when sending tell, or receiving a tell "user #xxxxxxxxx not found"

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by tronath, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. tronath

  2. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Might be a small bug. Have you tried validating your game assets?
  3. tronath

    Checking game installation...
    All files are up to date
    Checking all game files...
    All files are up to date
  4. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Hm, ok. Thank you for the update. Let me look into this more and I'll get back to you.
  5. tronath

    I deleted my char and recreated it on the server the characters I was sending tells to were on, and I no longer get this problem :) ty for looking anyway!
  6. Lazaruz

    Have experienced this a couple of times. Seemingly random.
  7. Caileax

    How long ago did you have this happen. I had it happen two nights ago. I'm about to log in and try again to see if it's gone.
    What's odd about it, it errors out but the user still gets the message. I confirmed this over the phone with a friend when we both got the errors. So really, you can just ignore the error message.
  8. Duvenel

    This may be unrelated but it sounds a bit similar, me and a friend would be able to talk to each other even though we were on different servers. The only weird thing is that although the message didn't appear on my chat screen log, it'd appear to him and vice versa.

    This happened because I thought he'd made an account on my server, and he gave me his name when in fact there was no one with his name on my server.
  9. OddChelsea

    I always assumed it just meant they had logged off.
  10. Guadoc

    As OddChelsea says, this always comes up if the player has logged off.
  11. Kopake

    Has there been any update to this bug? I encountered the same problem today and my files are up to date.
  12. Technologist

    I've seen this at least 50 times and for me it's "always" when the guy logs off. Usually it's when I kill guy in a dogfight. Many pilots tend to log off when they die.

    To verify in game you can check to see if he just logged off by cutting and pasting his name in the player beta stats here:

    Example: Kopake is offline.
