Where do I even use my falcons?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by LaughingDead, May 1, 2016.

  1. LaughingDead

    I gotta say, I got both, I've tried falcons in CQ with other maxes, but ravens just seem better, sustained dps? Ravens, flanking tanks? Ravens. Infantry? Believe it or not ravens. When or where do I use my bloody falcons?
  2. Halkesh

    When you can't afford Raven cert price.
    More seriously, falcon main advantage is the alpha damage and being able to instant kill infantry if both arm hit.

    Ravens are better than any other MAX AV weapon in any situation (that's hy they're considered OP by VS and TR and as "a good weapon that don't need nerf" by NC. So, if you have raven, never take back falcon, since Raven are a flat upgrade of falcon (at the cost of not being able to instant kill infantry).
  3. cobaltlightning

    Like the VS Comet and the TR Pounder, the Falcon is a close-range AV Weapon for the NC MAX. You can use it for mid and long range AV, but they're not nearly as reliable as being up close. Like its counterparts, the Ravens are also pretty decent at battling enemy MAXes, too.

    Above is where Falcons would do you best. Below is Raven Ranting.

    The Ravens are an upgrade to the Falcon for range, at the cost of damage per rocket. The lack of damage is moot, of course; they have laser-pointer accuracy, and follow the crosshair. Think of it like a mobile AV Mana turret, except with faster and more accurate missiles that come at a rapid pace.

    From the receiving end of all 3 Long Range MAX AV Weapons (Vortex's Lancer-like ability, Fracture's Scary Spamability,* and Raven's accuracy) I do agree that the Raven needs some tweaking, which would be easier than to tweak the Vortex and Fracture to match its performance. Granted, the Fracture buff was much needed, but still pales to Raven.

    Sure, it'll take a few hits to kill infantry with Ravens, but with ravens you can do it at a range where they can't fight back, with splash damage and super accuracy. Put yourself on the receiving end that many call OP, get their opinions on it. Same thing happened with the ZOE.

    *Glowing balls of exploding death coming straight to your feet is indeed a scary thing. A single squad of VS Heavies, each with a Lasher, can easily suppress and entire infantry column if not kill half of it outright. Fractures are different only because they can do the same to vehicles, and with Lockdown it makes them even scarier.
  4. LaughingDead

    So people think that ravens should be nerfed.... then people go to falcons? Maybe if falcons weren't asinine, people wouldn't be so against a raven nerf.
  5. FhilYourFear

    I really like the Falcon specially on farming infantry inside the Biolab teleporter (peek shot go inside repeat)use it on the same time and make sure you hit the target but what you need is a dedicated engineer who can repair and give you ammo.

    I also use the Falcon when we are defending a point because of the range and ability to kill infantry in 1 shot , i mostly spam falcon on the choke point or doors that i know theres alot of coming enemy the spandex or red people.

    Good use for spawn lock because it can 1 hit kill infantry, good combo with a harraser 3rd seat, when we are being spawn lock theres a enemy love to peek , good damage on vehicle for mid short to mid range and lot of other things.
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  6. Liewec123

    they're great for skillshots on infantry, pretty much heavies rocket launcher with a 1 second reload and 42 rounds.

    damage wise they're greater than ravens so if you're at ranges where you can reliably hit vehicles then they're a no-brainer,
    they also don't require you to stay out in the open like ravens do.

    also yeah, max fights are a breeze with comets/falcons/pounders :)
  7. Moz

    Falcons > Ravens for pretty much everything except long range tank battles.

    Falcons rely on a stella aim and take a lot of use to get used to at any sort of range.

    Once you do the Ravens will be your least used MAX weapon!
  8. Nakor

    Ravens are superior in long range anti-vehicle fights but not so much against infantry. Falcons have better DPS and the drop and lead time on them is very manageable and predictable even at fairly long ranges with some practice.

    They are pretty much my go-to general purpose weapon for fighting on the ground. I usually prefer them over scattercannons just because they can kill infantry at MUCH longer range and allow you to make better use of cover against infantry, since you can one shot them at any range you can land a hit. It's good for suppressing infantry too.

    The thing that falcons REALLY shine at is bombarding sunderer's. It takes a lot of engy's to repair tank even a single dual falcon max. Most of the time, they won't be able to stop you from popping their sunderer.

    TL;DR: falcons are highly versatile and have great DPS. Git gud.
  9. Azawarau

    You arent using falcons right then

    Theyre much better at close range tank fighting because you dont have to expose yourself for as long to fight tanks

    Even out in the open you can fire shield fire and beat tanks head on where the ravens require you to stay out

    The same goes for Max VS max and killing infantry though both guns stink at AI close up

    The raven is a great mid to long range AI though
  10. badname123

    Falcons are good for hit and duck tactics when exposing your self with ravens would mean death..... ohh look, basicly what this guy above me said.

    BUT!! i will say this. buy ravens. youll get more out of them than falcons. rich players can use both but a poor player should buy both ravens first.
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  11. DRCUNT

    use double falcon to duel maxes with use of riot shield in between reloads
    use falcons to corner poke and 1 hit kill infantry
    use falcons to snipe angles true buildings to 1 hit kill infantry
    use falcons everywhere you'd use a missle launcher
    use falcons in grps with hacksaw maxes as a heavy support platform
    use falcons small aoe damage to dps around corners and into doorways
    use falcons to kill player basses
    use falcons because you can fire and forget unlike ravens which will get you killed when using indoors vs infantry because you must remain visible and present a very ez mode target to any HA or LA
    use falcons in biolabs
    use falcons in tech plants
    use falcons in farms
    use falcons all the time
  12. Azawarau

    You get one falcon by default so its cheaper to get the other one than two ravens:rolleyes:
  13. Armcross

    When I did raven/falcon/aegis build I feel like a boxer. Jab jab jab straight block, or any other combo.
  14. Crayv

    Falcons are for destroying Sundies and getting kill streaks

    Like this...
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  15. toxs

    Where = biolabs and towers. When = farm infantry, maxes, vehicles

    A useful feature of falcons besides ttk is, you can fire and get behind cover before the enemy receives the damage. This is great for picking off vehicles cqc.
  16. Memmio

    Falcons are better than Ravens in following:
    - Better DPS
    - No need to maintain Line of Sight
    - Suppression, i.e. hold corridors/doorways against infantry

    This makes falcons good in short-to-mid ranges and against stationary targets such as deployed Sunderers and Prowlers. Plus they are bit more "universal" in captures and gal drops as they can be effective against vehicles and (at some extend) infantry
  17. CommanderC2121

    Where are falcons good?
    You see that sunderer, dual falcons and it dies. Takes like 3 engies to out heal dual falcons. See that tank? Dual falcons.

    I use the falcons for any AV assaults that arent at long range. Long range and i go ravens, but i prefer the higher dps and burst potential of the falcons vs the ravens. And, when fighting infantry, i say screw shotguns and go dual gorgons (damn i wish i had the TR chainguns for infantry)