When will you fix the netcode lag?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tigerchips, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. hawken is better

    As usual, the devs are beating around the bush and pretending to not know what they've done/what's been changed over the past year. This isn't the first time that PS2's terrible netcode has been brought up, yet just like every other time, the devs give some "ehehehehehe [insert generic excuse] :DDDDDD" response. I mean, some of us are used to it by now, but it definitely goes against Smed's Reddit post about SOE's transparency.

    Then again, though, some of us are used to the lies by now.
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  2. iller

    I wouldn't call it outright "Terrible", infact I think they're doing an okay'ish job with it....

    No he's right, infact it makes perfect sense right now for SOE to be shifting a lot of its Network resources away from this game and into their next bigger project that this entire game (or its engine) was basically the "AlphaTest" for. Anyone who's ever maintained a Minecraft server will know exactly what that means infact. The COD nature of this game's combat basically ensures that it will be looking at lower-demand and lower priority as fewer and fewer people play as many hours as they used to. The increasingly larger item & texture database is a real concern but eventually they'll be able to phase out a lot of the need for top-of-the-line Servers and even most of the Engineers dedicated to them as cheaper technology also gets better. They might even be able to keep most of the microtrans "wales" as dedicated players too despite it because again: COD gameplay doesn't put as much of a spotlight on split-second skill.

    Of course the 'devs' themselves wouldn't be at liberty to even hint at any of this and common sense dictates that they even try to disagree with the notion when convenient. But it's actually the most economically sound approach. If they were to just simply "Optimize" it like they've been doing with Graphics, that means REMOVING SOME FEATURES that people really like. Just like a lot of the complaints that people with top end i7's were making the first time the game was optimized (claiming it made the game look ugly as hell while they expected it to look like Cry-Engine in single player)

    Though it is ALSO why many of us have argued for a longer "TTK". Shorter or Longer TTK's don't actually mean anything to "Skill". What longer ttks DO mean, is a more generous grace period between disparate "Lag Compensations" and less of the Server/Lag itself deciding those outcomes FOR you. ... Though the really hardcore people could argue I guess that because "n00bs" benefit from Randomness, that random lag helping them means that they can benefit frequently from that Lag + shortTTK. Which is common sense logic I suppose but I'm with the school of thought that newer players should get some wellfare or luck tossed their way just to give them a chance every now and then against the Br100's who exploit the hell out of Lag compensation (and VPN'ing in some cases) in this game to the tune of non stop 10:1 KDR / Killstreaks....
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  3. Camycamera

    yeah, if you watch Wrel's video on the first page, you'll understand why. there is not a whole lot we can do about it, we just have to live with it.
  4. Shubniggurath

    Hit reg took a turn for the worse with PU2, further worsened by the Liberator update. Since last weeks patch though it's been horrible for me. Feels like i'm shooting potatoes.
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  5. Pootisman

    I definitely got worse with an update in december 2013 or january 2014, cant remember which update it was.

    The lag + bad hit detection is the biggest problem of PS2 in my optionion. I rage about it everytime i play. Its just ridiculous when enemies survive whole clips (30 bullets) into the chest or when they 1-hit you with the knife when they come around corners.

    I have 100mbit internet connection and no lag problems in other shooters, so its definitely PS2's servers and/or netcode.
  6. TeknoBug

    Oh look, someone brought up the "netcode". If it makes you feel any better, it isn't anywhere nearly as bad as Battlefield 4's. The lag I find is usually server side (9 out of 10 times it's Mattherson, while I get practically none on other servers).
  7. Krayus_Korianis

    If we shot potatoes, we'd actually get kills. We're shooting kiwi fruit!
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  8. Shubniggurath

    It's getting painful. I was thinking my isp could be congested, but speedtests are as consistent as usual.
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  9. Krayus_Korianis

    People can call me crazy and stuff... But the congestion of people playing on Connery is what's killing the server's internet access. People from ALL the hell over, AU/EU Denmark, Sweden and the like. All those high pings is congesting the server.
  10. Jack the Smack

    You're asking for what's beyond current technological capabilities. Consider the exponential nature of each additional player in this game, and the size of the continents that they reside.

    All the players' XP, the vehicles, the loadouts. There is no way this can run on a game server running at 60 hrz with server side hit detection. Even a 24 player Counter Strike: Go server struggles with this.
  11. tigerchips


    Why is it that everyone that posts on here sounds like they work for Sony?
  12. tigerchips

    I don't play Battlefield 4 anymore for that very same reason, and if you just sit there and don't complain it could get very much worse.

    I said to a BF4 developer before it launched, I hope you have improved the netcode because if you haven't, there will be a lot of unhappy customer out there. He went on, blah blah blah "oh not this again" blah blah blah, something along those lines. Some people on forum felt I was wrong to speak about netcode, but what did we get in the end, eh?
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  13. Andy79

    what irks me most is enemies simply not rendering consistently in those big battles the lattice funnels people into, gotta love it when there are 20 snipers lined up on a ledge yet they flicker randomly out of existence (I am not talking about them using stealth)

    game would be so much better if all enemies would be shown in a 48+ vs 48+ but it looks just like another 20 vs 20
  14. Munr

    That's the price you pay for large fights and client-side hit detection. It could be worse. Way worse.
  15. Kunavi

    It's starting to get very annoying. Empty 2 clips of the AMR on a target 20M away, get 2 hits to register, guy turns and wrecks me in under 1", I got all the Head Shots sounds in one hit. I've been saying this often, PS2 is random CQC spam. Balance is barely there, but who knows what's worse? That or the code? Bring a Shottie or a MAX, you'll have fun. C4 too if you can get it, that's all.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    Please tell me you're ******* trolling? If the problem is low TTK vs. high lag, and you can't reduce the lag any further, then you can just...

    ...wait for it...

    ...wait for it...

    ...raise the ******* TTK?

    TTK of 0.5 seconds should never be in a game which regularly pits 100 vs. 100 players against each other anyway.
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