[Suggestion] Where do you see Planetside 2 six months from now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Duke

    This game went from 'pre-alpha' to the selected few, to alpha for a slightly larger selective few to a very fast closed beta and an even faster open beta; To put it bluntly.

    Since release we have had substantial overhauls (and I may not even been up to date on all of them). The new addition of the Harasser, ES AV weapons, Cloaker SMGs (just wtf.) , Lattice on Indar that half the people seem to love and half seem to hate, several 'warpgate' rotations, skins and weapons (MAX weapons? wow.. just wow), Instant Action, Squad Deploy, generous improvements to the UI.

    I know Planetside 1 got off on a rocky start and it took them two years to get their ducks lined in a row, but isn't this what "part 2" is suppose to be? The lining of the ducks and placing them in a row.

    I am DIGGING the new Lattice System on Indar. Hell I've played more this past week than I have during my ENTIRE six month subscription. It does get rather boring pretty fast though.

    As I've said before it seems to be a meaningless meat-grinder. It's fun, don't get me wrong it's fracking fun.. But it's repetitive. It's like a manufacturing job that requires you to build the same part over and over again and the only thing that differs in the way you build it is that you're building a larger or smaller part over and over again.

    It does not have substance. It could have substance.
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  2. Aractain

    Loaded down with more of my money.
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  3. Duke

    Amen brother.. Probably mine too. Because it's all I got...

    If Planetside 1 (which is free to play) had more than 20 players per faction ((( and I'm NOT spamming it so don't damn well ban me again ))) I would play it instead.
  4. Arquin

    What fps game isnt repetitive? This is much less than bf3 or cs.
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  5. Wintermaulz

    Honestly, i think this is gonna go the way of tribes ascend. Dont get me wrong, both of these games are good ones, but what were gonna see is the hardcore PS fans still here, but quite a bit of people will have moved on to the next latest and greatest thing.
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  6. Arquin

    I think its more to do because of lack of advertising.
  7. Wintermaulz

    True. If there is one thing COD got right, its that it has proven time and time again that a good marketing campaign can sell just about anything.
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  8. Eclipson

  9. Arquin

    Exactly. I'd say thats probably a legend in the PR & Ad industry.

    What SOE needs is an ad campaign with Hossin (perfect time) to lure new people that stay and all the older players who quit back again.
  10. Czuuk

    Over 9000?

    The cost of developing modern, AAA, MMOs today is so great that they are now monetizing what would have been considered beta in years past.
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  11. haldolium

    They do not hide that it is beta. Version is <1.0

    Well advertising eats up >50% of the costs for games like GTA, CoD or the others that put heavy emphasize on broad ads with TV spots etc.

    So in the end, we can be happy the money goes NOT there but into actual development.
  12. Arquin

    I know that, i wasn't saying that tv campaign is needed. Just more internet coverage could do a lot and noob friendly starting enviroment with a mentor system
  13. ghnurbles

    Given how much this game improved over the course of beta and how much it has since launch, it's going to be many kinds of beautiful in 6 months. I look forward to a meaningful resource system (and related objectives), better tools for inter-factional communication, some competitive tournaments to watch, and so much more.
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  14. Wintermaulz

    Not TV adverts like what activiosn can afford, but maybe Google based adverts, or some stuff on say RPS, IGN, Gamespot, etc
  15. Duke

    This is what I'm hoping for.
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  16. capocapone

    i thought planetside 1 sucked....i think this game sucks...but i like the big battles..but once it becomes a zerg and not really a fight...it sucks more...the thing they did to the maps is the worst thing so far imo...And so on etc....the guns are all weak as poop..worthless,you need a smg and or a shotty or just roll a max...tanks and whatnot pretty much suck due to c-4 and just flat out weak..i dunno the games weak.

    maybe in 2years tops be pretty close to shut down...maybe longer dunno...the pop seems to drop with every update...server merges in the first year is never a good sign...and hay i pay to play..same with the first.i dont like lasers..arma3 is way more my thing,but it lacks 24h maps ....if it had that,ya this game could go down the river...cause it sucks

    but like you said its pretty much a meat grinder,not really a skill fps we all love..more like a zerg tower defence game...i mean infantry are so weak its painful to even wanna play them if i cant max up or get into something.

    the maps have way to many mountains..the lunarness of the game play makes the game boring now..last few days for me tho..i may come back from time to time to get my die on...but its pretty much a spawn die...bore

    i do wish the game well,cause it is one of a kind,,,i just wish to a god any god that someone would make a modern warfare game like this...4reals..you know...real guns...real tanks of are time not some star wars knock offs like this game,...i would do anything....anything for that game to come out before i die
  17. Bill Hicks

    the game just needs some weather effects and random events like all lock ons not working in a hex or vehicles costing 1 resource.
  18. Nocturnal7x

    Hopefully 5 continents and an intercontinental lattice system. Hopefully when Sony has commercials for planetside 2 they make it well know the game is on PC, so hopefully bring in more players. Hell would be great if they had some commercials when hossin is out, "out for PC now, coming to PS4 late fall" kind of thing.
  19. Vetala

    I'm not sure where the game will be in 6 months time but from someone who left after the first couple of months and have now returned I am impressed with the game now and can only see it getting better. It takes time to build a good mmo and with the addition of a larger player base on the ps4 I can only see the game getting better.
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  20. Khyrin

    Brainless slobbering in some corner of the internet with only the hardcore crowd still playing it while every new weapon gets nerfed to hell so a new moneygrabber can take it's place in Infantryside2.

    Yes i did write this half sarcastic.
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