[Suggestion] When the Orbital Uplink blows up it should be a huge mushroom.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    When the Orbital Uplink blows up it should be a huge mushroom like a nuke.
    • Up x 1
  2. Demigan

    Ah yes because a secure data uplink is known for its explosiveness!
  3. Armagomago

    That's kinda the point. That thing explodes insanely hard when destroyed but has no visual effect whatsoever for it. You either get instakilled or you don't realize a thing.
  4. AntDX316

    There is a shockwave an a mini-mushroom. It should start to glow like crazy too before it blows up, probably in 10 seconds so people start to flee but then it could still be too late. Like being in the middle of an OS nuke. Some people try to run but it's too late and even some go towards the center.
  5. TR5L4Y3R

    the thing visualy is already like a mininuke ... it´s just not superfancy a explosion ...

    eh videogamelogic and the need for it to store cortium for technofantasybabble ..

    "device needs "high" amounts of cortium for the uplink data communicationprozess which makes it highly volatile" ... bla bla bla ...

    again i wouln´t mind the Silo to be overloadable for the same effect as well ...