When will infantry mines stop cliping thru everything ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightmareP69, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. NightmareP69

    This is absolutely ridiculous, more than half of the time enemy infantry mines clip thru the floor, iv'e had countless deaths caused by invisible claymores,proxy mines and boucning bettys.
    When will this issue be fixed ? This wouldn't be a big problem if it weren't for the fact than nowadays apparently everyone plays as an engineer 24/7 with an infinite supply of infantry mines, it's insane, i sometimes see engineers not even using their guns but just runing like maniacs towards me holding a mine.
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  2. Prudentia

    who in their right mind uses an engineer for pizza delivery?
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  3. NightmareP69

    Apparently there is people who do that, i'm drowning in a sea of invisible infantry mines, i think I'll have to cert into Flak armor for all of my characters because that's what mainly kills me now, unless the devs finally fix this annoying bug
  4. Poppington

    The physics with proximity mines when dropping them is weird as well. I can't think of anything that bounces and twitches quite like them when you put them down elsewhere in the game. I suspect their burrowing habits stem from their odd way of interacting with the world.
  5. iRepair

    Tip: sunderers. Sunderers are worse. Have you tried driving one? You should try doing it.
  6. Prudentia

    the borrowing comes from them beeing placed while the player is not in renderdistance, the way how they are placed in the world, apprently spawns them under the ground, or gives them gravitiy physics before the ground is loaded.
  7. Poppington

    I know grenade movement and damage is based on the receiver, not the thrower (see - sticky grenades) but you would figure the creation of a static object would behave differently. That would also explain the giant glitchiness of sunderers attempting to deploy on uneven terrain - trying to become a universal, server rooted, object instead of based on clients.
  8. FieldMarshall

    When SOE stops "hotfixing" the game like this:
    Server Downtime for Hotfix November 25, 2013 4AM PDT (1PM CEST)

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  9. Torok

    You must have died on one of my AP mines today right? Haven't placed one in ages but this is the result? hah! :D
    Jokes aside, I share all your grief and pain, I don't recall how many times I checked corners for mines only to die on them anyway at the first step taken inside, anyway I do believe the situation has improved since O:MFG PU1, but before this will be addressed completely we will probably be better off playing Flak armor lol, NW getting nerfed soon so the more the reasons!

    Claymores atleast stick out with the little antennas when clipping through the ground.
  10. Rithlar

    Claymores are also suppose to have their glowing lines too, haven't seen them in months. I've seen VS glowing dots and NC glow hex all the time but the claymores are bugged out.