the lard is still warm.

    However, you can still feel their influence today in the design of the TR Prowler, affectionately known as the "Burger Tank"
  17. Van Dax

    Mosquito is my favourite vehicle model in the game, I too agree they look like whales.
  18. Lampenfieber

    HARD to say....

    In my head i was thinking NC weapons are more slow but do more damage per bullet and the armor have more defense tham attack, TR have less damage but are more fast shoot and VS have both...

    But now, everything is so "balanced" you cant say who is the best because when you learn how to fight with... shotgun... they nerf until nobody wants to use anymore, now its balanced. Tanks, they put the prices high... so now we cant tell who have the best armor... max? ...

    The game is resumed to infantry battles, this is soooo fun, but only this? i cant answer this anymore, everything witch some empire is good,they nerf to balance.
  19. TimeyWimey

    NC I'd have to say.
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  20. llPendragon

    NC. By a large (and expanding) margin.
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