I notice less use of this forum than the others. Also, in-game I find medics rarer but utterly indispensible when they are around. Do fewer people play medic or is that a false impression? If there are fewer of them, why do you think that is? I did run medic for a while but it got a bit monotonous compared to other classes - shoot, heal, revive. And for shooting, why would anyone ignore the AR in favour of trying other weapons? I've run through most classes now up to the point of feeling I understand what they can do and wanting a change (what can I say........I'm a tart for novelty). I've still got the LA and the Stalker Infil to try out but then it's back to medic - any thoughts on how to spice it up or is it fine as-is? The last new toy I remember was the shiedd/heal repair dome. Even the much neglected LA has received more recent attention with new jets (and if you count the buff to the burst class of their primary weapon, the carbine, although it can be used by other classes too).
Well, as you pointed out, some players may find playing a support role to be monotonous. You can still fight as a Medic. In fact, Medics can carry C-4, and I have gone after a Sundy with my Medic. I might not have enough C-4 to take it down, but every bit helps. Another use for the C-4 is setting it up like a landmine and setting it off manually when you see an enemy run through the area. You don't even have to have line-of-sight if the enemy is visible on the mini-map. Playing a Medic is a player choice thing. Honestly, in the lower BRs (if you are unlocking weapons with CERTs), it's more beneficial and easier to gain CERTs by playing a Medic or an Engineer and healing or repairing people/things than any other way (except possibly being a front line spawn sundy).
Not to mention that many people don't even wait anymore to be revived because it doesn't take long to simply redeploy. The only time I ever wait for the expiration of my timer is as a MAX and even then do I rarely get a rezz.
I don't know what other players' reasons are, but when I play medic I feel unappreciated, like I am expected to be subservient to other players, and overburdened with the responsibility of healing and reviving instead of shooting and killing. It's fun and I enjoy playing as a combat medic, but the actual "medic" part feels rather unrewarding, whereas playing a combat only class is not. Assault rifles are awesome though. They are easily the best automatic weapons in the game, in my opinion.
i keep trying to play medic, cuz thats so much easier and faster to auraxium than the other classes, but i make 3x the kills with my Engineer. if the medic had access to claymores id get more use out of it.
I really quite like playing as medic, the only thing that turns me off is having to equip the meditool to heal/revive, it is just so tedious. I've started using rez grenades instead of the tool so I dont have to disarm. Running around with the meditool out is just so boring and often a death sentence. I would like to see the heal/revive function as a F activated ability, the selfhealing aura and shield regenerator feel more like gimicks that can be done away with in order to balance heal/revive bound to F instead of this tedious tool. ATM I use my medic mainly as a galaxy drop support. Otherwise I use it as a stardard soldier and not use the tool.
Plus Infiltrators always geek the medic first, that could be mitigated by removing the green ray of suicide from the tool to make medics harder to identify, or better yet remove the tool and remap the revive abilities.
I play engineer and im happy with this,since i have infinite ammo and i can gain certs by repairing things,as well,the mines can kill people and the turrets can guard other points. Playing engie or medic means to upgrade the other 5 classes.
The combat medic is the under appreciated unit in a group, and combat wise, is a severely gimped heavy assault. Basically, the ONLY saving grace of being a combat medic is that I can revive people... that's pretty much all they bring to a fight. Dead people are often lying down in the line of fire and there's a severe vulnerability to pulling out the tool just to revive a dead guy. It also doesn't help that short of a full rank 6 med-tool, allies are revived with only a percentage of their life AND it takes longer to pick them up. Basically, low level medics have good intentions, but players quickly learn to ween off of being a gimped healer until they can invest certs into the tool. However, as they're busy playing as any other class that can do their thing without being completely **** before certs, they'll more likely invest into that class instead. Vicious cycle. Meanwhile, us dedicated medics that did chuke certs into our tools and AoE heal kind of put up with it for a bit, then toyed around with the other classes until we realize this class is bull$#!