When will the Emerald NC realize what a techplant is and why it's important to keep it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Angry Scientist

    Every day I watch the NC simply give up literally the only facility that matters in the game to ghostcaps, minor zergs, and easy to break balcony holds. Every day. And each time, it frustrates me. I know, I know. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same action but expect a different outcome, but...I'm chained to the NC.

    Just yesterday, the VS held Mekala on Amerish, with the NC in the eastern warpgate. They had Crux Headquarters, too, and there was a huge zerg there. The NC were flailing at it. Meanwhile, a few squads were cutting down south through the Onatha line, to Splitpeak. These caps were successful, and finally reached Mekala Auxiliary. The backcutting petered out and I find myself and a few blueberries attempting at Auxiliary. For over an hour, I attempted to secure and garner support to take Auxiliary, which would have allowed direct access to Mekala. One person I contacted was confident in the capture of Crux (it failed. Multiple times). Others simply didn't assist.

    I couldn't cap it by myself, as defending a sundy, the point, and fending off enemies is too much for me of moderate, at best skill. Ultimately, two squads of BR 100 heavies dropped in and shoved us. The TR shortly rampaged up and took all connecting bases. As for Crux? After two hours, it finally broke due to an alert pulling VS elsewhere. The NC promptly got themselves farmed at Mekala until I logged off, disgusted.

    This example is one of many, of which I could write a book of failure. I've come to realize, in these past few weeks, why certain 'flavorful' members of NC's Orders chat got to how they were. What response is there to staring at dead simple reaction tactics that require no forethought or planning and seeing your faction, as a whole, fail to do it? When your highest members and most respected leaders opt to farm rather then secure actually important things?

    I fear I'm just about to join them. Why struggle? Why should I get angry when it's just easier to slap on my HA loadout and farm?
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  2. ATRA_Wampa-One

    To the surprise of no one Emerald NC is bad.
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  3. dstock

    'Realization' implies cognitive function.

    So, never?
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  4. Axehilt

    I can only "like" the OP a single time. It feels so inadequate.

    The game would be so much more fun for everyone involved if everyone played smarter.
  5. Ghosty11

    Meanwhile, the Emerald NC hold the Eisa Tech plant and their warp gate on Esamir.
  6. Auzor

    Game more fun if everyone played smarter: not really.
    Although: depends.
    Playing smarter-> Platoon play. ok.
    Here's what happens: 'my' platoon galaxy-drops onto an enemy base, without many defenders inside.
    We take the point, stay indoors, take up good positions, engineers place turrets in non-stupid locations, no-one stand next to a door waiting for a shotgun to appear etc.
    Now what?
    You're welcome to come in. Any downed friendly gets rezzed. If it comes to it, those galaxies can make another flyby.
    Any max crash faces (turret) firepower, people placing explosives, and of course maxes and heavies inside. Don't even think about 'sneaking' inside as infiltrator, we can see you fine, thank you.
    Overall, it's gonna take a 'big' effort to dislodge a platoon. More numbers, more maxes (more resources..)

    Of course, the above doesn't work on all bases.

    Now, 'playing smart': what is the objective? Capping a lot of bases?
    That means a lot of redeploying, a lot of driving sundies or flying galaxies from Base X to base Y; one squad trying to ghost cap etc.
    Then, you've capped a base.
    The enemy realises they can't dislodge you, or: efforts are better spent elsewhere. (their own galaxy drop on another part of the lattice, for example. enemy doesn't defend, except for those 2 stragglers that keep spawning, run out and get mowed down)
    Playing smart: enemy gone.
    YOU however, can't leave; what if they decide to come back.
    So now, 'playing smart' results in only defendable bases being defended. And you, the attacker, are stuck counting down a several minute timer, hoping to see enemy galaxies approaching from the horizon for a counter-drop.

    Are stalemates an effective use of available resources? No. Not when there are other bases available to attempt to cap.
    If everyone played smarter, population advantage would be extremely hard to overcome. People would need to switch deployment location constantly etc.
    I'm not sure I'd classify that constantly as fun.
    Sometimes, I just wanna charge in, guns blazing, and hopefully some bullets land on an enemy.
    Doesn't mean I don't realize it isn't smart to 'charge'. But sitting behind cover counting down a timer gets boring. What's the worst that could happen? My char gets mowed down without a kill? Eh, My KDR is low.
    I'd need to play far more vehicles, play far more cautiously, use 'kill' instead of 'support' weapons, abandon unfavorable fights immediately etc to crank it up.
    But then I'm not playing a game anymore, then I'm performing risk analysis.

    Now, I do join squads and platoons etc. But TBH, I don't want that to be the 'only' gameplay in PS2.
    And yes, playing smart=group play. Groups are smarter than 1, groups are more complex, human groups became the dominant lifeform on earth, not human individuals.
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  7. minhalexus

    I can't blame general player population.

    I myself didn't know what a techplant did after the resource revamp, until I hit BR90 and started doing some tanking.

    Holding a techplant allows you to spawn MBTs from large outposts.
  8. Axehilt

    • First, competitive games are always more interesting when both teams are trying. When only one is trying, they're crap.
    • Second, the context of "playing smart" should be obvious given the thread title:
      • At the strategic level, there is exactly one meaningful thing. The tech plant. If your faction allows the enemy to take it, your faction is playing badly
    • Third, yes playing smart will eject the enemy from your base.
      • They're now at the next base.
      • You then go to the next base and attack. (Unless they're not there in which case you spread out to cap multiple bases until the enemy poses a threat somewhere.)
      • It doesn't matter if they came back because you budgeted enough defending/intercepting players to stop that, relative to the risk it posed (you're playing smart, remember?)
    • Lastly, when factions play smart and continent pops are equal (33/33/33%), you will never be pop disadvantaged unless (a) you deserved it, or (b) you screwed up (in which case you deserved it.) Basically when all factions play smart, only the leader will be double-teamed for any length of time (and it'll be short-lived because eventually a new leader takes his place and gets doubled.) Of course this part assumes an alert is happening, as apart from alerts only tech plants matter.
  9. Alarox

    Probably because most people don't care about having Vanguards.
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  10. vanu123

    Because Emerald is trash.
  11. Alarox

    Relative to what?
  12. EGuardian1

    NC defending a Tech Plant - "PROTECT THE GENS, PROTECT THE SCU!" while VS is dancing inside on the balcony with two billion sunderers inside.

    NC Attacking a tech plant - "SHELL TEH SPAWN ROOM. WE CAN CAPTURE IT."


    So I will farm in your general direction.
  13. Yeahy

  14. z1967

    I would say Connery but Emerald NC looks pretty good compared to Connery anything.
  15. vanu123

    Emerald NC is 1337ist QRY pilots and thats it. Emerald is forever eastern Connery.
  16. vanu123

    Every other server.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    I miss jaeger..
  18. The Rogue Wolf

    Because my Gauss SAW holds 100 rounds and I need to put every last one into a hilltop a quarter-meter underneath the feet of my target.