When will you fix the netcode lag?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tigerchips, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. tigerchips

    Getting shot behind corner.
    Players not facing me when they kill me.

    It was never like this at game launch, Fix the game.
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  2. blag

    I thought there was something ********ty about how I was two-shotted by a SMG...
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  3. tigerchips

    I went into VR training, tested out the shotguns, to my amazement, it takes 3 shots to body to kill an enemy. But on my end it only takes one!
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  4. Astealoth

    The servers of a game on this scale can't handle making every little decision. It's not really much to do with their netcode skills, it's more about how much hardware they can afford. Client hit detection is something you'll have learn to deal with. And if you think it hasn't been like this from the start you just weren't paying attention. You notice it more because you know the game better than you did last year :p
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  5. Tommyp2006

    Either A, it's a pump action, or B, lag is making you take all of the shots at the same time, which is known to happen with this game.
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  6. z1967

    Lag will happen. FPS MMO is developer mode = hardcore/Australia
    Too many things happening at once and then you screw one teensy weensy thing up and your community explodes and calls your entire team failures because your 5 bullets out of a million or so entities being registered in that same second didn't register and now your K/D is ruined or some crap like that. Well I think the fact that this game so much as even works is ****ing wizardry. I can't even make a few strings work together in Python, this kind of game code blows my mind out of the water.

    Don't get me wrong, feedback is good. But when it is just as useful/constructive as you saying it to a wall I can't blame the devs for not browsing/responding to the forums. Higby can't even join a public platoon without being harassed about a million tiny issues like "why aren't you fixing [insert issue/bug here] instead of playing", "why is your hair even", and even crap like "when will [insert item that is clearly in the roadmap] be added to the game". Guys, developers are humans too. They want to enjoy the thing that they have been raising for over a year (not counting previous work and tech test) and lay back a bit. They aren't robots.

    Have some faith that they aren't going to run their game into the ground on purpose and give all the devs off to other projects. Guys, there are well over 30 or so members on the PS2 dev team ALONE. It is not some skeleton crew, losing a level designer is not going to kill the game. Stop acting like you are the most important thing in the world and realize that are larger factors at play other than some random guy with a computer and a pulse.
    /end of rant

    PS: This is not really directed directly at you OP, but more or less at the community (and to a lesser extent, FPS gaming communities as a whole).
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  7. doombro

    I don't mind ClientSide™ as much as I mind the 100-200+ jumps in ping during peak hours.
  8. Magicool

    well I have to say I'm located in GER
    the Ceres server is located in Amsterdam, NL which is not that far
    still most of the time I had a ping around 120ms since the maintenence yesterday I have ping around 70ms even in alerts at prime time!
    and it's a huge difference don't get shot when I'm already behind walls that often anymore, server sided stuff goes up faster (using class abilites, getting into vehicle, etc)
    it still happens some times but in those cases I think it's because the opponents ping is very high and since the hitdetection is client sided he sees me on his screen a split second longer
    so things got a little better on my end at least
  9. MuldoonX9 Developer

    Here's a great video by Wrel on the topic. Short of making light faster, there isn't a whole ton we can do about it.

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  10. SquattingPig

    The "netcode" of the game has gotten worse, especially since PU02. The "netcode" was acceptable before that and with the higher TTK the game made for a good infantry experience, but now it's basically on the level of BF4. You get killed around corners, receive multiple bullets before receiving any feedback, and get in those awkward situations when people not looking at you are somehow shooting you. Unfortunately, it's been months since PU02 and SOE doesn't even acknowledge the problem exists. Something tells me we aren't getting the old "netcode" back, and for that matter the old PU01 performance as well.
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  11. Ronin Oni

    Well, world wide gigabit internet would certainly help...

    less time in transit is less time. 0.7 second delay being reduced to a 0.2 second delay would be huuuuge.

    But of course, still limited by current technology.

    Now all we need to do is find those philotes :p
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  12. NoctD

    Actually untrue. There's two types of lag in the game - one's the network/transport lag. You can't do anything about that. But we have application lag as well, as can be easily seen by the in game ping you gave to us. Basically, your servers and server side application isn't sending out the updates and responding to our clients quickly enough.

    TL;DR - optimize your servers, and upgrade your server hardware.
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  13. Simferion

    Since some weeks the ping is drastically increased: it's the double of the normal ping I get with a pingtest to the Netherlands.
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  14. FigM

    I play from South Korea now, ping was pretty bad - from 180-220

    Then from some weeks ago, it never goes under 250, usually 260. Basically, completely unplayable.
  15. hawken is better

    I can definitely agree with you on that one. If you compare the game's gunplay at launch to the way it handles now, there's a very noticeable deterioration in smoothness and consistency.

    But the game was never like this from November to about April/May of last year. Something tells me that you folks lowered server tick rates on top of all the other "compromises" that were taken under the guise of "performance."
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  16. user101

    That explained a lot of how I get shot from around corners, under me over me and behind me with no one visible.
  17. doombro

    I have to wonder what's happened on that end. Since the game's launch, they've sliced the player capacity in half, pings now skyrocket during peak hours even on low population days, and the servers seem crumble when there's a few hundred people on at once, something that was constant and non-problematic during the immediate days of post-launch.

    Something definitely broke. o_O
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  18. user101

    This is funny -- it might really work for the games - my qbits on your processor and your qbits on my processor....! Faster than the speed of light...!

    Or they may come out with qbit video streaming to the video card.
  19. jp5a9852

    I've have definitely been killed around corners alot lately, it's very frustrating.
  20. Utrooperx

    Oddly enough, when I directly ping the server with PingPlotter (http://www.pingplotter.com/ ), I get a excellent response around ~60ms roundtrip...very nice...but when I hit "TAB" in game, it will indicate a much higher ping of ~130ms...

    I can only "assume" that PingPlotter is reading the actual "net latency", while the in game version is reading "net latency+application/server/processing latency"...

    From: http://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/feature/Network-latency-effects-on-application-performance

    As mentioned previously, network latency is comprised of propagation delay, node delay and congestion delay. The end systems themselves also add processing delay...

    Some guidelines for estimating propagation delay and node delay:

    Determine the actual route distance between the endpoints of the network link. The service provider usually can furnish that information. Assume a propagation delay of one millisecond per hundred miles (round trip).

    Determine the number of switches and routers in the data path. The service provider also can furnish that information or at least estimate it. Assume a relatively conservative estimate of two milliseconds per switch or router. Be sure to include the number of nodes in both directions for the round trip delay.

    This pretty well works with the information that PingPlotter provides and is reasonably accurate...therefore, the additional "processing delay" that is indicated by the in game monitor (which roughly doubles my latency/lag) is directly SoE's responsibility.

    So to merely say..."Eh, I died to lag...totally unavoidable..." is not really accurate...when the application itself is contributing immensely to said "unavoidable" lag...not your ISP/internet connection, as most believe.

    Check it out...download Pingplotter...compare the latency readings between that application and the in game readings...the difference between the two is how long the server takes to process the incoming UDP data packets from you and your opponent and respond with "A" killed "B"...after taking in to consideration its programmed version of "lag compensation" (a whole other ball of wax...interesting reading at: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1241/what-is-lag-compensation).

    I, for one, am quite curious as to just how much "load" is being placed on each "virtual server" contained within each physical server...as anybody with a computer can observe, the more you have running at the same time, the slower the machine will get...and the more "processing delay" will be evident.
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