%. Assault Rifles are barely any different from an LMG. The heavy assault has essentially assault rifles with extended magazines, notoriously (brokenly in fact) tons of extra life, and an AV option that doesn't essentially equate to me becoming a martyr. The Engineer has far more tactical options at their disposal and EVERYONE needs friggin' ammo. That's free easy certs and they don't even need to put their weapon away. This is a thinking man's class. Then we have the infiltrator - provides tactical intel to the team and can dissuade hostiles from prioritizing them, if they even notice them, thanks to that cloak. Armor cloak is the bomb by the way. GREAT escape tool. LA has movement options galore. They can attack from many absurd angles and move to wherever they want. Just wish smoke grenades lasted longer than 12 bleeding seconds and that low settings didn't practically nullify their effect. I tease the idea of playing a medic from time to time, but ultimately go back to HA when my K/D hovers closer to 1 or 1.5 for doing so. Sorry bros, but I ain't reviving and getting exp if I'm dying nearly every damn time I run into a hostile. I spent most of my time as a medic initially, but eventually it just wore on me. It's mostly the heavy assault's fault for even existing (of course) because essentially, that's all a medic is - they give up a rocket launcher, big *** magazines, and an over shield so that they can revive people. Whoop. Dee. F***IN. DOO. Is it any wonder everyone assumes medics are the butts of the battlefield, there just to revive others? Well that's because they are. They literally provide nothing else. Maybe if Medics were the one's with LMGs and HA had assault rifles things might feel a little more balanced between these two classes. Maybe if Medics had their own plethora of combat/tactical options besides hit F to hopefully tank another bullet, they'd be more desirable. Perhaps grenade launchers as exclusive secondary weapons to the medic would make them more appealing? I don't know, I just know they need help. People roll medic because they want to help, but they're really just naked HA's as far as I'm concerned. If you want to help, roll engineer or infil and spam those tools. It's ironic, there are more medics on the TR, Emerald, but they lose all the time. The VS barely seem to have any and yet they can steamroll their competition. I can count the number of revives I've had as a VS today on one hand. Apparently, killing your enemy is more important than picking up your allies. And really, the only place the medic really makes a difference in a fight is during a control point hold, and that's only if the enemy has the control point surrounded and reinforcements cut off.
Aye TR field more medics because we benefit from a dictatorship, democracy is a sick lie. I play medic because of awesome guns. I've started using rez grenades for rezzing but I play medic for the gunz# They need to fix medics, noobs use medics for certs, thats the only reason they get used. I am TAR incarnate
Probably running after you screaming, "I CAN HEAL YOU!" while you run around looking for a medic. Or, they might be waiting for you to decloak. Or you may have gone and died far from the squad and the medic doesn't want to run after your corpse at the expense of the rest of the group.
Medic is the least played non-MAX infantry class on literally every server. (The below stats were posted by the DayBreak employee "PromptCriticalSOE" about 4 months ago.)
Oooh, that "I'm using Res-Grenades now...", that stings. In my opinion the worst thing to do as Medics is pretending to be one. That said you also wont find without my Flak Armor. Res Grenades is feeing the enemy when not used in a very organized scenario or in cluster situation where hope is the only savior. The main problem really to me is the sheer dominance of Heavy Assault and their ability to self-heal to a certain degree. This makes both fighting and supporting them a tedious thing. Also, as mentioned before, the short respawn times combined with all the different respawn options (if organized) almost remove the necessity of having medics around. Unless you are sitting in a remote area where you need to sustain yourself the medic becomes a thing that is nice to have I guess. Not for me though. In a full squad I alway bring two to three medics along. And if the only thing they can do is dish out Res-Grenades they are relieved of their duty. Although the game changed a lot since launch I still value a good Medic higher than any other class. There is nothing that can give you a second chance on that point hold, except maybe the quick Bacon Swapperoony, the hovering Galaxy or Valkyrie, or those cheap Sunderers anyone can pull... Aww, dangit. Tl;dr Medic is still my personal favorite because of the class concept and the ARs. A good squad composition and teamplayers are the requirements to play out it's strength.
Maybe limiting the effectiveness of medkits would make medics more popular at least. But they clearly need a wider range of roles/abilities to be interesting to play. I'm just not sure what. I'd swap the C4 option for AI mines personally...........
Unless you're amazing like me, then you get praise in /yell chat. People a couple months ago called me the Green Mage when I was medic whoring on Esamir. I should make an alt with that name. 100% medic.
Medic's the quiet guys at the back, with a bad attitude and underestimated until the enemy realizes its too late. That's what they are. Also rez, rez and more rez. And no, I am not a damn medic from TF2 with an ubercharge thank you. Geez, I swear, everytime I start healing someone, they immediately go back outside, take ravens to the face and then proceed to yell at me in chat because im not going into the teeth of 20 enemies shooting at the doorway to rez him. Im gonna quote Igorawr, and say medic abuse is still a problem